Hey gang... the road is not Hwy 129, it's Santeetlah Rd, which is off Joyce Kilmer Rd. It's through a national forest, so no homes, intersections etc. It's a 4 mile long dead-end road. We're using about half of the road for the course.
See if this link works - http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Joyce+Kilmer+Memorial,+Robbinsville,+NC+28771&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=59.119059,112.060547&ie=UTF8&hq=Joyce+Kilmer+Memorial,+Robbinsville,+NC+28771&ll=35.37222,-83.90233&spn=0.030199,0.054717&z=15
As others have said, street cars are not allowed to run unless they have safety equipment. We've had folks run CSP Miata's, WRX's, MR2's, etc with roll bars, a race seat, harness and fire bottle... with full driver safety equipment. The car needs its log book and must pass tech. The driver must NOT be a novice to time trials. To get the level license needed you have to compete in a certain number of "flat track" Time Trail events (Roebling, CMP, Road Atlanta, etc) or have a road race license.
We will have spectator areas on course and will be shuttling people up and down the course to the spectator areas. It a tight 2-lane road, so there is NO room for spectators to park on course.
CCR-SCCA has been doing hillclimbs for A LONG TIME!!
I'll be there working timing and doing whatever else...
I'll try to remember to check back in and see if anyone has questions. If you do, let me know!
Rich Little