Oh, and I'm working on starting a Pinewood derby racing group via the mnmazda club. We're gonna have our own track and everything.
My plan for this winter? Slowly rebuild the Miata so next spring/summer I'll be able to do all the autox and HDPE I can afford and find time for.
mtn wrote:Appleseed wrote: Ice hockey. I stare at the pond, daily.Where are you exactly? I'd come out to play if its not too far and you are looking for a game...
McHenry. But if I get my e36 m3 together, I'll be at NIU come spring. We usually rock Saturday and/or Sunday games.
I deplore working on cars, on a snow covered gravel driveway.
Curse the road salt that will be the death of my car.
Consider moving to Florida(norther tampa area)
Day dream about what I can buy with tax returns.
Video games, time re-up warcrack...
I hate winter, but since I stand on the sidewalk like a homeless person 8 hours a day I've learned a few things. Once the cold hits I usually wear a heavy cotton t-shirt, a long sleave thermal shirt, my uniform shirt, a hoodie or flannel shirt, my heavy uniform coat, Sweatpants, uniform pants, a GRM beanie, and a nice home made scarf, insulated socks, and sketcher boots. And i go through about 5-6 of those little hand warmers a day in my gloves hat and boots. I also learned taht if you have to stand outside all day don't stand directly on the concrete. Even a sheet of cardboard will help a little, I try and find a milk crate or a pallet to stand on if I can.
Shamelessly hotlinked pics of beenie and homemade bus scarf
I'm supposed to be dealing with it? And all this time I'm merely been suffering.
I typically spend most of my time at work anyway... Being that it doesn't snow inside, it doesn't often occur to me that winter has sprung until it's time to scrape the I-word off my car to go home.
I spend the rest of my time destroying the unkempt beater Subaru of the week doing donuts in parking lots so I have something to fix come spring, or taking the kids to one of the local parks to frolic in the S-word.
This may be the year I finally buy an XBOX, though. Forza has been calling.
Crap, I'll need to swap tires soon...
Forza 3. Although I suspect a lot of this winter will be minor home renovations and painting teh new-to-us house.
Zomby woof wrote: I use the time to do all the things I wanted to do in the summer, but was too busy having fun. Motor buildup on my car this winter, some speaker building, and if we get any snow, this...![]()
That's not a Chevy.
Run, walk, clean the driveway- whatever- get out side- on a regular basis.
I've learned to reluctantly accept it and deal with it.
I think winter might be over , news just said itll be in the 80;s maybe tomorrow?? it was fun while it lasted...
though now that ive said that, it'll probably sink down into the 50's next week... brrrr...
I know this winter, I need to get a move on R&Ring the BMW.. been buying parts all summer. Right now I have to finish getting rid of my NG900
My problem is that in the summer I have no time to work on my cars, and in the winter I have no energy to work on my cars. No wonder I get nothing done!
Man, I could never do Florida again. What a E36 M3hole. If I were going to move south, I'd be moving to North Carolina. Your average person still has a flickering of a soul there.
No offense to our Florida readers, but it's obvious to me that if you post on here you are NOT part of the Florida masses.
My goals are to
The snow, cold and dark seems to be good for automotive projects, just take a look at what comes out of the garages in the scandinavian countries.
Ah, yes, the Florida masses, swollen by the arrival of the dreaded snowbirds. Traffic gets much worse, restaurants are crowded with non-tipping Canadians that piss off the waitstaff, who then give rotten service to the rest of us. Port St. Lucie and north starts to look real good. BUT! It's 65 and bright/ sunny today. And there is an older 320i sitting on the side of the road with a flat tire for a month now. Ratty but no apparent rust. Hmmmm.
I HATE WINTER! I do nothing out in the cold on purpose. I live too far north for my tastes and I live in Texas. I can deal with a hot summer because I can quit during the middle of the day, take off clothes or jump in the pool. Summer has the added advantage of being light longer so you can put things off till later and pick them back up when the sun is going down.
Ya can't do a danged thing in the winter. If you put on more clothes you lose mobility plus your nose and ears still freeze and hurt. Your fingers lose mobility and are damaged more easily.
So for winter I'm in avoidance mode. I stay inside and since it gets dark so early it's the one time of the year I watch a lot of TV.
Now the odd thing is that I don't like the house too warm. it gets stuffy easily and then the nose stops up.
Read Grassroots magazines..duh. This winter though, I have an XJ 4x4. I can think of a few things to do this winter.
At the moment trying to get the house and shop ready for winter. I need to build a wood shed here right quick though may just convert the empty chicken coop over for a wood shed.
Other then that I spend quite a bit of time reading, playing xbox, cuddling up with the girl friend to keep her warm , this winter I hope to be working on the Olds quite a bit though I have not really gotten the space cleared for it in my shop yet so if I do that means the truck would be living outside all winter, oh and we will also be doing the winter .22 target competitions at my local shooting club.
Well, until January, I have more hours at work than I know what to do with. Then, with any luck, a friend will let me wrnech in his heated shop while he winters in Florida. Otherwise, I might just go batE36 M3 crazy.
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