Just bought 5 two packs of Scott blue shop towels. They didn't have any regular paper towels and Walmart had them right there. Reminded me I could hone and clean my new engine with all my new spare time.
lotusseven7 said:I certainly don't need any more guns, but while picking up some clay pigeons and shells today, there just happened to be a used KelTec PMR30 in the showcase. I guess for $300 I was wrong and I did in fact need another gun. Who knew!
The pmr30 is a fun gun to shoot, congrats
The only thing I've "hoarded" is berry flavor Pepcid AC. I've bought every bottle I've seen since I basically need it in order to go to sleep every night.
Today's panic purchases are horse feed and Immodium.
I don't think my wife intends these to be used in some kind of combination.
bluej said:I dropped $300 on adafruit on monday, and it came yesterday. It occurred to me that diving in to the piduino world would be a good use of stuck home time. I was worried about shipping/stock levels so I had rushed to get the order in, and I think I was one of the last to ship out before they closed their physical office (in NY).
You can build a robot to go out in the world for you! Looks like the perfect time for one of those projects.
Just bought 2 lbs of ground beef instead of the one at a time I normally buy. It was also 80% lean instead of 93%, because that's all the grocery store had. Also got some ice cream, because ice cream tastes good.
I bought a transmission, a steering wheel and a set of tail lights for my 914 that I totally did not need. In my defense, that was years ago, and the tail lights are nicer than the ones on the car, so how could I not buy them. My wife was completely unpersuaded by my impenetrable logic, gave me grief about the set of Pedrini wheels I bought too, "Why do you need 3 sets of wheels for that ugly car?"
Have not been hoarding anything due to the Kung Flu though
lotusseven7 said:I certainly don't need any more guns, but while picking up some clay pigeons and shells today, there just happened to be a used KelTec PMR30 in the showcase. I guess for $300 I was wrong and I did in fact need another gun. Who knew!
I've been looking at these for a little while now. Go nicely with my Magnum Reseach 22 Magnum rifle that I recently picked up. What are your thoughts on the KelTec?
wawazat said:lotusseven7 said:I certainly don't need any more guns, but while picking up some clay pigeons and shells today, there just happened to be a used KelTec PMR30 in the showcase. I guess for $300 I was wrong and I did in fact need another gun. Who knew!
I've been looking at these for a little while now. Go nicely with my Magnum Reseach 22 Magnum rifle that I recently picked up. What are your thoughts on the KelTec?
While my keltec product isn't a pistol It is pistol caliber and I absolutely love it. I've had zero feed issues even shooting some dirt cheap steel cased ammo. The build quality seems fantastic for the price!
I bought a 3lb box of spaghetti while grocery scrounging yesterday. I didn’t even realize the normal grocery store carried that big of a box of spaghetti, but it was all they had left. That would probably last us a year in normal times. Not sure if that counts as hoarding, though.
Scored the very last pack of TP from the local Wal-Mart yesterday, first I've been able to find for a couple weeks. When I was lined up at the register, where we were asked to stand a good 10ft+ apart, a guy asked me where I got the TP...
Oh yeah, corned beef hash. One tin. Just a guilty pleasure I don't often get. I wouldn't want to get it often. But one tin every few years...
In reply to Ransom :
You can buy real corned beef on close out right now after St Patrick's. Add potatoes and you're good to go.
I bought some bolts at Lowes yesterday. The line at the paint counter was enormous so apparently some people are hording paint.
Toyman01 said:
The line at the paint counter was enormous so apparently some people are hording paint.
I’m not sure why, but I found that last comment particularly humorous !
, "Why do you need 3 sets of wheels for that ugly car?"
your answer to that question " why do we need three kids?"
I bought paint at Lowe's so I would have something to do if we close our shop.
dog food , I put my dogs needs before mine( not really,just one more thing not to worry about
TVR Scott said:In reply to Ransom :
You can buy real corned beef on close out right now after St Patrick's. Add potatoes and you're good to go.
It's true, but I get actual corned beef hash not too infrequently when we go out to breakfast, and it's only slightly guilty in that I could be having something healthier. The tinned stuff should be in quotes. "Corned Beef Hash" (or maybe "Processed Corned Beef Hash Food Substitute"), and has taken the place of what used to be my annual Smokey Big Bite off the rollers at 7-Eleven with nacho cheese sauce stuff. It' genuinely guilty.
With the current state of affairs, this was the first St Patrick's day in many years I didn't get any actual corned beef or stout.
When Mrs. Deuce got the word that the kids would be home for a very long time she ordered the 3D printer that she's been looking at. Just got here. Hopefully it will provide some entertainment for everyone for a bit.
I filled up the truck with $1.99/gal regular gas even though I was over a half tank. I also bought more toothpaste and contact solution just in case. I think I have enough TP for about a month but if worse comes to worse, the neighbor has a short, stubby palm tree with wide, flat fronds.
mazdeuce - Seth said:When Mrs. Deuce got the word that the kids would be home for a very long time she ordered the 3D printer that she's been looking at. Just got here. Hopefully it will provide some entertainment for everyone for a bit.
Which one? Where's fthe thread? :)
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