I have an acquaintance who sold his business for a staggering amount of money. He did all of the things we dream about - multiple mansions, his and hers Bentleys, classic cars, a vintage sports racer supported by a race team so he could arrive and drive, you get the picture. His wife went equally bezerk on jewelry and stuff.
After a while they simply ran out of stuff to buy. Really. For the past decade or so they've been gradually giving it away to various worthy causes.
Apparently Bludroptop is not a worthy cause, although Mrs. BDT did get a couple of shockingly expensive hand-me-down handbags.
Conquest351 wrote:
If I had my own race track, there'd be about a 5 acre skidpad out there to play with too. LOL I like the foam cone idea! Also have pop-up sprinklers to wet it all down for some wet sideways fun.
Yeah I could burn that cash building a racetrack with a housing development around it. I would make the houses small with garages at least twice the size of the house. Oh it would be a glorious place for petro heads.
jonnyd330 wrote:
Conquest351 wrote:
If I had my own race track, there'd be about a 5 acre skidpad out there to play with too. LOL I like the foam cone idea! Also have pop-up sprinklers to wet it all down for some wet sideways fun.
Yeah I could burn that cash building a racetrack with a housing development around it. I would make the houses small with garages at least twice the size of the house. Oh it would be a glorious place for petro heads.
This, BUT only for my really good friends and family. I'd have 1-2 houses for guests like the occasional GRMer who'd want to come play with me. Track time would be free to all my friends and only $5 per day to peeps I don't know. All the lights and paddock area would be solar and wind turbine powered, as would the houses. Maybe one of those big ass wind turbines in the middle of the property that would power everything the smaller stuff didn't. Yeah, that's the ticket...
bludroptop wrote:
Apparently Bludroptop is not a worthy cause, although Mrs. BDT did get a couple of shockingly expensive hand-me-down handbags.
Shoot. Seems like the least they could do is toss you a ratty old Bentley or something.

When I first saw that movie, I knew how I would have spent it right away.

I could buy 44500 things of gas station nachos ever month with that kinda change. Oh the pickled peppers!
$89k is nothing. There are a number of soccer players making 250k pounds a week...
$89k won't even keep my Boeing Business Jet in gas!
The original article states that the ex-GE guy is starting another executive-level job, so I guess the $89k is for the fun-money account.
I used to sit and dream up all kinds of stuff like this to pass the time at a crappy job I used to have. Then it was more "if I won the lottery" but now I know better.
I'd buy the rights to everything having to do with Nickelback, and then take those bastards off the air.
slantvaliant wrote:
Silly people. Think machine vision. A few cameras, each watching cones section of the track. Computer ID's where the cones are supposed to be, lets the scoring computer know when one moves and sends a cone-bot out to adjust.
Was talking about this last weekend.
Virtual cones. You have a holographic representation of a cone, and the sensor knows if the car passes over the conespace or not. GPS confirms, and also knows if you blow the gate entirely.
The only downside is that you don't get conemarks on your bumper or door to tell the world that you done f'ed up.
BoostedBrandon wrote:
I used to sit and dream up all kinds of stuff like this to pass the time at a crappy job I used to have. Then it was more "if I won the lottery" but now I know better.
I realized that I wouldn't do much of anything different. People say they'd do this and do that, but looking at it, it looks like you're just buying things and then increasing your personal administrative overhead dramatically. You could get a personal assistant to do that BS for you, I suppose, but then he runs off with all your money and then you need to find someone to help you Drano the body... It's just a big hassle.
Near as I can figure, I'd rent trucks from U-Haul instead of borrowing friends' trucks. I can't see buying one for myself just to drive once or twice a year. Renting would be way cheaper.
I'd buy the rights to everything having to do with Nickelback, and then take those bastards off the air.
Where's your Kickstarter, again?
Good to be the king. And I'd be kicking Jose Hernandez's whiney "can't do" ass to the curb.
I would love to give it a try :)
I think I'd buy stock in the company I work for & see it would be enuff to get me a seat on the board of directors. If it would, much hilarity would ensue.
BoostedBrandon wrote:
I'd buy the rights to everything having to do with Nickelback, and then take those bastards off the air.
I would build a statue in your honor.