... wondrous item known as Bea Arthur's Armadillo Candle Lube and Neapolitan Ice Cream Topping Extraordinare. This glop shot to the top of the sales charts....
...when its use as a tire mounting lubricant became known. Alas, as winter became spring, tire technicians became frustrated as the formerly firm paste began to...
...evaporate at an alarming rate. The vapor proved to be toxic to Armored Armadillos. PETA promptly...
...hired polar bear woman to be their spokesperson durring 30 second TV commercials set to air during the...
, it will be run on the beltway but you'll have to look hard to see it. The race looks just like the normal traffic in that area. Mean while back at the ranch...
... Bea Arthur has passed on http://www.comcast.net/articles/entertainment/20090425/US.Obit.Arthur/ meaning sadly she no longer is a part of the armadillo lube fantasy. So Jay Lamm...
...$19.95 plus $6.95 shipping and handling for a limited time only and not available in stores. Chuck Norris bid on it but wouldn't pay more than...
...the cost of an awesome auger because the auger comes with a free drill, but wait, if you call right now, for a limited time, cuz they cant do this all day, chucks awesome auger also included a free pair of...
Did somebody say 'chin fists?'
Billy Mayes saw this and immediately exclaimed 'I can sell chin fists!' So he...
finaly launched his "Chin Fist" infomercial in time to save the thread from page 3. Unfortunatly It did not save him from all the facebook users who listed him in the top 5 "people to punch in the face"
unfortunately, facebook crashed, and the time warp resulting from the black hole of despair felt by all facebookers after having to finally start a twitter account sucked a majority of the eastern seaboard back to the 90s. The best- or worst depending on your opinion - of the 90s was...
(back from the dead)
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