Pulled parts off a parts car.
Yesterday, I drove out to my shop and did some cleaning on the rx7. Then I sat down, drank beer, and stared at a wall that I need to convert to a hole.
Today, I'm going to my buddy's shop to pay for a roll cage that he's building for us. Then I will go back to my shop, and do some cleaning on the rx7. Finally, I will probably sit down, drink beer, and stare at a wall that needs to be a hole.
Joe from Sparrow British Land o lakes area stopped by with his son's grabber blue Stag 16 year old Ma driving the dreams forward . Nice to that in a young kid
Put new white wall tires on and did an alignment on my friends fathers 1940 ford delux. The alignment was fun. I have not aligned an old car in a while. They are different than a modern ones where you can adjust each side independantly.
Mounted and balanced a set of tires for a newer saab. Dam are saab rims crap. Way out of balance. And with the short sidewalls and no valley in the centwr of the rim to speak of getting the tires on the rims was a serious pita.
New front calipers came in for the MX6, pass side was good, driver's not so much, the brake line thread was stripped. Luckily the Oreillys on the other side of town had one in stock, so new front pads, rotors and calipers on the front, finally.
Also; new sway bar link bushings, air filter, and filled one tie rod end with grease. Other one, same maker, didn't come with a zerk.
Stuck a new fuel pump in the Mustang this weekend. Also figured out a backfiring issue I had....two plug wires were reversed courtesy of me being an idiot....
Installed a new (rebuilt) starter in the GT6 last night - it lives!!!
Next task - get it into the garage and up on jack stands so I can check/add gear oil to the transmission in hopes that will give me enough syncros to get to Carlisle and back next weekend. Then after I get the TDI back together (and the steering rack swapped in the Mini), I can start on the T-9 swap.
Finally have the car on the ground, running right and did a very important sticker mod....+10HP I figure
Thanks to eastsidemav I have a lightbar for the Subaru. And a sore back dealing with a million nuts, bolts, and washers trying to get everything snugged down. Ouch.
I recently bought a FIAMM air horn set from an old Maserati, to give my Alfa that Ferrari sound (Fezza and Mazer used the same horns in the 60's-80's). I lubricated the air compressor with some light oil and tested it without the horns attached. It works fine, but it got black oil splatter all over me!
Changed two set of diff gears. Not my favorite project, but the 5.38s in the Samurai had to go. I've stuck the stock gears back in. Pretty sure I'm going down a couple of tire sizes. 33s to 29s and back to SPUA rather than SPOA. We'll see.
Well, that or a turbocharger.
Swapped out the broken motor mounts on the Falcon and reminded myself why the straight six 60's rides are the perfect beginners classic car. $18 and 15 minutes with hand tools and a floor jack. The parts were even in stock at the local NAPA.
Placed an ad in the local rag to flog The Hideous Hardbody.
Cut out the forward and aft deck hatch, removed a gazillion copper wires that were stitching the various panels together, did some sanding, epoxied the hatch covers to the hatch doublers, cut out, fitted/sanded/fitted/sanded/fitted/sanded the aft hatch spacer and aft hatch sill.
This is my grassroots watersports project. No ongoing car projects at this time, other than I have some oil and a filter for an upcoming oil change for the WRX and a new choke cable for the Mini to install.
The GT6 finally made it out of storage. Before going into the garage, it desperately needed a wash. Then up on stands (since the TDI is still hogging the lift) for an oil change and gear box poke around. Every time I change the filter in that car, I wish it were RHD... Unfortunately, the gear box oil is fine, so I guess that means the transmission is about done. Hopefully it'll last long enough to get me to Carlisle and back next weekend.
It is the first time the car has started since the engine blew in October. Lots to do in the next week... but hearing a smooth idle is a relief anyway.
Continued rust repair on the lego.
Only a vague idea of what I'm doing, thankfully I'm not looking for anything resembling a pretty car, I'm just pumping the brakes on surface rust.
(Bonus points since I'm hoping for some sleeper status)
Bought a crank seal for the Saturn, moved the Saturn into position in the garage to be able to do the job. Listed my mom's 1st gen Rav4 on craigslist and took a long nap instead.
Woke up a few hours later confused and unsure of what time it was, responded to the interested parties, sold the oil leaky but running and driving Rav4 to the 2nd person to see it for $200 off my asking price. Not bad.
Spent 3 evenings last week replacing control arm bushings on my 328is. Found out Saturday morning that the DIY I followed was wrong, and that I installed the offset bushings offset the wrong way. Taking it to a shop tonight to have it fixed, since I don't have time and my club's trackday license school is this weekend. facepalm
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