That'll make people nervous. It make no sense to invade when he's ignored the rest of the revolutions.
Oh yeah, lets go bomb another third world country. We haven't quite pissed off all the Muslims in the world.
Hm. According to the Reuters story, the Russians are supporting the current Syrian government and the French (!) are supporting the rebels. Now maybe there will be others for the radicals to hate.
The Yemen president is stepping down. Given their history of allowing anti American radicals to stay there, maybe that's the best place to put CVN77.
When I become prez, all troops are coming home and being stationed at the borders. They will be instructed to shoot to kill. I will close the borders to all. Murderers and rapists that were convicted with DNA evidence will be shot on the parking lot of the courtroom and child molesters will be in Gen Pop and every third Thursday their cell doors will not close.
The U.S. feels compelled to stick it's beak in everything!
I think the answer is simple.
If you supported the US in the last 5 conflicts, we will defend you, all others, you're on your own, unless you threaten or attack us or those who support us then beware of the impending Hellfire.
Toyman01 wrote: Oh yeah, lets go bomb another third world country. We haven't quite pissed off all the Muslims in the world.
The muslims are pissed at ALL the non-mulims of the world and there's nothing you'll ever be able to do about it so you might as well quit trying. They don't think the same way you do by a long shot and as long as they are muslim they won't be tolerant.
Their ultimate goal is an all muslim world with the countries run by muslim religious law. It's called Sharia. Sharia is the moral code and religious law of Islam.
They have no separation of church and state, as a matter of fact they believe the church ought to run the state.
Sharia deals with many topics addressed by secular law, including crime, politics and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, and fasting.
Do you want the government telling you how, when and who you can have sex with?
From Wiki - "Muslim or Islamic law, both civil and criminal justice as well as regulating individual conduct both personal and moral. The custom-based body of law based on the Quran and the religion of Islam. Because, by definition, Muslim states are theocracies, religious texts are law, the latter distinguished by Islam and Muslims in their application, as sharia or sharia law."
And anyway this is Pres. Hope we're talking about here. He's a friend of the Arab countries and has said he'll get all the troops out and we'll never bother anyone again and you know he always means what he says. Even in off election years.
Wow! Sharia wants to control sexual intercourse? Prayer? That sounds like a political group I know of...
joey48442 wrote: Wow! Sharia wants to control sexual intercourse?
Who am I to tell her she can't be on top?
carguy123 wrote: Their ultimate goal is an all muslim world with the countries run by muslim religious law. It's called Sharia. Sharia is the moral code and religious law of Islam.
For some uneducated people and religious fanatics in that part of the world, global Sharia is the goal. To attribute that to all Muslims is as ignorant as saying Catholics want the world to be run by the Vatican.
carguy123 wrote: They have no separation of church and state, as a matter of fact they believe the church ought to run the state.
There is strong separation of church and state in Turkey, a predominantly Muslim populated country.
carguy123 wrote: Sharia deals with many topics addressed by secular law, including crime, politics and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, and fasting. Do you want the government telling you how, when and who you can have sex with?
The government already does say who I can or cannot have sex with. There are age restrictions, sex between same sex partners was illegal not that long ago in many states. Hell, Oscar Wilde got thrown in jail for that.
Long story short, there are plenty of power hungry religious zealots of every stripe. They make a point of getting their followers to support the notion that religion should be law.
The Muslems would execute gays. Women wouldnt be able to vote or drive. Wake up, Sharia is caveman law. The tide is turning in Turkey as well. In America, the liberals are at work erasing all evidence of any Christian influence. Sheria Law will fill the void. My rant is done.
BAMF wrote: The government already does say who I can or cannot have sex with. There are age restrictions, sex between same sex partners was illegal not that long ago in many states. Hell, Oscar Wilde got thrown in jail for that.
Yes, but they don't dictate what kind of sex you can have. Same sex? Yes, that WAS an issue, but it's been taken care of. Quit grasping for something to argue, bassackwards is bassackwards.
redrabbit wrote: The Muslems would execute gays. Women wouldnt be able to vote or drive. Wake up, Sharia is caveman law. The tide is turning in Turkey as well. In America, the liberals are at work erasing all evidence of any Christian influence. Sheria Law will fill the void. My rant is done.
As a caveman I take offense to this statement, We are more sophisticated than that.
redrabbit wrote: The Muslems would execute gays. Women wouldnt be able to vote or drive. Wake up, Sharia is caveman law. The tide is turning in Turkey as well. In America, the liberals are at work erasing all evidence of any Christian influence. Sheria Law will fill the void. My rant is done.
Those that argue otherwise simply don't (want) to understand what it's all about.
Gays in a Muslim country? Not for long.
Fooling around on the side? Not with all your body parts for the man and well, for the woman, she isn't that lucky.
carguy123 wrote: The **fundamentalist Christians** are pissed at ALL the non-**fundamentalist Christians** of the world and there's nothing you'll ever be able to do about it so you might as well quit trying. They don't think the same way you do by a long shot and as long as they are **fundamentalist Christians** they won't be tolerant. Their ultimate goal is an all **fundamentalist Christian** world with the countries run by **fundamentalist Christian** religious law. It's called **God's law**. **God's law** is the moral code and religious law of **Christianity**. They have no separation of church and state, as a matter of fact they believe the church ought to run the state. **God's law** deals with many topics addressed by secular law, including crime, politics and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, and fasting. Do you want the government telling you how, when and who you can have sex with? From Wiki - "**Insert an equally inflammatory and dubiously factual quote about fundamentalist Christianity here.**"
Come on, man. Have you read the Bible? This stuff's all in there, and plenty of folks believe it's the One True Way to live.
How about I extrapolate the entirety of the world's Christian population based on that wacko "church" in Kansas that protests at soldiers' funerals? Does that seem fair?
Remember that whole Crusades business a few years ago, when Christians were literally trying to convert the world at the tip of a sword?
It's all lunacy if you ask me. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Man, politics and religion. Get this out of your system here before you sit down at the table today.
I'm thankful for tolerance and openmindedness, where ever I can find it.
Of the 1.5 billion Islamic people in the world, most of them are just regular ordinary people that want the world to leave them alone, just like the majority of Christians. The crazy one are just the ones that make the news.
alex wrote:carguy123 wrote: The **fundamentalist Christians** are pissed at ALL the non-**fundamentalist Christians** of the world and there's nothing you'll ever be able to do about it so you might as well quit trying. They don't think the same way you do by a long shot and as long as they are **fundamentalist Christians** they won't be tolerant. Their ultimate goal is an all **fundamentalist Christian** world with the countries run by **fundamentalist Christian** religious law. It's called **God's law**. **God's law** is the moral code and religious law of **Christianity**. They have no separation of church and state, as a matter of fact they believe the church ought to run the state. **God's law** deals with many topics addressed by secular law, including crime, politics and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, and fasting. Do you want the government telling you how, when and who you can have sex with? From Wiki - "**Insert an equally inflammatory and dubiously factual quote about fundamentalist Christianity here.**"C'mon man. Have you read the Bible? This stuff's all in there, and plenty of folks believe it's the One True Way to live. How about I extrapolate the entirety of the world's Christian population based on that wacko "church" in Kansas that protests at soldiers' funerals? Does that seem fair? Remember that whole Crusades business a few years ago, when Christians were literally trying to convert the world at the tip of a sword? It's all lunacy if you ask me. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Christianity hasn't been anything nearly as militant as the Muslims in centuries.
Muslims are still stuck in the equvalent of Christianity at the time of the Crusades, that's the difference.
redrabbit wrote: ...In America, the liberals are at work erasing all evidence of any Christian influence. Sheria Law will fill the void. My rant is done.
Wow, well thought out point!
Now please tell me how the what, 2%(?) of the US population that is Muslim, of which, maybe 25% (!?, probably wildly overestimating) of fully support Sharia law are going to create such a majority so as to overturn a number of aspects of the constitution that full Sharia law violates?
How exactly is this going to happen?
Don't worry, I already know how you have come to this conclusion. A word for you: Entertainment. It's Entertainment. They tell you it's the truth, they spread hate and fear, they warn you about being indoctrinated into the "wrong" way of thinking while simultaneously indoctrinating you into "their" way of thinking. Do yourself a favor... TURN IT OFF. Think for yourself.
aircooled wrote:redrabbit wrote: ...In America, the liberals are at work erasing all evidence of any Christian influence. Sheria Law will fill the void. My rant is done.Wow, well thought out point! Now please tell me how the what, 2%(?) of the US population that is Muslim, of which, maybe 25% (!?, probably wildly overestimating) of fully support Sharia law are going to create such a majority so as to overturn a number of aspects of the constitution that full Sharia law violates? How exactly is this going to happen? Don't worry, I already know how you have come to this conclusion. A word for you: Entertainment. It's Entertainment. They tell you it's the truth, they spread hate and fear, they warn you about being indoctrinated into the "wrong" way of thinking while simultaneously indoctrinating you into "their" way of thinking. Do yourself a favor... TURN IT OFF. Think for yourself.
Zing! +1
carguy123 wrote: Christianity hasn't been anything nearly as militant as the Muslims in centuries.
Really? I think the people of Ireland may disagree with you, as would quite a few abortion doctors who are now dead because of the Army of God and other fanatical Christians.
While I agree that a lot of the violence in the world involves Muslims I don't know if I'd claim that the violence is because they are Muslim and they attacking non-Muslims in fulfillment of Allah's wishes, or if they are just attacking their traditional enemies who just happen to not be Muslim. I think it has more to do with clans fighting clans (Sunni vs Shiite, Hutu vs Tutsi, Dominos vs Papa Johns etc) rather than religion fighting religion. This also applies to the Protestant/Catholic violence in Ireland; the fighting is based on the occupation of a country of mostly Catholics by people who just happen to not be Catholic, but the attacks are usually classified as Catholic on Protestant or Protestant on Catholic when it should be Unionist vs Nationalists. Painting the entire religion as militant because of the actions of a few seems rather irresponsible.
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