Why is it that every time a new WRX is introduced everyone compares it to a corolla, which they look nothing like, and whine about how terrible it looks compared to the previous car? Every new styling change without fail. Then the new car ends up outselling the previous one and when the next one comes out everyone says how great the last one looked, lmao.
I remember all the butthurt about the previous (current) car when it was introduced saying how ugly it was. How mad everyone was that the STI was wagon only, etc. Then this car is introduced everyone is mad the car is sedan only and saying how great the old one looked. They bitched about having a 5 speed only on the last one then bitch this time about less 0-60 due to 6 speed and tighter gearing.
I think the lesson is people are dumb.

I thought the model after the bugeye and the square-nose were improvements. The square-nose is my second favorite looks-wise after the GC actually.
Change is constant and evil in many peoples minds. Different is bad, m'kay?
The Fiesta looks terrible when compared to the old one.
Subarus by their very nature have been very ugly cars. The last good looking one they made was the STI 22B, and even the base Impreza it was based on looked like a Corolla.
(my favorite is the 02-03 "bugeye" though...)
For me, it's what inside that counts, and hopefully they have gotten better at building cars, because the last one they built was not that great.
1/23/14 11:01 a.m.
This new one looks too plain and generic. The older ones looked like nothing else on the road, they were weird, quirky, ugly, and E36 M3. The lastest one is generic Japanese sedan with a body kit and a hood scoop. Its too blah.
It's not bad, it does look more generic though, especially compared to the hawk eye. My problem with it is it's too EVO Xish and since people said the last WRX was plain compared to the aggressive EVO X. Same with the Legacy's, the new ones are horribly plain compared to the older ones.
I have a 2009 WRX sedan, and I think it looks like a Corolla. In fact, I've parked it next to my FIL's Corolla and they really do look pretty similar at a glance. But that's fine with me....Corollas don't get pulled over for speeding or get ricers at lights trying to street race. Two things I can do without. I want a fast car that handles well and that DOESN'T turn heads when I drive by or make me look like I'm 19 years old.
Don't love the news ones, personally. No uglier than any other WRX (and I hate the bugeyes the worst, personally). I just like smoother lines as opposed to the boxier look that the new one has.
It matters not, I'm not in the market for one anyhow.....
The last Subarus that I thought looked really good were the 06 Legacy GT Wagon, and the GC 2.5RS. There have been no WRX/STi models that I said "wow, that's a stylish car" about....that's not what subaru is about.
btw, go onto any other car forum. It's not restricted to Subaru guys. Every forum I'm on, from BMW to Maximas to Jeep to 4Runner, etc.....when a new model comes out, it is always panned by the majority of current owners. Sometimes they have valid points (as in the Jeep XJ guys talking about the hideous new Cherokee that can't hold a candle to the old one offroad), but mostly its just a reaction to a style different from "what I already have, which is obviously the best since I have it."
I always loved the Bugeye front. Though I like those spider eyed Mercedes too.
1/23/14 6:20 p.m.
There is a lot of derivative styling going on these days in the auto industry. Aero / crash standards / pedestrian protection seems to be driving.
Plus Subaru people just like to bitch.
1/23/14 7:32 p.m.
I still wouldn't recommend buying one until it is determined all the cylinders work.....lol
That pic really makes the comparison.....well on point...wow
jelly bean. And I agree on the 06 Legacy wagon, the BP's look amazing, I love my 05 GT wagon
1/23/14 8:44 p.m.
RoughandReady wrote:
I always loved the Bugeye front.
I concur, the bugeye can be nice looking if done right. Personally it's my favorite style of usdm wrx.
Bugeye lover here: I just helped my FIL purchase this Bugeye STI - fun car!

I like the first, second, fourth generation styling of the Impreza personally. But I did have to grow on the fourth generation. I think that the new one looks cooler than the current generation WRX. I am guessing that Subaru isn't making the most elegant designs, so people don't like them when they first come out. After a few years they start to like it, then the new one comes out and then the cycle starts over again.
My 2011 is a wagon, unless we are doing that NASIOC debate thing.

This one was my favorite.
I usually fall in love with a design change 6-10 years after it comes out.
This seems to coincide with my ability to pay for one, hmmmmmm. Funny, that.
1/24/14 4:02 p.m.
ebonyandivory wrote:
I usually fall in love with a design change 6-10 years after it comes out.
This seems to coincide with my ability to pay for one, hmmmmmm. Funny, that.
I used to think bugeyes were homely. Now that I have one, I really like it. It is unique.