Have any of you guys sold electronics scrap? I have a lot of it piling up, with no intention of going through it all for salvage. With my move to using new parts whenever possible, I have been accumulating scrap even faster than normal.
I know that there are businesses that specialize in this field. I even found one in Jacksonville, FL, but they don't list prices and don't give them over the phone. They do also process other scrap, including catalytic converters.
My biggest question for those of you that haul E-scrap, is what are the typical going rates for CPUs, hard drives, and motherboards? If I leave the place with a Hamilton in my pocket, I'll be a happy camper.
This thread is relevant to my interests. I do know that many Goodwills will take e-scrap of any kind, and deal with it appropriately. If it is reusable it gets reconditioned, if it is too old or too busted it gets properly recycled.
The Hamilton will come off your taxes rather than into your pocket, though, if you go that route.
+1 for donating it, it's not worth it for any scrap operation you could run from a residence.
Also dead CRTs have negative value, just so you know.
I take my e-scrap to a local company specializing in it. They pay based on the specific type of scrap. Last time I went, I believe CPUs and memory are in the $25/pound range, motherboards in the $1.25 - $1.50/pound range, don't recall on hard drives. Sort it by scrap type, they weigh it all and add it up and give you a total. The receipt is itemized. It adds up shockingly quickly. They pay by check. I've come out of there with over a grand before.
Wire, copper, aluminum, stainless, etc I'm better off taking to the metals recyclers, they pay more.
In my part of the country, you don't get paid to scrap electronics, you have to pay authorized places to take it.
We have a local company here called Modern Day Mining and Refining that has done several pickups for me without any hassle. I think the smallest pickup I had was 12 towers and a few printers. The biggest was a small datacenter. They hauled it off at no cost to me and even gave me hard drive destruction certificates.
Jim Pettengill wrote: In my part of the country, you don't get paid to scrap electronics, you have to pay authorized places to take it.
You're probably talking to the wrong places. Nationwide, e-waste is worth money if you get it to the right company. Of course they'll charge you to haul it off, people would happily charge you to haul off ingots of gold if they could get away with it.
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote: In reply to dculberson: What is the name of that place. I have a basement full of crap.
Ohio Drop Off, up on Morse Rd is the location that buys stuff. Most of their programs are just "free e-waste recycling!" type events. But that location sorts and buys scrap.
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