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rebelgtp UltraDork
11/30/12 12:28 p.m.

You guys are thinking to big and far to loud.

Kenny_McCormic HalfDork
11/30/12 12:32 p.m.

Freeze plugs should make decent suppressor baffles where there is no government left.

Now tell me what you can use a 3/4"x24" piece of black iron gas supply pipe for.

rebelgtp UltraDork
11/30/12 12:41 p.m.

And we have a winner! Actually you can do now just pay your tax stamp and then build.

yamaha Dork
11/30/12 12:58 p.m.

For small caliber weapons, I almost forgot the tried and true 16.4oz water bottle and electrical tape suppressor.......

Errr, I mean barrel cooling device

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
11/30/12 1:13 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote: You guys are thinking to big and far to loud.

If you could hear my thoughts you would already be in a straight jacket. This E36 M3 should never get out of my head.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
11/30/12 1:14 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote: And we have a winner! Actually you can do now just pay your tax stamp and then build.

Now remember. This depends on what state you live in. Sorry, Illinois.

yamaha Dork
11/30/12 1:45 p.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
rebelgtp wrote: And we have a winner! Actually you can do now just pay your tax stamp and then build.
Now remember. This depends on what state you live in. Sorry, Illinois.

Illinois, cali, and probably NY

rebelgtp UltraDork
11/30/12 1:48 p.m.

In reply to N Sperlo:

That is true. Thankfully I live in a state that even allows them for hunting

SillyImportRacer HalfDork
11/30/12 2:41 p.m.

I recently picked up a Bushmaster M4 in 5.56/.223 (@ Walmart) & I've had a Ruger P90DC in .45 ACP for a while now. I live near enough to Ft Bennington that additional/larger arms could be aquiered. My current shopping list includes a good pump 12 gauge, a deer/sniper rifle, lots of ammo.

Bobzilla UltraDork
11/30/12 2:50 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
rebelgtp wrote: And we have a winner! Actually you can do now just pay your tax stamp and then build.
Now remember. This depends on what state you live in. Sorry, Illinois.
Illinois, cali, and probably NY

What you meant was Chicago, LA and NYC.

barrowcadbury New Reader
11/30/12 5:07 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
yamaha wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
rebelgtp wrote: And we have a winner! Actually you can do now just pay your tax stamp and then build.
Now remember. This depends on what state you live in. Sorry, Illinois.
Illinois, cali, and probably NY
What you meant was Chicago, LA and NYC.

Sorry to Minnesota as well :(

rotard Dork
11/30/12 7:47 p.m.

Walking into a military installation and trying to take weapons or ammo would be suicide.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/30/12 7:48 p.m.

just have to wait till they are all gone after the apocalypse has begun

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
11/30/12 7:50 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote: In reply to N Sperlo: That is true. Thankfully I live in a state that even allows them for hunting

I shoot a lot. Not at living things, so I don't know Missouri state gaming laws. Nothing against hunting, I just don't do it. Zombies are already dead... or undead... or wait...

Beer Baron
Beer Baron PowerDork
11/30/12 7:57 p.m.

Gravity gun.

wearymicrobe Dork
11/30/12 8:13 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote: Freeze plugs should make decent suppressor baffles where there is no government left. Now tell me what you can use a 3/4"x24" piece of black iron gas supply pipe for.

Actually oil filters make really really good suppressors and they last a good long while.


DoctorBlade SuperDork
12/1/12 4:20 p.m.

BFG 9000, via the Movie.

mpolans Reader
12/3/12 8:09 a.m.

If they're like in The Walking Dead, I'm thinking one of the guns I'd have would be a Calico M-100.
http://calicolightweaponsystems.com/home/index.php?page=22-2 The walkers seem to require a hit to the brains and don't need a lot of penetration or power. .22 is one of the cheapest, most common calibers around. In addition, .22s are small, you can carry a whole lot of them pretty easily...you can easily carry over 5,000 rounds in a backpack...try doing that with virtually any other caliber. The Calico M-100 is light weight, reasonably accurate, and while not something for super long distances it's not too bad. It's also pretty reliable and has a 100 round rotary magazine that can be switched out in seconds. Plus, .22s are relatively easy to suppress compared to bigger calibers.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
12/3/12 8:14 a.m.
rebelgtp wrote:
pinchvalve wrote: Good luck getting .50 rounds after the apocalypse, or even .300 Win Mag or 9mm. Good old 12-Gauge rounds come in large boxes at your local K-Mart or Wal Mart. Stock up now and they will remain pretty easy to come by afterwards. Just look for a Ducks Unlimited sticker on vehicles in people's driveway and you know that house will have a few shells somewhere inside. Plus, you can break into the local WallyWorld and grab a few boxes, along with Twinkies!
However many sporting or target shells may not cycle the action on that beast. There is LOADS of 50BMG out there just gotta know where to look and not many people would have rifles for it. 300 Win is one of the most popular hunting calibers out there so quite a bit of that out there and most would choose something smaller, lighter and quieter to shoot so it should be available. Heck I have 200 rounds of the stuff and I havn't shot that rifle in a year, hopefully finish the rebuild this winter. Again 9mm one of the most popular rounds in the country stores around here sell it in 250 round boxes for like $70, buy a load now get more as you find dropped guns and packs and scrounge where you can. Honestly in a zombie apocalyptic or any big time SHTF scenerio remember many people will be ded or incapacitated outright or close to it. There are more guns and ammo in this country than most people think. I know some people that have hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition and are capable and stocked to reload more. Even if they banned all guns and ammo tomorrow there would still be a significant number out there as not everyone would turn them in obviously and the number of people that wouldnt is growing. Not to mention we can always build AKs out of shovels

I freaking love this forum! An intelligent, well presented argument that enlightened me as to the limitations to my choice of Zombie gun. Where else?

phaze1todd Reader
12/3/12 8:28 a.m.
Dr. Hess wrote:
alex wrote:
Uncoiled wrote: preferably this rifle...
Enlighten a rifle nerd. What's that?
I think Walmart sells those around here. Along with about 5 high quality 223 AR15's, like Colt, Sig, etc.

Didn't we learn enough regarding the problems of open magazines in WWI with the Chauchat?

My first line of attack for the element of "Shock and Awe":

rotard Dork
12/3/12 8:41 a.m.

You can get a Colt LE6920 at Walmart for $1097, in my area. It's an awesome deal for a quality weapon.

Apexcarver UberDork
12/3/12 8:47 a.m.

Just had a fun weekend that involved getting out my 10ga shotgun and bruising up my shoulder.

Shotguns are where its at.

Yes, you carry much more ammo weight, BUT a shotgun essentially destroys whatever its aimed at. You don't have to be as diligent with your time while aiming. I think you would have faster kills in a rush situation.

Yes, there is a very valid place for long distance killing power and silent killing, BUT with a high number of hostiles avoidance (if possible) may be your best bet for survival. If your cornered and no other options, your not gonna beat a good shotgun.

rebelgtp UltraDork
12/3/12 9:18 a.m.
rotard wrote: You can get a Colt LE6920 at Walmart for $1097, in my area. It's an awesome deal for a quality weapon.

Yeah our Walmart has those as well. Another good one is the SIG ARs that they have been carrying.

On the subject of the Calico if I remember right weren't those used as laser rifles in Space Balls? I remember seeing those things at gunshows in the 80s and thinking how weird they were.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/3/12 9:30 a.m.
Apexcarver wrote: Just had a fun weekend that involved getting out my 10ga shotgun and bruising up my shoulder. Shotguns are where its at. Yes, you carry much more ammo weight, BUT a shotgun essentially destroys whatever its aimed at. You don't have to be as diligent with your time while aiming. I think you would have faster kills in a rush situation. Yes, there is a very valid place for long distance killing power and silent killing, BUT with a high number of hostiles avoidance (if possible) may be your best bet for survival. If your cornered and no other options, your not gonna beat a good shotgun.

I'll take an AK or AR over a shotgun. Accurate shooting eliminates the need for buckshot or a multikill.

Gasoline Dork
12/3/12 10:09 a.m.

My order for Zombies? I will have the Nick Hume combo platter.

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