Sorry you read sexual orientation into it. I just re-read the whole thread and honestly did not see anywhere where anyone accused him of being gay. One post asked the question, but stopped short of accusing.
I respect your position, and agree. I am not looking to ascribe sexual orientation to mannerisms.
If I thought he was gay, this would be a bit easier.
He is possibly a repressed homosexual who is seeking a suitor because he wants children. It happens - family is a powerful draw. Flag and jesus loving Marines are not necessarily straight men. Where else can you guarantee a fairly flamboyant matching outfit, shiny shoes and impeccable attention to personal detail than an assembly of Marines in full dress uniforms?
On the other hand... maybe not. Some guys just like to dress well and groom a bit. I have a bit of a thing for attractive younger women 'msef. Mayhap your own predjudices and father-protection genes are setting off the gaydar?
Maybe it's because I work at the intersection of Sodom and Gomorrah but I wouldn't let the Metrosexual personality bother you too much, at least he's not one of those damn hipsters. I know a few and they are good guys, even if I don't reaslly understand them. Some are ex military and one is studing in bible college so that's not too far fetched either. The age difference would bother me if it were my kid. Maybe with your daughter traveling to Asia for a year it will be a self correcting problem anyway.
I just ran this past my wife and her 40yo daughter. They both suggest that you be supportive of your daughter and be there for her when the crash comes. Not necessarily my feelings, just put it out there as coming from the female side.
Sounds like too much is being read into by people making comments.
Truth is, there's probably nothing to this. The only thing I see as odd is the age difference. Chances are that this guy takes enough E36 M3 for being different already that he doesn't need any more from it.
Invite him over to work on cars, shoot guns, have a beer, whatever tickles your fancy, and see who this guy really is.
BTW, my father-in-law mentioned it to my brother-in-law at my wedding that he was concerned that I was gay. That was almost 3 years ago, and last time I checked, I'm still not gay. I still have the hair past my shoulders, and I still go to see musicals. Hell, I just surprised my wife about my knowledge of the movie "Dirty Dancing".
N Sperlo wrote: In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker: The E30 of Doom should be enough to scare them away.
Actually, I've pretty-ed it up a bit and given it a manicure. Matching stickers and everything.
You guys are funny on age. I'm not really concerned about age differences.
I'm more concerned with confused people who pose as something they are not.
SVreX wrote: You guys are funny on age.
Think about the site you are posting on. Is age the only thing were funny on?
Have you talked at all with your daughter about this fellow? (concerning what we've been talking about)
Sounds to me like he is terribly insecure. I think the flamboyancy and being dominant in conversation may be a defense mechanism. He may not have bad intentions, but that doesn't make him a healthy person to be around either, especially with the clingy aspect.
Talk to your daughter about it. Don't mention that he creeps you out, don't offer any opinions at all. Girls love guys their Dad's hate. Get a feel for her side and report back.
ECM: That's my concern. He appears to be posturing to hide his insecurities.
I've talked with my daughter. The problem is that she's pretty emotionally wrapped up in being away for a year, and vulnerable.
She said that she always wanted to be pursued, and that he's the first guy who really did it. That's not a very satisfying answer for me, but I understand she's a bit of an emotional basket case right now. It's also a bit of selective memory- there have been others who pursued her.
I think her vision is a bit clouded by her feelings of fear and loneliness as she gets ready to leave.
You know that's what I like about video games, you can restart them and don't have to live thru the drama
SVreX wrote: She said that she always wanted to be pursued, and that he's the first guy who really did it.
That's dangerous right there. She shouldn't just fall for the guy because he's the first one that came along. I am not sure how to solve that one, though, as people differ quite a bit. My oldest is three, so I have some time to figure it out. He's also a boy, so I can just smack him (I am joking, do not call DSS) if he gets out of line with a girl at that age.
Someone mentioned asking some family members and their response was to be there when it was all over and done with. The fact that she is so emotional is where they are coming from. Sounds like emotions are running things. When that happens to us, I think they say that the "little head is running things."
Most of here are guys whose minds function on logic and reason. We have to realize that girls, women, often function from a much more emotional level. Just keep that in mind when analyzing this. Ladies, if you disagree, chime in.
tuna55 wrote:SVreX wrote: She said that she always wanted to be pursued, and that he's the first guy who really did it.That's dangerous right there. She shouldn't just fall for the guy because he's the first one that came along. I am not sure how to solve that one, though, as people differ quite a bit.
I agree.
Feels like we're missing part of the picture. How soon does she leave? Where in asia? What sort of internship?
My best friend who grew up very close with his family moved to HK for a two year work contract at the same age as your daughter.
I think that situation will dictate a lot of what can/could/should happen now and what will continue over that year. Let me know if you or she would want to chat with my friend. I'm sure he'd be happy to.
In reply to SVreX:
he is gay and the marines/god tell him it is wrong so he is trying to be not gay by getting with your daughter. but you can't un-gay yourself. it's like i can't just go "hey i love penis i'm gay now"
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: He is possibly a repressed homosexual who is seeking a suitor because he wants children. It happens - family is a powerful draw. Flag and jesus loving Marines are not necessarily straight men. Where else can you guarantee a fairly flamboyant matching outfit, shiny shoes and impeccable attention to personal detail than an assembly of Marines in full dress uniforms? On the other hand... maybe not. Some guys just like to dress well and groom a bit. I have a bit of a thing for attractive younger women 'msef. Mayhap your own predjudices and father-protection genes are setting off the gaydar?
That's what I was thinking. As a very Metro man myself, I love shopping, shoes, and looking my best but I am decidedly straight. The overzealous flowers and poems are sometimes an indicator of over-proving heterosexuality that he wants others to believe.
I won't ask questions you don't want to answer, but is there a disparity in appearances? Is one of them notably better looking than the other? The reason I ask is if the Metro man is decidedly more attractive, its another sign of homosexuality. I won't get into the fag-hag description (nor am I suggesting that your daughter is one) but its well-documented. In the Gay community, the fag-hag is actually a big compliment and an honored position.
I guess its hard to tell and there are always a few thousand sides to the story, but here is a tutorial that might help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e89sNRu5PIQ
Thanks for the input, Curtis, but my daughter is a knockout.
Not just Dad-talk- several board members have met her and would agree (if they know what is good for them ).
I would say that he's not bad looking either, if you've got a thing for bald headed metro guys.
SVreX wrote: She left on Fri. She's working under a Fulbright Scholarship.
That tells me he's bad news right now no matter what he's like. Purely because of the situation, his tendencies are moot. I'd mostly be worried about him being a time and emotional distraction while shes supposed to be immersing (sp?) Herself into her work. Depending where she is over there, she could be a hot-ticket with lots of attention or completely deffered to leaving her potentially lonely. Sounds like the latter is what you're worried about and having this guy constantly trying for her attention there will be like constantly picking the scab of a wound. Not sure what the advice would be in that situation. So many ways for it to blow up in your face if you get it wrong.
Congrats on raising an amazing daughter, though! 8)
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