Hi, and welcome to our Off Topic forum. We invite conversation on a variety of topics here, but with the following caveats. Please note that failure to adhere to these rules will result in expulsion from the forum--not because we like being dicks, but because we want to establish and maintain a pleasant, fun atmosphere here. So keep in mind that: You are at a party. A nice cocktail party with a mix of people--some friends, some strangers. Therefore you will observe basic rules of etiquette:
You will refrain from politics, religion, or droning on long after the rest of the party has walked away from a conversation. Not because these topics are delicious forbidden fruit that you can't have because the world has nambified and now sucks, but because it's rude, and rarely brings a conversation to a good end. Besides, although you can't see it, you look like a shiny happy person standing there in the middle of the room spouting and arguing with yourself. And shiny happy people are not fun.
You will try to raise your standards, since this particular party has some pretty smart people present and, once again, you don't want to look like an idiot standing in the middle of the room.
You will not expect democracy or "free speech." You are in my house, and if you offend me, I'm sure as E36 M3 gonna kick you out. Double that if you make me look bad to the neighbors (i.e. my present and prospective customers). Don't take my house for granted, and clean up after yourself.
Welcome newcomers to the party. You were new once. No party is more dead than the one with the cliquish group over in the corner staring suspiciously at the dip. So open your ears, close your mouth, and make sure you mingle. Your new best friend may have just arrived.
And if the "party" metaphor doesn't work, let me lay this out: This here forum is for my business (wowza, what a concept). Tim and I have spent 30+ years building that business, especially the tone and flavor of that business, and you are crazy if you feel entitled to dictate that it be any different from what we, and the people we work with, have chosen and worked to promulgate. So don't expect some kindergarten "fairness" here, and don't try to enforce saloon rules either.
We're shooting for a middle ground we like to call "adult conversation." Thanks. Have fun. Mingle.
Now, if y'all are looking for the Jordan Belfort/Hunter S Thompson kegger, Reddit is still online last time I checked.
So.... you want more like this party...
than this one?
Roger, that. I'm probably still spiking the punch though.
Oh, sweetie, neither... I was looking for the over-16 set. You want YouTube comments--let me know if you need the link.
Marjorie Suddard wrote: No party is more dead than the one with the cliquish group over in the corner staring suspiciously at the dip.
What kind of dip? If its Heluva Good french onion Im eating the whole container, no matter who is staring at it.
Zomby Woof wrote: You finally took my advice. It's about berkeleying time.
Um, nice. Excuse me, I see someone across the room that I just have to say hi to.
Apexcarver wrote: Cannot help feeling like I have missed something... Probably a good thing?
Same here. I'll take it to mean that I'm not part of the problem
Marjorie Suddard wrote: Um, nice. Excuse me, I see someone across the room that I just have to say hi to.
Will this be like our parties, where people are both naughty and nice at the same time?
Marjorie Suddard wrote: ...You will refrain from politics, religion, or droning on long after the rest of the party has walked away from a conversation...
Just to be clear. Are guns (somewhat popular topic here for some reason) considered politics, or maybe just talk of the regulation of guns?
E.g. "Which handgun to buy" will almost have to have some talk of regulation in it (not necessarily for or against of course).
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