In reply to Woody :
Spider-Man doesn’t worry me as much as four Elmos working the same corner.
mtn said:I'll be honest, unless you really, seriously, definitely are going to track it at least 3 times a season... I don't like the roll bar. It makes it just that much harder to put the top up and down. Since I don't track my cars, at least not yet, it is just in the way for me. Also makes it harder to load a hockey stick into the car.
I do like the looks of the Boss Frog Double Hoop setup for that reason. And I like the double hoop look too. (Not a huge fan of the hard dog double hoop look though, too audi TT or something...)
I told a guy yesterday that i wouldn't sell him something at full asking price because he was a dick. I may also have insinuated that if he didn't stop talking, i would inflict bodily harm.
I might have overreacted last week in the rants thread. I'm not loosing my job. In fact we are swamped, as our main competitor keeled over dead. I'm still loosing a place to live, but may friends came to the rescue with couches to sleep on. It appears my integrity is paying off.
In reply to Appleseed :
Nice on the job front that you are still employed, maybe that will help in finding a place? Good luck
warpedredneck said:In reply to SaltyDog :
i actually have done this, right in front of the shiny happy person
So have i.
The Good:
My father, after buying a slightly newer one 2008, gave us his 05 9-3 vert. He said it would be cool if it was our oldest son's first car who turns 15 this week.
The Confession:
The car has 240K miles on it. My dad did take care of it, he got it with 50K miles on it, and it is in over all good shape. In the 3 weeks we have had it I have put new headlight fi assemblies in it, replaced the shift boot, replaced the blower motor and now it looks like it needs a new battery. With the miles on it these things don't bother me, what bothers me is my wife testing my dad every time something goes wrong to ask him about it. He gave us a 13 year old car with almost a quarter million miles on it, leave the poor man alone.
When I saw a member here had a "timeout," I had to go find the thread that was the cause of the problems. I can't say I'm surprised, but it's also disappointing. My confession is just that, for some reason, I feel driven to read the drama. I hadn't even been in the thread before seeing the timeout mentioned elsewhere.
I write Supernatural fanfiction/gay porn. I even got one of my fics (108,000+ words) published. I'm a total shipper-Destiel, Sabriel, and Team Free Will/Team Free Love.
I have a desire to find the drama dculberson refers to. I also wonder what it takes to get a timeout if I haven't gotten one yet.
Appleseed said:Truth is this place is a great support network.
Let me know if you need a couch (or a real bed). I know we're on the other side of the city, but just in case you get in a jam.
Dusterbd13 said:I had to go and find it. Don't bother it just pissed me off.
Right on. I don't know why I had to find it; I missed it when it happened and should have been happy to have missed it. @Stampie: Just being rude, dismissive, and mean to other members seems to be the ticket. I can't say I've never done it, but when called on it I tend to realize the error of my ways. Others are not so quick on the uptake.
In reply to dculberson :
Far better to watch someone else's train wreck from, afar, rather than being involved the derailment.
Robbie said:Appleseed said:Truth is this place is a great support network.
Let me know if you need a couch (or a real bed). I know we're on the other side of the city, but just in case you get in a jam.
Proof of my earlier statement.
I’m trying to declutter the house, but in the last week since I had surgery and can’t lift anything over 8 lbs (thus can’t really work on cars), I’ve bought several Hot Wheels, ordered a die cast WRX, and bought the LEGO VW Beetle.
I’ve also watched all of released episodes of season 7 of Roadkill, and some other stuff on Motor Trend Online instead of doing much productive around the house.
dculberson said:When I saw a member here had a "timeout," I had to go find the thread that was the cause of the problems. I can't say I'm surprised, but it's also disappointing. My confession is just that, for some reason, I feel driven to read the drama. I hadn't even been in the thread before seeing the timeout mentioned elsewhere.
I generally read all the threads in off topic, and abandon them if I find them boring. Sometimes, those threads end up being four pages deep, so I need to go back and see what went on. I like the ones that become completely off topic in a humorous way, but sometimes you get two halfwits having a stupid argument. I continue to ignore them.
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