and the writers of Reno 911 would never get something like that on air, because it would be too outlandish and impossible to even be funny.
At least it's a little joke boot that lets you take the wheel off, although it seems that ambulances don't carry spares, because they had to wait due to the flat caused by the boot.
You could probably saw through that black finger part with a dremel too.
Something doesn't seem right. Booting usually only happens to vehicles who owe a lot of money to a city. If a store boots someones car, it can be considered tampering, I would think. I don't think this store will be booting any more vehicles in the future.
N Sperlo wrote: Something doesn't seem right. Booting usually only happens to vehicles who owe a lot of money to a city. If a store boots someones car, it can be considered tampering, I would think. I don't think this store will be booting any more vehicles in the future.
Many states allow private parking enforcement to boot cars, although like a previous poster stated it does seem counter productive. The businesses we used to do towing for did it becauses they needed the space for customers and booting a car would just keep it there longer. There are a lot of companies that like the boot because they are a quick way to make a buck. They can just keep someone in a shopping center with a pile of boots to slap them on and collect a fee.
I can't for the life of me figure out how booting the ambulance was a good idea though. Even if they weren't tending to a patient emergency vehicles they rarely sit unattended long enough to cause a problem.
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