I saw a funny and wanted to share.
"If I was in a room with a gun with only two bullets, and in the room with me were Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, and Justin Bieber. I would shoot Justin Bieber, twice."
Pick any random celebrity.
I can pick a few good spins on this one.
FlightService wrote:
I saw a funny and wanted to share.
"If I was in a room with a gun with only two bullets, and in the room with me were Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, and Justin Bieber. I would shoot Justin Bieber, twice."
Pick any random celebrity.
I can pick a few good spins on this one.
If you line them up right you can get them all with one shot and have a spare incase one keeps twitching.
Well, considering Hussein is dead, and Bin Laden is almost certainly dead, that does narrow it down quite a bit. 
Bin Laden's not dead, he's living comfortably in America and running his evil empire by internet. He might even be on the GRM forums udner an assumed name.
I heard that on the Office, very funny.
"If I was in a room with a gun with only two bullets, and in the room with me were Jeremy Clarkson, Adam Corolla, and Tanner Faust. I would shoot Tanner Faust, twice."
In reply to carguy123:
If he's had a shave and a hair cut I think I may work for him.
I'd shoot Hussein and Bin Laden.
Then I'd pistol whip Bieber to death.