No, not the Sting-Ray in the front. That one I can identify. Picked up the pair of these for $75, and even if the BMX is worthless, I'm pretty sure I did okay.
Better photos tomorrow when it is light out.
There is a bunch of bike nuts on here. Im sure it will be identified shortly as well as you will probably have some offers on it. It looks like it was a nice bike for its time. The flat top handlebars are kinda standing out.
that schwinn hoopty is pretty cool.
It looks like the BMX may be a FS500 or a Murray XC20c. I think the CW style handlebars have been swapped on.
The Schwinn Sting-Ray Deluxe was made in June, 1973, and is mstly original.
Further Googling leads me to believe it is a later FS500, after Sears started having knockoff Murray frames made in Korea.
Not quite worthless, but nowhere near what the Schwinn will bring.
Kinda far away to be sure in the pic but it looks like a Team Murray X-20 R that someone changed the handlebars on.
In reply to NOT A TA :
ACS hubs F&R 10-'91? white rims.
No markings on the seatpost clamp- looks factory.
No markings on stem that I could see.
Chang Star brake lever. Probably caliper, as well.
It polished up pretty quickly. I'll get pix again tomorrow when I get ready to list it on Marketplace.
In reply to Pete Gossett :
Thanks. I simply left it out in a drizzle, and then spent about 20 minutes going over it with a piece of crumpled up aluminum foil to remove the old rust followed by a quick wipe with a rag. It had rust spots everywhere when I got it, and I didn't think it would clean up that easy. The cable was really upsetting to look at, so I found a pair of cable ties (who knew they could be used on acual cables???)
I still should clean up the wheels and hubs, pretty up the crankset, fill the tires, tighten the headset, and do something about the seat. But it is supposed to be just a quick flip, so I listed it as is right now. Too much more attention would make me fall in love with it, and add it to an evert-growing hoard.
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