Walked out to the mailbox yesterday afternoon with a spring in my step, happy in the knowledge that with the election over, the junk mail would be drastically reduced if not altogether eliminated... only to find five, count 'em, FIVE, catalogs. Ho ho ho, 'tis still the season to fill the recycling bin.
At least none of these were calling the other ones names. ("Anthropologie wants you to know that Coldwater Creek is FAT!")
On second thought, that would rule.
My mailbox was jammed with Speedway, Summit, Pegasus, Comet Kart Sales, and then a pile of rags from "Outfitters"
Any day now, I should be getting a Christmas card from Linda McMahon. She's already sent me everything else.
I was surprised last week when I recieved a card from the IRS informing me that they will NOT be sending the instruction booklet and a copy of my 1040. I'm not sure what I will use to start fires in my fireplace for this winter, as the 1040 instrucitons made EXCELENT kindling.
I'm sure however leigons of Poor isolated elderly people on fixed incomes will hold a Rascal scooter rally in front of town halls everywhere to protest this change claiming it's to hard to go to the town hall to pick up paper copies, or that using the computer is impossible so they need the form and instructions because everyone knows the 8pt font and easy plain english of the tax code is way easier to understand than computers.
Now that's change I can believe in.
My wife's family (who we bought this house from) gets more mail than I do.
If it wasn't for bills, I wouldn't get any mail at all.
11/3/10 10:15 a.m.
I get plenty of e-catalogs, the only ones I get on paper anymore is Microcenter, and this one wierd magazine that convinces me that ANYTHING is a race car, and has helpful how-to articles on all of them. Has a red header on it.... some guy named Tim publishes it I think. It has LOTS of not helpful to my checkbook ads in it.
SkinnyG wrote:
If it wasn't for bills, I wouldn't get any mail at all.
I begin to wonder.. if I remove my mailbox.. will the bills stop coming?
Speaking of recycle bins, I must have toted 200 lbs. of recyclables to the street this morning, most of it food packaging, old catalogs and magazines (not GRM, I don't throw those away, much to my wife's chagrin), and junk mail. I take solace in knowing that I am doing my part as an American consumer. Our household of 4 is very adept at producing mountains of trash.
11/3/10 12:52 p.m.
SkinnyG wrote:
If it wasn't for bills, I wouldn't get any mail at all.
You get bills... on paper?
11/3/10 1:05 p.m.
I got some AN fittings today in the mail from Summit. I think there were some catalogs and junk mail in the box too, but I was distracted by the small shiny objects.
While not mail, The new wheels came in from tire rack, that we ordered YESTERDAY.
Just went for a walk to get the mail: Yup, Christmas catalog. But from a company I like, so, not bad. But, ugh,
christmas...use to be fun...not any more. Maybe this year will be different, I hope.
My new motorcycle jacket came today! Wooo, now its time to go (not) break it in
I'm gonna warn you guys, those on our mailing list are going to get a Flyin' Miata catalog soon...
11/3/10 3:01 p.m.
Your Spring/Summer Flyin' Miata catalog just happens to right here on the desk next to me!
Eagerly awaiting the newest to join it.
mndsm wrote:
I get plenty of e-catalogs, the only ones I get on paper anymore is Microcenter, and this one wierd magazine that convinces me that ANYTHING is a race car, and has helpful how-to articles on all of them. Has a red header on it.... some guy named Tim publishes it I think. It has LOTS of not helpful to my checkbook ads in it.
That sounds like some sort of cult publication. You might want to read every word of it and then google it to verify the information.
11/3/10 3:37 p.m.
Derick Freese wrote:
mndsm wrote:
I get plenty of e-catalogs, the only ones I get on paper anymore is Microcenter, and this one wierd magazine that convinces me that ANYTHING is a race car, and has helpful how-to articles on all of them. Has a red header on it.... some guy named Tim publishes it I think. It has LOTS of not helpful to my checkbook ads in it.
That sounds like some sort of cult publication. You might want to read every word of it and then google it to verify the information.
It HAS to me. Something about P71, MX-5, LS1... what are these? Coordinates to some unknown nebula? Am I supposed to use these as lotto numbers? WHAT IS THE ANSWER?????
/me runs to the most recent revision of that cult publication for clarification.
I wouldn't say too much about that magazine. I just looked it up, and it seems that we may very much be in danger of becoming part of a patio expansion.
11/3/10 4:39 p.m.
Patio expansion? I do believe I fear for my life at this point.
Oh well. I hear the dark side has cookies. I like cookies. 'Specially oatmeal raisin.
11/3/10 5:57 p.m.
I don't get much junk in my real mailbox.
But my virtual one is regularly blessed with such gems as "Swell your sausage"
I too get that crazy rag once a month that claims Miatas make good sports cars. Ha! What do they know?!
We've gotten a lot of catalogs recently too. Usuallly places I've never ordered anything from. Only going to get worse.
There's also about 6 phone books at the end of the driveway, and they've been there for 3 months...before that there were only 4 of them. I guess they thought our neighbors and us didn't see the other 4, so dropped off 2 more.
Lesley wrote:
I don't get much junk in my real mailbox.
But my virtual one is regularly blessed with such gems as "Swell your sausage"
sorry, Lesley, I thought I was sending those to my mom.
I once bought a shirt at casual mail, because I'm casual. Now I keep getting catalogs. Soon the mailman is going to think I'm fat or something.
In reply to Lesley:
Just mark it "Return to Sender" and explain that you have driven a Porsche, and therefore don't need said sausage.