Ever have a stretch where everything hits you all at once? Backed into a Ford Focus and put the trailer hitch thru the front bumper. Ended up being the daughter of a guy a new years ago. She was getting ready to leave for school in a couple of weeks, so we worked a deal where I just bought the car, and she went off and bought another. Easy fix, but that car is sitting here waiting until I can work on it. Bumper components, condenser, and radiator. Next the daughters Saab decides to start randomly shutting off while driving. An hour later it starts and runs fine again. Need to pull codes, and then take computer, key, and codes to a rebuilder. Then I get to a job on Thursday and there is a huge staple in my rear tire. In the tread and in the sidewall. Needed new tires on the front but the rears only had 10 to 15K miles on them. Looks like 4 new 18" tires for the truck. Then this morning daughter and I leave the campground around 3 am so she can get to her Dunkin Donuts job at 4. Just about to leave the state forest and bam a huge buck comes out of nowhere and she hits it in the front left corner. Shattered headlight and corner light, wrecked the fender, and curled the hood down. Got out and deer only made it a few feet into the woods and died there. I figure it was around a 175 pound buck with 6 point velvety antlers that were already at least a foot long. Beautiful deer. Worst part is not 30 seconds before she said maybe we will get to see a deer driving thru here at night, and I stupidly said maybe we will get to hit a deer driving thru here at night. That leaves my Triumphs as the only fully functional cars/trucks to drive. Kids both leave for school a week for Monday. Between tire rack, rock auto, and carparts.com, my credit card has taken a beating.
When it rains, it pours. Sorry about your stretch of bad luck, but fender benders are better than ending up in the back of AAZCD's EMS helicopter.
In reply to tr8todd :
Your luck has certainly been worse than mine, but earlier this year I needed tires on every trailer I own, and 2 riding mowers and my string trimmer were broken. Fixed one mower, but it broke again.
I've got it pretty good. I know that. But there are plenty of times I'm feeling like I can't fix stuff as often as it breaks. 'Cause stuff breaks, and we have lots of stuff.
Sucks, man. I'm sorry to hear that. If you're like me, the hardest part then is to take off the gray colored glasses that convince you to be paranoid because of how everything ELSE is about to ruin you financially too.
No idea who Sara is, but she captures my feeling exactly.
I am holding out for ONE joyful event this year.
When it rains, it pours. Morton really had a salty philosophy...
As a means of derailing the thread, what age and model of SAAB?
travellering said:When it rains, it pours. Morton really had a salty philosophy...
As a means of derailing the thread, what age and model of SAAB?
What I came to comment on as well. Ng900 is my guess based on the symptoms. Both the DIC and the crank sensor are the common causes if so.
I always hate when I'm in the middle of a couple of projects, then one DD gets flaky and then something else rears its head and all of a sudden you're faced with the threat of trying to figure out which mostly done E36 M3 box project is going to have to be pressed into normal car duty.
tr8todd said:... Next the daughters Saab decides to start randomly shutting off while driving. An hour later it starts and runs fine again. .
I'll bet 2 GRM stickers that it's the crank position sensor. Pretty easy fix on my Porsches. I hear you have to drop the engine on a Saab (Just kidding, you can get it from underneath). Looks to be $40 or less at RA depending on model/year (forums say just buy Bosch).
...but fender benders are better than ending up in the back of AAZCD's EMS helicopter.
Any bad day that you can walk away from is a good day.
On the SAAB: At least the 9-3s have a habit of intermediate fuel pump failures. The next time it stops, try crawling in under and slap the fuel tank a bit. If that wakes the pump back to life and she runs again, you know where your problem is.
Fuel pump changes is a "tank out" kind of deal on those cars - sorry to say.
Torkel said:On the SAAB: At least the 9-3s have a habit of intermediate fuel pump failures. The next time it stops, try crawling in under and slap the fuel tank a bit. If that wakes the pump back to life and she runs again, you know where your problem is.
Fuel pump changes is a "tank out" kind of deal on those cars - sorry to say.
I've done it both ways. Safety be damned, I'm going in through the top any chance I get from here on out. Three cuts with the angle grinder under the back seat was well worth it to me.
Stampie (FS) said:Just think of the great run you'll have to make up for this E36 M3ty one.
My wife and I generally say that our problems come in threes. I counted 4 problems this time. I'm thinking that means Stampie is right, you're going to have a helluva good run after this.
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