My brother, wearer of Converse One Stars, sent over a link to a pair on eBay.
The price? Just $40,040.
You know, I said, for $40,000, I’m in, but $40,040 just seems a bit too excessive.
Looking at the seller’s other sales, I’m thinking someone fat-fingered something.
Link for those who want to see them.
David S. Wallens said:You know, I said, for $40,000, I’m in, but $40,040 just seems a bit too excessive.
Nothing like showing up to make a joke, only to realize the joke was already made.
TRoglodyte said:In reply to David S. Wallens :
I'm sure he would dicker
dicker? i don't even know er.
Sneakerheads are out of their minds. But it's a huge business right now, and the Japanese especially are paying giant money for the right vintage.
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:TRoglodyte said:In reply to David S. Wallens :
I'm sure he would dicker
dicker? i don't even know er.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
When my son got his PhD our friend brought up this clip from the movie. It's hilarious.
You know what one of those things can do? Suck the paint off your house and give your family a permanent orange afro.
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