Dr. Hess wrote:
Atheism is a religion too. It is a very intolerant region. Atheist go through life with their own set of blinders on. Tell one that's his religion and he usually gets all bent out of shape saying "No it's not, because, that's why, just because, and, and, science." Then they start name calling.
Yet, somehow I've managed not to call you a name, even though (from my point of view) you've made the mistake of calling "bald" a color of hair.
Seriously though, Doc..it's really difficult for an atheist to describe atheism to someone who takes their theism seriously. I actually don't know if I can do it without insulting you, because I really don't know what constitutes an "insult" to a theist that I respect. Just as you don't understand that your "atheism is a religion" is an insult to those of us who live without a religion, my usual reply to that comment on my atheist newsgroups and online bulletin boards is often considered an equally offensive insult to theists. Over on those boards, we often say that theists do not understand how we view religion. To most theists, religion is such an important part of their lives that they wonder with what we've "replaced" it. It is very difficult to explain that to most atheists, there is no need for a "replacement". I must admit..my usual reply over in the other groups is to ask them which disease they would like to replace their cancer/appendicitis/etc.
There's also another societal "thing" going on with discussion of theism & atheism in the US..unlike most of the atheists in Western Europe or Japan, most atheists in the US were once actually theists (personally, I was once a Christian). Some of my less mellow atheist friends & loved ones (especially the young people..you wouldn't like to hear the things that SHMBO, my daughter, and many of their friends say about the religion of their parents) don't seem to be able just to enjoy their new freedom and let things go..they actually wish to find some way to "punish" their parents, etc. in some sort of search for revenge. Personally, I think such behavior is a "fool's errand", but since they do not agree with me..they do not.
Anyhow...as far as burning books? I'm for it. I'm an American. I still think that it's the speech we disagree with the most that must have the most "protection". Any idiot who burns a book will simply inspire people who can actually think to find a copy of the book and read it. They can't burn them all..
Trust me, DrHess...if I merely "dislike" Christianity...I absolutely HATE Islam. It would give me "warm fuzzies" inside to see a copy of the Qu'ran smoldering like the tip of my "fire safe" cigarette. OTOH, I've got friends with kids serving in Afghanistan, and have to admit that even though I personally have outgrown supernatural nonsense..most of the world hasn't. It makes me angry that I can't apply American principles to the arsehole of the world, but I'd rather have my friends kids come home alive.
And yes, as an atheist..I'm reallly pretty angry that so much of the discussion about the various reasons for human conflict in the Mid-East is disguised in the terms of religious "belief", instead of being accepted as the realistic "you have what I want" that is the actual source of conflict.