Billy was spending the weekend at his grandparent's house.
Friday, Billy and Grandpa were fishing, and Grandpa was smoking a cigar. "Grandpa," asked Billy, "can I have a puff of your cigar?" Grandpa asked, "Can your dick touch your ass hole?" "No," replied Billy. "Well, then" Grandpa came back, "you can't have a puff of my cigar."
On Saturday, Grandpa was drinking a beer, while Billy helped him work on the lawnmower, in the garage. "Can I have a sip of your beer, Grandpa?" asked Billy. Grandpa again asked, "Can your dick touch your ass hole?" Sadly, again, Billy said, "No." "Well, then" Grandpa replied, "you can't have a sip of my beer."
Sunday afternoon rolls around, and Billy is sitting on the front porch, eating a plate full of cookies. Grandpa, taking a break from mowing the lawn, sees him and asks, "Ooh, cookies! May I have one, Billy?" Billy smartly asks him, "Can your dick touch your ass hole?" Proudly, Grandpa replied, "Why, yes, it can!" Billy turned away with his plate of cookies saying, "Then you can go berk yourself. Grandma made these for me!"