WARNING: This link contains red meat for red-staters. It may be offensive to the others:
meh, one reason I don't miss Irish politics. you can take the Paddy out of the bog, but you can't take the bog out of the Paddy. I will agree however, the State control nature of liberals in America has pushed me 'progressively' to the center, and right. Funny how listening to all that punk music earlier in life hasn't deserted me. Reading the Washington Post has me cringing at how they negatively connotate everything not ragingly liberal every day.
statement seems accurate.
didnt bother trying to watch the video because the internets are on the blink here, is there more than the text below?
I have found throughout my life that the conservatives think I am a liberal and vice-versa. I have views on both. I just wish that the extremes on both sides didn't have so much clout with politics.
Not so much politics as it is just plain slap yourself on the forehead, craziness. It's like when someone hotlinks a pic of a huge turbo and says "You've just got to see this." It's not Grassroots, but it's still crazy enough that you have to see it.
I have no clue who Van Jones is but I'm sure if I google him I'll find he's recently escaped from a mental institute somewhere.
I had no idea that Walter Cronkite was a gatekeeper. I guess Ghostbusters was a true story if gatekeepers really exist.
Kia_racer wrote: I have found throughout my life that the conservatives think I am a liberal and vice-versa. I have views on both. I just wish that the extremes on both sides didn't have so much clout with politics.
Amen. Finding reasonable objective analysis on many situations / topics is very difficult!
Generally, any time the term liberal or conservative is used, you can just stop reading / listening.
integraguy wrote: I thought discussions of religion and politics were out, here?
They aren't necessarily encouraged, but if you insist on spouting your beliefs from a soapbox, we're honored when you choose our soapbox.
Of course, we reserve the right to delete content and/or ban you for life. Play nice, don't call each other names.
carguy123 wrote: I had no idea that Walter Cronkite was a gatekeeper.
I don't think anyone considered him a "gatekeeper" until he "outed" himself in 1968; until then had earned a well-deserved reputation in journalism. That "episode" put a taint on his career and invited speculation on his previously perceived objectivity.
Tom Heath wrote:integraguy wrote: I thought discussions of religion and politics were out, here?They aren't necessarily encouraged, but if you insist on spouting your beliefs from a soapbox, we're honored when you choose our soapbox. Of course, we reserve the right to delete content and/or ban you for life. Play nice, don't call each other names.
Hence the up-front warning!
There are portions of the video that I find laughable, some that are salient. Unless one wholly subscribes totally to ALL the opinions espoused in the video, the link shows that some viewpoints can be dismissed as "extreme" and "offensive"; this one happens to come from a more conservative perspective.
This board has hosted a number of volatile topics covering religion and/or politics and the self-policing of posters has been remarkable - in spite of some huge gaps in ideology or opinion.
YMMV, but I trust that spirit exists whether (or not) the subject cover wheels, keels, props or other things that occupy our lives.
oldsaw wrote: YMMV, but I trust that spirit exists whether (or not) the subject cover wheels, keels, props or other things that occupy our lives.
I am not sure where, but I am going to use that phrase, sometime, somewhere.
"wheels, Keels, or Props" Brilliant
Kia_racer wrote: I have found throughout my life that the conservatives think I am a liberal and vice-versa. I have views on both. I just wish that the extremes on both sides didn't have so much clout with politics.
This is how I feel. I try to discuss things from as neutral a stand point as possible. I try to be fair, and I admit that both sides (liberal and conservative) have admirable qualities. I call myself a moderate and refuse to align with a political party (except maybe the Libertarians, but thats a big maybe). People people don't know what to call me.
Kia_racer wrote: I have found throughout my life that the conservatives think I am a liberal and vice-versa. I have views on both. I just wish that the extremes on both sides didn't have so much clout with politics.
+1 on this and in my opinion both parties try to dig into our civil liberties way to much.
In the past I've voted both ways...it really depends on the people. Just like cars, I never align myself with one make, or in this case one party. That's generally when all the trouble starts if you have too many people that are blind sheep followers.
well in this day and age of the sound byte, twit, and blog.. it is hard for politics to not fall immediately right or left. Like anything else, the squeaky wheel get the grease.. so the people that go SO far left or SO far right are the ones that have the most gravitational pull on things around them.
as I have stated before.. I am moderate. I am socially left of the centre and Fiscally right of it.. but not too far from the middle ground in any case.
aircooled wrote: Generally, any time the term liberal or conservative is used, you can just stop reading / listening.
Yep. It's like a car discussion, as soon as you see terms like "autotragic" or "fuel infection" or "2.slow" (or 5.slow) you might as well tune out and move on to something else.
GI_Drewsifer wrote:Kia_racer wrote: I have found throughout my life that the conservatives think I am a liberal and vice-versa. I have views on both. I just wish that the extremes on both sides didn't have so much clout with politics.This is how I feel. I try to discuss things from as neutral a stand point as possible. I try to be fair, and I admit that both sides (liberal and conservative) have admirable qualities. I call myself a moderate and refuse to align with a political party (except maybe the Libertarians, but thats a big maybe). People people don't know what to call me.
That's the opposite of how I feel. There's nothing admirable about either one. They are all a bunch of idiots. And now, all I'm left with is a bunch of tea partiers, and im not interested in them What's a guy to do?
mad_machine wrote: we can start the GRM party
Yeah, but how do we keep the politics out of the the discussion?
And then there's the question of being taken seriously...I mean, do our own wives even take us seiously?
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