The fairness of voting has its limitations…just ask two wolves and a lamb what should be for lunch.
Pending Bans on Fishing
I’ve got to say, Obama has an amazing propensity for eating away at the things I care about in totally unforeseen ways.
It seems like every week some horrible change that I’m diametrically apposed to comes from his desk…destroy the space program…outlaw fishing…etc, etc, etc.
Stop…please, please stop
While I agree that this sucks, it does give me a certain satisfaction that it will get the Trout Unlimited guys who were instrumental in shutting down the Tellico OHV area. shiny happy persons.
Wow most of my family will be completely pissed when they find out about this one. We have all been fishing for as long as any of us can remember. We have actually planned on going several times this year.
Wow that is ridiculous. So much for change we can all believe in.
96DXCivic wrote:
Wow that is ridiculous. So much for change we can all believe in.
No one ever bothered to ask what was Changing.
And no one ever said it would be something you could believe in.
theee fuuuu....

Half the summer economy in the area my moms house is in comes from fishing. Bass tournaments, etc.. if that is outlawed...
I have a hard time seeing that going through, but have so little faith in the govt that I genuinely fear that it could.
And here I have been daydreaming about going fishing for the last several weeks to end the winter blues (planning, up where the lake is there are still snow drifts on the sides of the road taller then our Explorer)
I really can't see this going thru without a major revolt on the part of the people. While I'm not an avid fisherman nor do I participate in tournaments I think this is one of those little rights that would really shake up the people.
this could be all that's needed to insure someone else in the WH in '12 
3/9/10 7:12 p.m.
What would this do to the [tourist] economies of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota.... On the other hand, Canada would be getting a good deal of the folks who really want to fish.
I've already got three trips planned for this year, one to Canada (which wouldn't change) and two to Michigan/Wisconsin. Been fishing there for as long as I can remember.
Ninja of the future.
There are a bunch of news stories out there right now debunking the SI story.
I can imagine them maybe trying to toughen up rules for commercial fishing, but I seriously doubt any senator or congressman in the country would ever dare to vote for a ban on recreational fishing - they'd be crucified at home.
I really don't see where any of what was discussed is leading to fishing being outlawed. I DO see where a "journalist" used a heapin' helpin' of conjecture to manufacture a highly unlikely scenario.
Honestly, I'm surprised so many media sources are picking up this same story. It reads like propaganda or a press release, not actual news reporting.
Sorry, but this just sounds like a weird and random way for some organization to stick it to a president they don't like.
Of course, some time down the road you all can feel free to mock me when I make my "They came for the fishing poles, and I did nothing, for I did not fish" post.
We're way to late to mock you for something as "little" as fishin' poles, we've got too many bigger fish to fry in many other arenas.
In reply to JG Pasterjak:
Gee, ESPN angling for "sensationalism", who da thunk?
Recreational fishing isn't going away, but look for increased licensing fees to preserve habitats of the "finned" persuasion - and everything else mentioned on a budget.
Mmm. Misrepresentation of the facts. My wife is a commercial waterman, she's the one that's being hit, not your ordinary citizen. Nothing new about this either, and it's not Obama, it goes back further.
This does sound a bit like the "fact" that he's coming for your guns...
...I guess this means there will be a run on Walmarts fishing supplies, better start hoarding now before it is too late!
Does that mean Walmart will remove all fishing poles and hooks now.
Majority rules= mob rules. That is why we purportedly live in a representative republic.
Tom Heath
Marketing / Club Coordinator
3/9/10 10:39 p.m.
I've gotten into the (bad) habit of checking the comments at the end of online news articles.
One of the best I've ever seen was at the end of this one.
jmogerman wrote...
Folks, I've read this doc. Apparently Robert Montgomery hasn't because there is nothing in there about fishing. NOTHING. This thing is straight out lies. Ugly fear mongering that is all about politics and having nothing to do with fishing. Don't fall for it.
Not taking comment? That's because the comment period has ended. Its been going for months and they've held public hearings on this all over the country (Anchorage, Cleveland, San Francisco, New Orleans, Providence, and Honalulu)
And really, he doesn't even explain how this would impact fishing---because it won't. In fact, if you are a fisherman, this should be something you would back. Its about cleaner water and protecting fish stocks to ensure that they will be around for generations.
Don't take my word for it. And certainly don't take Montgomery's. Read it for yourself:
I hope some folks will take moment to glance at the doc and realize they've been had...
I still want those Trout Unlimited douche bags to get theirs.
This is giving mob a bad name.
So I just read thru the 38 pages of that document and there is nothing about getting rid of fishing.
I really want to know where the people who wrote that article came up with that claim. Has anyone else read it?