Well, like I said, what medical conditions do you have? I know you have a serious one, so that would be listed first, along with anything else, like high blood pressure, history of a heart attack, anything that ever put you in the hospital. Any surgeries you have had. Anything from an appendicitis, hernia (be specific, there's like at least 10 different hernias other than what you may think of as a "hernia,"), brain surgery, back surgery, heart transplant, ingrown toenail, whatever, if it was surgery, put it down and when. What medicines are you on right now? As up to date as possible. Like, if you have high blood pressure and you take a medicine daily for that, you would want to write that down. Are there any medicines you are allergic to? Write them down AND what happens when you take them. "Hydrocodone - Constipation" is not an allergy. That's a side effect. "Penicillin - Heart Stops" that's an allergy. "Penicillin - Rash" that's an allergy. Are you allergic to iodine? That's important. People who can't eat sea food usually are. "Rag weed - sneeze" is an allergy, but not a drug allergy and not critical to this list unless it is something like "Bee sting - Can't breath."
That information is very important to the first few minutes of your treatment/survival, especially if you are not 20 years old anymore and never been sick.
Here, FT, when you are rested up more and feeling better (and yous other guyz), cut and paste this into a word processor, delete the stuff in the brackets and fill it all out, print it out in a small font of about business card size, plasticize it to a card and stick it in your wallet:
NAME: (Your Name Here) DoB: (Date of Birth here)
EMERGENCY CONTACT: (Spousal unit and phone number here)
PMH: (Past Medical History... here list EVERYTHING that is seriously or chronically wrong with you like major medical problems, cancers, neurological problems, heart disease, heart attacks - what year, high blood pressure, asthma, anything that ever put you in a hospital or could. Examples: Bee Sting - Throat swelled up-2010. Heart Attack-2011. Prostate Cancer-2008. )
PSH: (Past Surgical History. Any surgeries you ever had and when they were. Example: Right Inguinal Hernia - 1989. C4-C5 ACDF - 1992. Left Tibia ORIF - 1999. Spell it out if you are not 100% sure of the medical lingo: C4-C5 Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Fusion... Left leg bone got fixed with screws and stuff... It is more important that you put it down to the best of your knowledge than to not put it down.)
Meds: (List all drugs you take regularly. Example: Verapamil ER 240mg 1 a day. Prednisone 5mg 1 a day. Ibuprofen 800 mg as needed.)
Med Allergies: (List all drugs you are allergic to and what happens. Examples: Penicillin - Heart stops. Penicillin - Rash. Iodine - Rash. If you have no medicine allergies, then list "No Known Drug Allergies.")
Other: (This is kinda optional, but here I would list things that didn't fit above, although one could argue it might fit in PMH. Ex.: Allergic to Sea Food - Rash. Hay fever is not really that critical. You could mention it if it is a serious problem for you and you have the space, but I would keep it short. Anything that you are allergic enough to that it causes you breathing difficulties, for example needs to be mentioned somewhere.)