A board member recently made the effort to PM me to tell me I annoy him/her. Now that doesn't bother me too much, since its bound to happen, but since they were compelled to tell me this, I started to wonder if this is a wide spread condition.
I've been through quite a bit of drama in my life in the past 7 years, and I'm sure some of that has come through in my posting. So for that I apologize. However, right now things have smoothed out, so that should no longer be an issue. Anyway, I would sincerely like to hear from any of you that are annoyed by me on a consistent basis. I'm sure there will be some jokers that respond as well, and that is fine, but if you feel the need to joke, please also ad a serious response. And PLEASE tell me what it is that annoys you! I will then read the responses and give all of the careful consideration. One thing - I have NEVER on this board ever resorted to name calling, so please give me the same respect. Thanks!
You are no more annoying than the rest of us can be at times.
Granted, you aren't any less annoying either.
Everyone gets worked up sometimes. I've been annoyed by you at times, but i don't find you an annoying person in general.
I'm sure other people have been annoyed by me. Actually... i KNOW other people have been annoyed by me. We move on.
Toyman01 wrote: You are no more annoying than the rest of us can be at times. Granted, you aren't any less annoying either.![]()
I don't believe you and I have ever had any sort.of negative interaction, so....no? Also, if you need someome.to talk about yo drama with, doors open,beers on the bottom shelf. Try the surly.
I suspect there are those who frequent this place that find you to be an absolute asshat, but would never call you out in the interest of keeping things civil.
people don't tend to annoy me, topics and points of view do, and some people tend to stay on certain topics. This is the internet if a topic or point of view annoys someone the burden is on them for clicking and continuing to click. I don't go onto certain sites as I KNOW what I'm going to see if I click onto them.
Toyman01 wrote: You are no more annoying than the rest of us can be at times. Granted, you aren't any less annoying either.![]()
I'll go with that one. ^^^^^^
You and I have butted heads before - or maybe "chest-poked each other" is more accurate, since it didn't even reach the head-butting stage. On some topics (or maybe it's just in some circumstances) I find you a bit stubborn. Sometimes it seems as if you go out of your way not to understand what people are saying or how they are saying it. But those are the joys of interacting in 2 dimensions rather than 3.
You are no more annoying than the rest of us. You fit right in. Please do not feel self conscious.
On the occasion when I get a little wound up about a post, I just move on. This is a generic statement, not about your posts.
Hey, at least you don't openly troll me like some of my other "followers" (looking directly at you JFX001)
Wow, I didn't get that from you at all. Maybe the same people find me annoying?
I wouldn't even worry about it.
You are a part of this community that shares a common love. Keep on truckin.
Duke wrote:Toyman01 wrote: You are no more annoying than the rest of us can be at times. Granted, you aren't any less annoying either.I'll go with that one. ^^^^^^ You and I have butted heads before - or maybe "chest-poked each other" is more accurate, since it didn't even reach the head-butting stage. On some topics (or maybe it's just in some circumstances) I find you a bit stubborn. Sometimes it seems as if you go out of your way not to understand what people are saying or how they are saying it. But those are the joys of interacting in 2 dimensions rather than 3.![]()
As far as not understanding what people are saying, I would like to state that I do nothing intentional to not understand. I'm just that stupid.
What sort of butt dart takes someone aside to just say "You are annoying"? I mean aside from kindergarteners with a crush and melodramatic passive-aggressive Midwestern women with a world view the size of Peoria?
Someone who needs a public shaming, thats who.
There are people at work who annoy me. Whenever we are all standing around talking, their comments always annoy me. But what are you going to do? Everyone has a right to their opinion, it is an open discussion. I would never take someone aside and say "hey Joe, you really annoy me. Can you not talk so much?" I just ignore them, or walk away. If they cross a line, then maybe I say something if I am offended.
Online, my standards are even lower. People love to vent and taunt and troll and incite and puke out their personal issues. It comes with the territory and requires a different attitude when dealing with online people. I don't pay attention to whom is posting what or hold grudges because I didn't like someone's post. Who has time to keep track of online comments? Who cares?
Nope, not at all, I am sure I have "annoyed" people. That's what a discussion forum is about, as long as the discussion is still a 2 way street, all is good.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: melodramatic passive-aggressive Midwestern women with a world view the size of Peoria?
Just put coffee on my keyboard. (I live in Peoria Heights)
bravenrace wrote: As far as not understanding what people are saying, I would like to state that I do nothing intentional to not understand. I'm just that stupid.![]()
OK, I wasn't going to say it because it looks like I'm calling you dumb... so I'm glad YOU said it. knuckle head. (does that qualify for "name calling?")
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: What sort of butt dart takes someone aside to just say "You are annoying"? I mean aside from kindergarteners with a crush and melodramatic passive-aggressive Midwestern women with a world view the size of Peoria? Someone who needs a public shaming, thats who.
I did because sometimes you may not know that you're coming across like a bit of an ass and since I had confirmation of this impression from others on the board, I figured I'd give him a heads up.
However based on this thread, its obviously not him who's a butt dart so I'm just going to drop off the board for a while. Thanks to my job and the way my life is currently structured I'm slowly realizing that I have few real friends and little outside socialization or enjoyment and I need to make some changes or I'll be a fat, hermit-like internet troll.
So, have a fun and safe Holiday season folks.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: What sort of butt dart takes someone aside to just say "You are annoying"? I mean aside from kindergarteners with a crush and melodramatic passive-aggressive Midwestern women with a world view the size of Peoria? Someone who needs a public shaming, thats who.
Funny you say this...
My wife actually does not know how to be passive aggressive. It is weird. She is either VERY good at playing games or just doesn't know how.
She is from Peoria. She thinks Peoria is a big city.
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