So I can activate/register/whateverApplecallsit my iPod on up to 5 computers but only sync in iTunes with one of them? When I try to sync on my 2nd PC it warns me that it will erase everything off of my iPod and replace it with whatever is on the 2nd PC. I don't want to do that, I just want to add what is on my 2nd PC to what is on my iPod (& first PC).
What am I missing here?
Sorry for being so Apple-dumb.
Are the two computers on a network? If so, you could put your iTunes library somewhere both of them can get to it. That way whichever computer you're on will have the same library.
Or maybe mount the iPod as an external drive, copy them over, then copy them into the "home" computer.
The iPod will "mate" with just one computer. You have to use that one to sync the iPod. So, add the new tunes to the first PC, then sync the pod from there. You can use the second computer to charge the iPod, just tell it not to sync the little guy.
Yeah, it's a bit ugly. I have my home computers pulling their iTunes library off a shared drive. Haven't figured out a magic way to keep it all together.
Turn sync off on all computers. That lets you manually manipulate the songs and it doesn't try to outsmart you.
Or use Winamp with the ml_ipod plugin.
All those options are wide open via that method. Copy songs from your iPod to any pc. Only update the songs you want, etc, etc.