Grtechguy wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Grtechguy wrote:
Beautiful signage
Where is this!??!?! I MUST GO THERE.
Highway 36. California!!!-(California-Route-36).html
I'm mad now.... i was just out there in July. 
oldsaw wrote:
I like the above tank graphic better but this is all I could find in 10 seconds on GIS.

Just stumbled across this. I live in a Dem state and we have some of the most liberal gun laws. I don't get what the Dems have to do with it. Well, that's my rant for now.

It's not really a paint scheme though. It's just like it leaves the dealership.
More FM4 hotlinking!
Forza 4 BMW 2002 Turbo by M4FFU, on Flickr
Fink, were you in this race. One of them just may be YOU! 

ransom wrote:
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Woody wrote:
ransom wrote:
What is this "TNF" you guys are talking about? It is being mentioned in the context of some pictures I'm quite enjoying...
Regulation hotlink:
Nope, the original car isn't a Mallock, it's the Manic Beattie Clubmans hillclimb car, feturing a 1700cc Ford BTD engine with a turbo. Bas ass enough? Nope, the turbo is driven by a helecopter gas turbine engine so zero lag. Brits do crazy right
Thanks! Didn't mean to leave Woody hanging... I love the Mannic. I know it's totally a grass-is-always-greener thing, but I can't help but get the impression that the UK has a fuller set of niches to run in for both circuit and hillclimb stuff built to anyone's particular whim or obsession. One of the benefits of a place where drag racing and ovals are bizarre little niches and the norm is turning both directions, I suppose...
The grass is always greener. The Brits are desperately jealous of how cheap and easy everything is over here. When I was racing back in 99 over here, entry fees for a weekend racing at Waterford hills were less than I paid for sprints and hillclimbs back in the UK 5 years earlier. Also there are thousands of small ovals running all sorts of cars every weekend here. Over in the UK people run sprints and hillclimbs. Because of the geography and the way motorsports evolved the US tended towards ovals and drag racing as power was always cheap and easy. Over in the UK and the rest of Europe, because we were used to tight twisty roads people ran road races, then after WWII there were lots of ready made circuits using the perimeter roads from air bases so left and right turns. Also gas has always been expensive and large engines taxed heavily so smaller, efficient and so nimble cars were popular.
Here's one of Mr. Mann's early creations from the 80's a Rover (ne Buick) 3.5V8 with a magic snail providing boost.

Conquest351 wrote:
Have that one hanging in the hallway right next to