So my iphone is now 3 or 4 years old. It has started to overheat and immediately drain the battery, like 80% to 20% in minutes. From what I read Apps in the backround are still in use. What I don't understand is that I always close my apps and do a hard reset when it starts heating up. Both of which do not seem to help the situation. The last step I read was to restore to factory settings, if I do so will I loose everything? I don't have enough on the cloud to back everything up.
In reply to trigun7469:
It's not really the apps operating in the background, but the apps using the GPS even when not running that is probably the issue. You can set that in location services- I've turned pretty much everything off, so they only use location services when on. Some apps don't even let you do that- so they get taken off.
In reply to alfadriver: I actually always have that turned off, I am hoping that this isn't something major.
Keith is right- if you have iTunes on your computer, you can back up the device to that. However- if there is something that you are running or something in the settings that is causing the problem, when you restore from the backup it would continue to have the same problem.
My suggestion would be this: Back up the phone, and then restore it to factory settings and erase all data and set it up as a new phone. Set up what you need and use regularly again one by one and see how that impacts the battery life. If when running just the base apps (and probably email and such) it still has the same problem, it would likely be a hardware issue. If it works fine, keep adding back in the apps you regularly use and see if and when it starts having issues again.
Another question worth asking- is the OS up to date? There have been improvements in the battery life and power management over the last few revisions, so if it's still running an older OS it might pay to update it to the newest and see if that helps. A note on this though- you can't go back once it's updated, so if there is a compelling reason for not updating you'll have to take that into account.
trigun7469 wrote: In reply to alfadriver: I actually always have that turned off, I am hoping that this isn't something major.
uh oh. Hope it's all ok.
iPhone 5's have battery issues as they age. My dads started overheating and bulging, and it ended up pushing the screen right off from the inside. Local mobile device repair guys said the 5's all do that eventually, maybe look into a new battery. Lithium batteries do have a fairly limited life under the stresses a smartphone puts on them.
Was this phone involved in the battery recall from Apple? Both of ours were replaced for free due to a manufacturing issue with some batteries.
Otherwise, as was stated previously, they do wear out and need to be replaced.
Not sure if it helps, but I just did a search on battery replacement. Looks pretty easy.
And there's someone out there that sells a battery with quite a bit more storage.
Apple says I need a new battery, I see the kits and saw the youtube, it looks to be straight forward, anybody have suggestions on the what battery to purchase?
I'd go with the highest rated on amazon, which happens to be this guy.
They are all 1440. You cant fit a bigger battery in the same hole.
In reply to trigun7469:
ebay advertises new, OEM batteries. Ive gone that route. they tend to be cheap. Its ebay though, so the OEM isnt exactly a guarantee.
Apple made a great battery that lasted 3-4 years, I rather pay for a good quality battery, I would just go to Apple store any have them install one, but I am 100 miles away from the nearest and it takes them more then a day and I do business on my phone.
Not sure who your phone company is- but I'm ready to upgrade my phone, and the current free phone is the SE. Same as the 5 in terms of shape, but better.
I should submit that, soon.
alfadriver wrote: Not sure who your phone company is- but I'm ready to upgrade my phone, and the current free phone is the SE. Same as the 5 in terms of shape, but better. I should submit that, soon.
Who's offering a free SE?
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