Been a good six years but she finally decided to give up the ghost. Six years is an excellent service life in a motorcycle battery. But I've heard even factory replacements don't last as long as the originals.
Anybody have a favorite?
Thinking maybe going lithium for a little weight reduction up high in the chassis.
The exact same battery. You might find a "performance" battery that saves you a pound, maybe a couple more amps, but 6 years. You won't do better.
I've had great luck with AGM batteries and like Interstate batteries quite a bit. I'm pretty sure I got six years out of my KLR battery and they're notorious for charging hot and trashing batteries.
I've run a Deka motorcycle battery in the Abomination for years with no issues. It will even start a cold, cantankerous rotary without needing a boost.
The Energizer brand from Batt+Bulbs is a Deka w/ their label slapped on it. The price and convenience are tough to beat IMO.
Don't know if they make one for your application but I will only buy Yuasa brand batteries for my bike. Emma from Motorcycles and Misfits podcast, who has been a motorcycle mechanic for decades went into a very lengthy discussion on an episode on why it is the only battery she will use. SInce hearing that, Yuasa all the way. In addition, in the right accent with the right cadence when you pronounce the company name it sounds like you shiny happy person, I'm sold.
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