Our house has a 10-yr old gas furnace that I've been having some problems with & was hoping there might be some HVAC people here to help guide me.
I don't know what brand it is, the only markings are "The Dependable 92" on the door. I'm getting a Flame Sense error according to the LED pattern on the control board. I've cleaned off the sensor with scotchbrite to no avail, and measured voltages - but I have no idea what they should be.
I have a steady 40v ac applied to the flame sensor at all times, as well as a -5vdc. When the burners ignite, the ac voltage stays the same, but I read a -10vdc. Does this sound normal?
I'm figuring at this point it's either the sensor or the control board, as I previously had to rewire the sensor due to a bad pin in the molex connector.
Any words of wisdom?