My original plans for this house I bought, my first house, was to live in it for 5-10 years, do any improvements it needed, and then have it be my first rental.
After looking more in to rentals and how one essentially just breaks even the majority of time and seeing the work that was done on the roof while i was trying to do some work on the insulation last weekend....
My new plan quickly turned in to trying to do whatever work I could do to maintain the current value of the house and/or improve the value, and then sell it for something built within the last 10-15 years.
I'm numb inna mouf. I went in for a check and cleaning and the dentist found an old filling that wanted touching up and it fit in the schedule on the spot. I hate waiting for the numbing to dissipate.
Better than having to go back, and at least I do get regular dental care. Just wish I could eat and drink normally Right Now. I'm undercaffeinated.
Ashyukun (Robert) said:
In reply to Antihero :
Yes, it's what I use for ....where-the-berkeley is that leak coming from? leaks.
This is from the 2020 VW Golf:

At what point should you just make a push-button auto transmission shifter? I mean, almost all newer auto trans shifters are just switches now with no mechanical connection to the transmission. This looks like a damn light switch.

Just terrible 

Oh hey, that fixed it 
In reply to stanger_missle :
I like my push button autos to have needlessly complicated mechanical mechanisms operating the trans.

In reply to stanger_missle :
I forget if it was a Honda or a Lincoln that I was in recently, but the shifter was a row of buttons on the dash. Just like a '62 Plymouth.
Second-gen MKZ:

2018+ Navigator and 2020 Aviator:

I like the horizontal line of buttons but that vertical stack next to the radio is terrible.
Besides, everybody knows that transmission push buttons should either be on the wheel or to the left of the steering column:

10/24/19 5:23 a.m.
Wrote up a quite lengthy post, hit the post button, and my laptop seemed to stall out for a couple minutes and then lost it all. Do I even want to try again? Ugh.
Antihero said:
Ashyukun (Robert) said:
In reply to Antihero :
Yes, it's what I use for ....where-the-berkeley is that leak coming from? leaks.
Got and used most of a jar of that on the roof around where the leak is coming from. My theories on where the water is coming from are a) the caulk/silicone where the shingles meet the vertical wood of the top floor wall and b) the valley where the two rooflines meet above where the leak is. Coated both of them with the Through the Roof and then went inside and poked the nozzle of a can of Flex Seal up through the hole in the wood and under the shingles to try and keep any water that does get there from getting through before using Gorilla tape to cover the hole itself. The tape was probably rather silly, but it felt better than just leaving a quarter-sized hole in the wood open...
NickD said:
Wrote up a quite lengthy post, hit the post button, and my laptop seemed to stall out for a couple minutes and then lost it all. Do I even want to try again? Ugh.
Let me see if this links properly.
SWMBO falls asleep on the couch. I let her sleep because she's been tired since she got up. She wakes up, bitchy and cranky, and grumbles, "Why didn't you wake me up?"
Because you'd act just like a 5 year old who just woke up from a car ride, bitchy and cranky.
At least I got 2 hours of peace.
10/25/19 8:23 a.m.
"Your order has shipped!"
No, you finally created a tracking number for the order I placed 10 berkeleying days ago. It's not "shipped" until you actually give it to UPS, probably next Monday or Tuesday...
I know Amazon has us all spoiled, but nothing in stock should take two weeks to ship these days... not from a nationally known online retailer.
Since I was at a lull in what I'm working on at work, I took off the afternoon yesterday to knock out some of the remaining work on the cabin, and in the roughly 5 hours I was there for once actually accomplished the bulk of what I had hoped to get done. So why is this in Minor Rants?
When I was last out there on Tuesday, I tackled cutting down the wood screen doors for the screened in porch that needed to be done so they actually fit right. We had initially wanted the contractor to do this as well as a few other things, but he wanted to charge more for it and kept warning that they'd look terrible, so was told him to focus on the grout-covered bathroom tile and we'd worry about the other things like the screen doors. On Tuesday I tried it with my circular asw, and while that door now fits BETTER than the stupid, lazy way the contractor's son installed it trying to cut an 80" long door lengthwise with a circular saw was both not fun and didn't end up as gar as I'd hoped.
So when I got the material to work on the rood Wednesday I looked at tools to help make long cuts with the circular saw easier. There were several that looked promising, but in the end I decided I was tired of trying to make a tool that wasn't really made for what I was doing do what it didn't want to do and picked up a relatively inexpensive Craftsman table saw that came with a stand (HF would have ultimately been cheaper, but I liked the portable stand the Craftsman came with as well as it saving me having to drive to HD for it).
Yesterday I used the table saw to cut down the second screen door and to finish all of the tongue & groove except for the bathroom ceiling. WHY DID I NOT BUY THIS THING LIKE TWO MONTHS AGO?!?! I would have saved myself SO much time and frustration!
10/25/19 9:04 a.m.
In reply to Ashyukun (Robert) :
My brother has a co-worker that was trying to replace an interior door. The big box store didn't have one that was quite the right size, so he bought a larger one and decided to cut it down. Also with a circular saw. After several attempts over many hours the side of the door looked like a one-armed drunken blind man had attacked it with a hatchet. Mike threw it on the table saw and in about 30 seconds it had a clean cut on the edge and a half hour after that, he had a piece of wood cut down and glued and clamped on to the side to bring the door back up to the correct size. Circular saws are very portable, but that's about the only nice thing I can say about them. The only bad part about a table saw is that if you're not careful - and even when you are - it can shoot a 2x4 about 20 yards before you can blink your eyes.
So I need to add some work lights on the Disco so I can use it properly for towing my trailer sailor and to camp out of. Place in England has pods that use Carling switches. Looks great and fits. The rant part? The brodozers have taken over the switch selection. Yes, I can still get my rear work light and side work light switches, but I find the "bitch lights" and "pole dancing lights" to be tasteless and beyond tacky.
In reply to wae :
Yeah, having a table saw would have made the many times I had to cut down the tongue & groove interior wall boards long-wise where the walls met the ceiling a LOT easier, and obviously the door went much easier too. Have considered using it to clean up the door that I cut with the circular saw, but will hold off on that for now since it works and with a bit of sanding won't be too obvious how bad the cut is.
I didn't have the table saw throw anything back yet even without the anti-kickback device installed, but I was REALLY careful around it and did my best to not stand directly in line with the blade when feeding wood through it...
You've been on the calls, meetings, and email chains for the change requests for this site. You've been given the updated map by yours truly, addressing the change requests.
Why the berkeley does your sub have a map that doesn't even match the original quote OR the change requests? Why are they/you asking about cameras that aren't even discussed with the change request?! Everything BUT these two cameras should've been done weeks ago!
10/25/19 1:29 p.m.
mad_machine said:
So I need to add some work lights on the Disco so I can use it properly for towing my trailer sailor and to camp out of. Place in England has pods that use Carling switches. Looks great and fits. The rant part? The brodozers have taken over the switch selection. Yes, I can still get my rear work light and side work light switches, but I find the "bitch lights" and "pole dancing lights" to be tasteless and beyond tacky.
What do you expect from the crowd that bought Truck Nutz?
stanger_missle said:
This is from the 2020 VW Golf:

That is exactly the one they just put in the new 911.
Ian F
10/25/19 1:45 p.m.
Rodan said:
"Your order has shipped!"
No, you finally created a tracking number for the order I placed 10 berkeleying days ago. It's not "shipped" until you actually give it to UPS, probably next Monday or Tuesday...
I know Amazon has us all spoiled, but nothing in stock should take two weeks to ship these days... not from a nationally known online retailer.
True... I've gotten "your item has shipped!" emails after actually receiving said item.
I think I just had an argument with another musician that having the frets on your guitar in the right place is a big deal........and he doesn't agree.
Antihero said:
I think I just had an argument with another musician that having the frets on your guitar in the right place is a big deal........and he doesn't agree.
I have no idea what is going on
I will allow that, many years ago, Knurledmom bought a lute, which is kind of like a small acoustic guitar except the frets are evenly spaced, so they did not follow what we modern-people recognize as any sort of musical scale. teenager!Knurled played Master of Puppets on it and it sounded freaky.
Knurled. said:
Antihero said:
I think I just had an argument with another musician that having the frets on your guitar in the right place is a big deal........and he doesn't agree.
I have no idea what is going on
I will allow that, many years ago, Knurledmom bought a lute, which is kind of like a small acoustic guitar except the frets are evenly spaced, so they did not follow what we modern-people recognize as any sort of musical scale. teenager!Knurled played Master of Puppets on it and it sounded freaky.
That video was sort of cool, but we aren't talking microtonal or compensated here.....we are talking a couple of the frets are way off so above the 14th's no longer in tune.
It's a cheap new guitar company and some people are chugging the Kool Aid, apparently I'm the crazy one for wanting the guitar to be in tune. Who knew?
Rant: I have had a movie to watch idea stuck in my head all day. Popped the DVD into the player as soon as I got home from work.
It's quarter to ten and I'm watching BS like this on youtube instead.
Didn't find MoP on lute. I bet To Live Is To Die would sound really freaky-good but, oh well, One on whatever-the-hell-this-is will have to do
The bassist didn't completely berk it up like most do when they cover this, although his tempo is still off just a bit to be jarring, but that pales in comparison to the drummer completely butchering it.
Dammit, all I wanted to do was watch Batman Begins.