I am looking for a winch that ratchets up and ratchets down. I cannot for the life of me find one online. Are they called something special?
I am lifting 800ish lbs, think drawbridge. I need a controlled pull up to raise the object, but i also need the same click click click click on the way down to control the lowering. Cant have 800 lbs just smashing down.
I see ratchet up and freewheel down but not both. I would prefer a manual unit. 50$ or so?
Can anyone help me out?
I use one of these on the crane on my utility trailer. It stays wherever you leave it, up or down.
etrailer.com carries them, I think HF has them as well.
Can we get more in the boat trailer winch variety? I think those might work better in the garage.
Is there a particular verbage i am looking for for search lines to find a two way ratcheting winch?
The gearing on those things is often so low that they don't come down by themselves. You have to crank them down.
Might not need the click click click.
Anything with a worm gear like the boat winch pictured will only drive one way, meaning the worm gear can drive the normal gear either forward or backward, but the normal gear will not be able to turn the worm gear (your load will not be able to move on its own).
In reply to CarKid1989:
Then look for an automatic brake winch. http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200331203_200331203
CarKid1989 wrote: Is there a particular verbage i am looking for for search lines to find a two way ratcheting winch?
Google search "boat winch".
foxtrapper wrote:CarKid1989 wrote: Is there a particular verbage i am looking for for search lines to find a two way ratcheting winch?Google search "boat winch".
"boat wench" gives more entertaining results
A buddy of mine built a platform that he parks his snow mobile and snowblower on in the summer and his Harley on in the winter. It hangs from the ceiling and he raises and lowers it with a couple of boat winches. Click click click.
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