Fruitful trip today. Free flashlight, Free screwdriver set, two torque wrenches (1/4 an 1/2 inch drive) and Lights for my Jeep when I tow it.
coupons and a 20% off. All told less than $40. :)
I used the coupons from the GRM link.
I wasnt impressed with the welds from the wire feed welder. Of course I cant weld for crap but a friend that welds pressure vesels and transport lines in nuke plants could lay a decent bead with it. It was too hot to weld a used header collector, burned right thru even set on low with 300' of extension cord.
I just got screwdrivers, flashlight, 7 piece body and fender set, torque wrench, 5 piece scissor set and 10 piece T-handle hex key set for $41. Sweet.
porksboy wrote: I wasnt impressed with the welds from the wire feed welder. Of course I cant weld for crap but a friend that welds pressure vesels and transport lines in nuke plants could lay a decent bead with it. It was too hot to weld a used header collector, burned right thru even set on low with 300' of extension cord.
You know, I like to hear that a guy who works as a weldor in a nuke plant can lay a decent bead with a crap welder. Makes me feel good.
the wheel dollies for $29 coupon is awesome if i didnt already have a set. might pick up another so i can have two cars on them at once.
Yeah, good deal. I use their $10 furniture dollies myself (you get two wheel dollies for $29, so they're $15 each) but the wheels don't lock and they don't have the deep V to hold the tires quite as securely. Might have to pick up a set.
well.. got mine today. non of the flashlights on the shelf, but the girl at the counter had one once I had the print off out.
edit: also used the GRM 20% coupon to get my new trailer lights. :)
hehehe...seems like I did a good thing posting this here. yea me!!
Got flashlight, screwdrivers, nitrile gloves, a tie down and a few other odds and ends for $16. Got home and realized that I need swivle( sp?) sockets to take the front of my vw apart. Sounds like another trip. Oh, and the free flashlights are the ones in the double package for about $4. They didnt have them on the shelf w/ the rest of the lights, but in the bins throughout the store and at the register.
used my coupon for the screwdrivers, didnt even have the flashlight coupon on me due to the "limit one per customer", but the cashier didnt care and threw in the flashlight for free!! I LOVE HF!!!
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