Alright now that I got your attention...
They have FINALLY released the trailer for the new "Red Dawn" movie after it sitting on a shelf for two years. Looks like the movie is suppose to come out this Thanksgivings Day. After seeing the remake of "Total Recall" I actually have hope they didn't completely screw up "Red Dawn".
I guess originally the the bad guys were suppose to be Chinese. However when they got wind of that there were some threats of not showing the movie in Chinese owned theaters (they own some of the largest chains in the US). So after all that they had to go back and edit the film to make it look like the North Koreans are the attackers instead. Not so believable though I am sure many will sit there watch the movies and replace every reference to North Korea with China.
Oh and of course they don't stand a chance this time leading the Wolverines it isn't a bouncer. This time we have Thor
Could be a good action movie. With Thor (a pretty good movie) in it they might actually market it a bit.
Invasion by the Chinese of course is WAY more believable. Hell the only thing the North Koreans would invade would be the corn fields of Kansas so they can eat!
When I heard they were remaking this I figured they would screw it up, but I had no idea Hemsworth was part of it.
I'm actually looking forward to it now.
just more proof that there are no original ideas in Hollywoodland
When are they going to remake Police Academy? Now thats a classic!
As much as I was originally against this movie, it doesn't look half bad. It really looks like an update for the newest teenage generation.
logdog wrote:
When are they going to remake Police Academy? Now thats a classic!
I doubt you could..
I lost all faith in Hollywood when they were planning to remake Rocky Horror.... thankfully my hope in humanity was somewhat restored when the project got shelved... but the idea is still in the back of somebody's mind
8/12/12 9:02 p.m.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long moustache.
Red Dawn was another movie shot in Mid Michigan iirc.
Kinda looking forward to see it.
meh....I have the real one on DVD. I'll wait until this one shows up on netflix
I'm usually not that uptight about remakes or cover songs, because I like the idea of someone putting their stamp on an existing piece of wok. I mean, no one complains when someone does Shakespeare even though every word he's ever written has been done up one side and down the other.
But this one worries me a little. The original film captured lightning in a bottle. It was the perfect storm of a paranoid, jingoistic propaganda film (so much so that it was almost a subtle satire of a paranoid, jingoistic propaganda film), being released right at the apogee of '80s cold war paranoia and jingoism.
The new one could be a better film in every way (although it probably isn't, because Dan Bradley is not John Milius), but it's being released into a much more savvy and cynical world.
I hope he pulls it off. I have a soft spot for "occupation" movies like the original Red Dawn, Tarantino's Basterds, The Good German, Casablanca... films that show the war from somewhere other that the front lines. Where the "good guys" and the "bad guys" are living together and working together, and lots of stuff is roiling right below the surface. It's such a cool dynamic (side note, I was really hoping that The Dark Knight Rises would deal with a lot of these themes during the occupation of Gotham, and while it touched on them a bit, I think that part of the story was given short shrift. Oh well, it was still awesome).
Anyhoo, I hope this film finds some way to tap into the zeitgeist the way the original did, and isn't simply a loud, flashy blow-'em-up. Not that I have anything against loud, flashy blow-'em-ups, but this one has a certain pedigree to uphold.
I'm a fan of that style blue Chevrolet 4x4 truck. And with Patrick Swayzi whaling on it makes it even cooler.
I liked that movie because of the truck. Kinda weird.
When I saw the subject title, I thought we were going to be discussing "1941."
In reply to David S. Wallens:
Oh man I havn't seen that in forever! Hmmm wonder if I have it on disk...
Datsun310Guy wrote:
I'm a fan of that style blue Chevrolet 4x4 truck. And with Patrick Swayzi whaling on it makes it even cooler.
I liked that movie because of the truck. Kinda weird.
I love that truck too, only because I have always wanted that exact truck.

I must be in the extreme minority. I thought the original Red Dawn sucked ass. There's a movie in the whole "insurrection/invasion" thing but it would take a script far better than anyone in Hollywood is capable of writing to do it. I'd love to see a film version of "Unintended Consequences" but it would have to be a 1 season TV show to be done right.
Meh I always thought the premise was silly and the original was silly, at best.
As a fan of the original, I wholeheartedly give the premise of this a thumbs up. I agree with JG though, theres a certain aura around movies of this type - you must pay homage to it, because if you try too hard, youre going to lose what makes it work altogether. Theres an epic story in there somewhere, you gotta let it find its way out. Trying to force it out will ruin the whole thing.
8/13/12 11:47 a.m.
Having a Marine home on leave leading the Wolverines is pretty dumb. The whole point of the original is that they were high school kids who had absolutely no idea how to stage an insurgency, and basically made it up as they went along. They only got additional training once they linked up the Air Force colonel, who wasn't exactly an expert on infantry tactics.
8/13/12 6:05 p.m.
For something more akin to the original, check out the Australian film "Tomorrow When the War Began."
stroker wrote:
I must be in the extreme minority. I thought the original Red Dawn sucked ass. There's a movie in the whole "insurrection/invasion" thing but it would take a script far better than anyone in Hollywood is capable of writing to do it. I'd love to see a film version of "Unintended Consequences" but it would have to be a 1 season TV show to be done right.
Not as much as you might think. Personally, I'd rather watch "1941". I still think the critics got it wrong about that one. Maybe if it had come out in 1947, when people still remembered the RL stuff it was satirizing?
In reply to Will:
Yeah that was a good one however there were suppose to be sequels to follow the other books and from what I hear they won't be made now.