Freakin' crazy. After graduating high school, I moved back down to Ft. Pierce Florida (a couple-few-several-more than ten years ago.) My buddy Eric and I worked at a private golf course during the day, and waited tables at a raw bar/restaurant at night.
We used to eat at the place next door, called the "Hurricane Grill," before going to work. Their schtick was "Dollar drafts, 25 cent wings, all the time." I won't incriminate anyone here, but let's just say we "knew the bartenders," so getting a light buzz and a full belly before work was no problem.
I always said that if I were to retire on some island somewhere, I'd have the same sort of set-up. Limited menu items, not a 'kid-friendly family restaurant,' Dollar drafts, and 25 cent wings.
A few minutes ago, I googled "Hurricane Ft. Pierce," trying to remember the name of the hurricane my Dad got nailed by a couple years ago.
The second site on the list was "" Looks as though their business model worked out pretty well, as they're now a franchise with 35 freaking locations
I'm guessing the drafts are no longer a buck though
poopshovel wrote:
I always said that if I were to retire on some island somewhere, I'd have the same sort of set-up.
Never been on an island eh? Nothing's ever cheap. Heck look at the prices of electronics in the UK even.
9/4/08 2:04 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
Freakin' crazy. After graduating high school, I moved back down to Ft. Pierce Florida (a couple-few-several-more than ten years ago.) My buddy Eric and I worked at a private golf course during the day, and waited tables at a raw bar/restaurant at night.
I really have nothing to add here, but am procrastinating from a paper that is due in 3 hours. So I'm gonna add what I can.
I work in the summer at a private golf course. Its pretty common for me and a few of my buddies to get a little bit of a buzz going in the parking lot, it makes it much easier to deal with all the dueschbags who drive Porsches with automatic transmissions.
That had almost nothing to do with the post, but it supplied me with two minutes of not writing a paper (why is it so much easier to write on this board than it is on MS Word?)
We had Gutrie's in Athens, and I believe a few are still around. Their menu was easy: chicken fingers, fries, slaw and a drink. It wasn't on the menu, but they would let you do no slaw and extra fries.
Good wing restaurants are the only thing I miss about Florida. There had to be a half dozen "A+" ones within delivery drive of my house. Of course, I did lose 30Lbs just by moving away...
mtn wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
Freakin' crazy. After graduating high school, I moved back down to Ft. Pierce Florida (a couple-few-several-more than ten years ago.) My buddy Eric and I worked at a private golf course during the day, and waited tables at a raw bar/restaurant at night.
I really have nothing to add here, but am procrastinating from a paper that is due in 3 hours. So I'm gonna add what I can.
I work in the summer at a private golf course. Its pretty common for me and a few of my buddies to get a little bit of a buzz going in the parking lot, it makes it much easier to deal with all the dueschbags who drive Porsches with automatic transmissions.
That had almost nothing to do with the post, but it supplied me with two minutes of not writing a paper (why is it so much easier to write on this board than it is on MS Word?)
Those were the best of times. Those were the worst of times. All I did was work, drink, smoke, fish, run golf carts into E36 M3, jump golf carts off of E36 M3, and get laid (to paraphrase Kevin Spacey.) Actually, I guess my life hasn't changed all that much over the last 12 years. Though the drinking and smoking are more frequent; not so much on the others.
I dunno, I never did understand the whole concept of "Wing" joints. I mean for all of the work involved in eating the damned things, I think I'd rather just drink the sauce or use it to dip tortilla chips in it or something.
Now boneless wings are another thing. At least you get some meat to go with the sauce.
I've recently wondered how a "limited menu" type restaraunt could do in our ~100K population town. It would probably be best for lunch where you could stack em up and turn em around quick.
I was thinking a menu like:
Can/Bottle of soda and/or Beer
Now that I type's basically like airport food...but you don't have to be in an airport.
Seems everyone is trying to diversify their menu and please everyone. Forget that! I'm thinking follow all the business gurus and specialize!
when McDonalds started, they had nine items on the menu:
cheeseburger, three soft-drink flavors, milk, coffee, potato chips, and pie. French
fries and milkshakes were added soon after they opened.
In-n-Out has followed that philosophy since inception. Seems to work for them. They also don't make any pretenses about being anything other than a burger joint. Sort of like Burgerville here in the NW.
McDonald's, BK, etc all are just too busy focusing on new products to look after their core products. A simptom commonly found in other large conglomerates.
I think the key is to make the food desirable, i.e. good. You also need good word of mouth. Which comes from good service, atmosphere and especially food on top of a certain amount of luck.
In-n-Out is also still currently privately owned, which I think makes a HUGE difference for a company. If ever I owned a larger company (yeah right) I would VERY much resist taking it public. Of course that is were you can make a lot of money and that is pretty much what people start businesses for anyway. Otherwise I think you could do very well with a company that is actually focuses on the employees, rather than the stockholders (and the CEO it seems).
Wow. I thought "In-n-Out Burger" was just a Big Lebowski-ism. Ya' learn somethin new every day.
mtn wrote:
That had almost nothing to do with the post, but it supplied me with two minutes of not writing a paper (why is it so much easier to write on this board than it is on MS Word?)
In response to your threadjacking, why don't you start a thread where you post the topic of your paper and perhaps the first paragraph, and each post beyond has to add a paragraph.
I went to an engineering school where liberal arts classes were offered but never taken seriously, so this idea might not be too hot if you actually care.
Or if your teacher has an awesome sense of humor this might work out for ya?
captainzib wrote:
mtn wrote:
That had almost nothing to do with the post, but it supplied me with two minutes of not writing a paper (why is it so much easier to write on this board than it is on MS Word?)
In response to your threadjacking, why don't you start a thread where you post the topic of your paper and perhaps the first paragraph, and each post beyond has to add a paragraph.
I went to an engineering school where liberal arts classes were offered but never taken seriously, so this idea might not be too hot if you actually care.
Or if your teacher has an awesome sense of humor this might work out for ya?
I'm pretty sure it would quickly turn into a retelling of "The Aristocrats" involving Bob Costas.
fiat22turbo wrote:
In-n-Out has followed that philosophy since inception.
Mmmm, In-N-Out. Did you know that they have a secret menu?
Are there vegie burgers on it?
I was unaware they had a "secret menu" Sounds like another of the White Man's conspiracies, meant to keep the brown man down.
So what do they have on this so-called "Secret Menu" ??
(My apologies if I confuse or offend anyone, I was thinking of some scenes from PCU and Undercover Brother when I was writing this, so it seemed funny to me given that context)
9/4/08 4:36 p.m.
captainzib wrote:
mtn wrote:
That had almost nothing to do with the post, but it supplied me with two minutes of not writing a paper (why is it so much easier to write on this board than it is on MS Word?)
In response to your threadjacking, why don't you start a thread where you post the topic of your paper and perhaps the first paragraph, and each post beyond has to add a paragraph.
I went to an engineering school where liberal arts classes were offered but never taken seriously, so this idea might not be too hot if you actually care.
Or if your teacher has an awesome sense of humor this might work out for ya?
Actually not a bad idea. I do not care about this class, I am a Math Major, I really just need to get this english class over. But I just finished the paper (go figure-its about cars). Maybe next time.
fiat22turbo wrote:
So what do they have on this so-called "Secret Menu" ??
Not much. Mostly it's ways of ordering your burger. Like "Animal Style" (grilled onions, extra sauce, extra pickle), "Protein Style" (no bun, wrapped in lettuce instead), or "Carnivore Style" (just the meat and cheese in a tray).
You can order "Fries, animal style" though... and you get a tray of fries topped with melted cheese, grilled onions, and thousand island dressing.
A high school buddy started a wing joint in Columbia called Rupert's Wing Inn. No lie, I compare wings everywhere else to his and so far nothing has matched up. A couple got close (a little joint in Myrtle Beach, for instance) but like the saying goes: close but no cigar.
He'd do them like this: Boil for a while to get them partway done. Deep fry once, quick. Drop 'em in the sauce, shake like hell. Fry a second time, then roll 'em around in the sauce again. Man, they were good. He grew his own peppers for the 'Atomic' sauce, they were these little red things about the size of your pinky nail and man they were HOT. 
He closed it down several years ago, broke my heart.
mtn wrote:
captainzib wrote:
mtn wrote:
That had almost nothing to do with the post, but it supplied me with two minutes of not writing a paper (why is it so much easier to write on this board than it is on MS Word?)
In response to your threadjacking, why don't you start a thread where you post the topic of your paper and perhaps the first paragraph, and each post beyond has to add a paragraph.
I went to an engineering school where liberal arts classes were offered but never taken seriously, so this idea might not be too hot if you actually care.
Or if your teacher has an awesome sense of humor this might work out for ya?
Actually not a bad idea. I do not care about this class, I am a Math Major, I really just need to get this english class over. But I just finished the paper (go figure-its about cars). Maybe next time.
do or do not. there is no maybe. i would totally contribute a paragraph and it wouldn't mention bob costas.
Salanis wrote: ...You can order "Fries, animal style" though... and you get a tray of fries topped with melted cheese, grilled onions, and thousand island dressing.
You forgot the 4x4: 4 paddies, 4 buns, lot of fun (in the bathroom later). More of a "dare" food than anything, much like about half the menu at burger king.
I wish the muppets were still around!