Barely used! Must provide own transportation to and from. OK, it's not for sale but it sounds better that way....
MSNBC said:
Among other odd legacies from war-on-terror spending since 2001 for the troops at Guantanamo Bay: an abandoned volleyball court for $249,000, an unused go-kart track for $296,000 and $3.5 million for 27 playgrounds that are often vacant.
Near the skate park is the go-kart track, completed in 2006. The Pentagon said it spent $296,000 to build the track; the official base newspaper, the Guantanamo Bay Gazette, reported that it cost $400,000.
"This will be a great step in improving the quality of life for the entire community," Craig Basel, the then-recreation director, said during the ribbon-cutting.
But the go-karts rarely worked. The six cars are battery-powered and can barely hold a charge, faltering after one or two laps around the course. After numerous failures, the track was shut down last month. The cars are now covered with tarps.
"They've been incredibly difficult to maintain," said Tara Culbertson, the current recreation director.
There is a lot more in the article - I'm all for making our troops and civilians comfortable but come on...
Leave it to the government to spend a lot of money on something that doesn't work.
If the government couldnt get battery powered go-karts to work, how can we expect the Volt to run?
I kid, I kid
Electric go karts? In a country with very little electrical power to start with?
The US Military has missles, satelites, tanks, humvees, hovercraft and powdered eggs.
They couldn't have sent a few Briggs & Stratton engines down there?
I wonder how much of that stuf was really built when that was an occupied military base with dependant families? It has been a naval base since the early 1900's with the atendant facilities. Of course the news media wouldnt let those facts get in the way of a story.
porksboy wrote:
I wonder how much of that stuf was really built when that was an occupied military base with dependant families? It has been a naval base since the early 1900's with the atendant facilities. Of course the news media wouldnt let those facts get in the way of a story.
nope, all brand new, running close to $2bil total, there are over 5k people there now from a regular number of 2+k. Damnit, demilitarize the place and make it our new Cancun It's kinda how D.C. council spends tons of money on facilities where they never have any chance of being truly appreciated - i.e. govt. waste.