7/31/11 7:20 p.m.
Fords have always had 3 separate switches for the cruise control. There is an on/ off switch (to turn the cruise on), then a separate switch to set the speed.
GM products do the same thing (generally) with only 1 switch. No on/off switch- it's always on.
I know these switches are pretty cheap, but it seems to me that when they are building hundreds of thousands of cars, a couple of dollars for a switch, wiring, etc. begins to add up.
How come Ford never eliminated a switch?
I dunno, but I know that the ancient Ford Cruise Control is the best I've ever used. Hit On, set your speed, and it actually holds it! Another thing they do is if you tap the Accel or Decel once, it will raise/drop 1MPH. (The CC worked exactly like that on my 88 TBird, 92 SHO, and 01 P71). Not to mention the wheel controls rock. GM's stalk-switch is irritating to me.
After all that I guess I didn't even address your question. 
7/31/11 7:38 p.m.
The CC system on my two MN12s (electric on the 4.6, vacuum on the SC) is WAY easier to use and more intuitive than on my Camaro or my CTS-V.
Some big wig at Ford probably mentioned once that a cruise control needed an off switch. Once it's in the electronics, it probably costs more to redesign the system than it does to put a switch in.
And yes, Ford cruise controls rock. The one in the tow beast is relentless. I swear if you didn't cancel it on the steeper hills while towing the cruise in my van would blow the engine. The ones in my GM cars always seem to be +- 5mph. Fords, +- .5mph.
Ford isn't the only one to do that. My 04 RX8 has the same setup and my wifes 10 Hyundai Sonata does too. Even have 2 lights on the dash that are different colors. A red "cruise" light comes on when you turn on the system and a green "cruise" light comes on when set to a speed (activated).
Several other manufacturers have or had the same set-up. On my Integra and on my G20, both had an on/off switch. On the G20 it wasn't QUITE as well hidden for a new driver as the one on the Integra is/was. And yeah, at the time, having only ever used cruise on a GM product, I thought it was dumb. Now, the only dumb part about it is (if I remember correctly) having to turn on cruise control after turning off the engine....say, at a fuel stop.
Aside from having to turn cruise back on every time the engine gets shut off and back on, I can't say which system is better. I wonder if this had anything to do with the case of patent infringement ALL the car companies were hit with years ago?
7/31/11 8:14 p.m.
You all are making me want to install cruise control into the Impreza. Dagnamnit.
My current Saturn has those control built into the steering wheel. Seems expensive, too. It's a pretty good system, it only drops about 1/2 an mph up big hills, and only gains about 2 mph down hills. Also has a +/- 1 feature.
I know Chrysler's systems (at least back in the '90s) it was tap Accel for 2 mph up, tap Decel for 1 mph down. How much sense does that make?
7/31/11 8:30 p.m.
my Integra has separate switches... a bit different... the cruse will stay on if I shut off the engine... have to reset the speed of course, but not the on/off
Saturn's system is a two switch system. Very similar to the setup in my old crown vic. The only difference is that the Saturn system goes BONKERS with any significant elevation change...
I like the system my BMW uses.. seperate stalk below the wipers. Push forwards to set speed. (or to accelerate) Pull back to de-accelerate. Up or down to shut off.. and press the stalk into the column to resume.
Saab was buying their CC from GM
My Astra has the CC at the end of the turn signal stalk like every other GM out there, but it has a switch to turn it on/off and a rocker to set/speed up and cancel/speed down. I really like the setup to be honest.
Third generation Accords have steering wheel buttons for controls with a separate switch in the dash for on/off.
To be honest, I don't use CC that often unless I'm in an area that I'll be pulled over for being just a tad over the speed limit. In almost every other situation, I drive as fast as conditions permit.
7/31/11 9:17 p.m.
See, I've always found Ford's cruise to drop 3-4 mph as soon as you set it, but once it was set it would hold it come hell or high water. That's on 3 Fords spanning a bit over a decade, but the same was true about my '92 RT/TT Stealth - the last car I owned with cruise.
Cruise control on my motorcycles consists of a large yellow Caterpillar o-ring (I know a guy) that holds the throttle in place by means of tension between the switch housing and the grip. Not gubmint approved, I'm sure.
All my other cars have it as well, it's for convenience. I can bump up or down my speed by 1 mph by using those switches
The WRX's cruise control is an unyielding machine. My only complaint is it pegs at 89.
Well, you only need to go 88 miles per hour in a time machine, so why would you need to go any faster in a car without the flux capacitor option checked?
My BMW has 4. on/off speed up speed down and resume
My Nissan was the same
I would throw my Mazda in there but it is very close to Ford so I will let you be the judge.
My XJ has three buttons - On/Off, Resume/Accel, Set/Decel
My Durango has four - On/Off, Resume/Accel, Cruise, Cancel.
the nissan altima was on the wheel and did a nice smooth job as I recall...
the '91 volvo 945ti seems to let the car go a little higher speed going down hills then i'd like and going up them will down shift and spike the boost...
8/1/11 6:07 a.m.
alex wrote:
See, I've always found Ford's cruise to drop 3-4 mph as soon as you set it, but once it was set it would hold it come hell or high water.
Sounds exactly like the vacuum CC on my Supercoupe. The newer Ford electronic CC doesn't have that drop.
Osterkraut wrote:
The WRX's cruise control is an unyielding machine. My only complaint is it pegs at 89.
My only complaint with our WRX's cruise is: because you are in such happy boost land at highway speeds it actually Accelerates up hills.
Confession: I have never used the cruise control in any of my vehicles and I have no idea how many switches, how it works or for that matter if it works.
I tried it a couple of times years ago - it creeps me out.
8/1/11 7:12 a.m.
I have a newer ford f150 and I wish it had a button for cancel. I know I can just tap the brakes, but I want a cancel button! Dagnabit!
8/1/11 7:59 a.m.
My BMW has a weird 4-button system, and they are ambiguously marked. Setting the speed is very counterintuitive and since I don't use it often, I have to figure it out again every time.
The cruise control in my 911 requires that I modulate the throttle with my foot in reaction (or advance) of roadway features. It is pretty ingenious really.