i bashed my head on the nightstand climbing into bed in my hotel room. hurt like hell.
i hope i don't die in my sleep. my head is lumpy now (well, lumpier than before)
and then i posted this in the wrong thread and didn't realize it for 10 minutes. someone check me for a concussion
In reply to slowbird :
How many fingers am I holding up?
In reply to Streetwiseguy :
somewhere between 1 and 10, I assume. 
slowbird said:
In reply to Streetwiseguy :
somewhere between 1 and 10, I assume. 
You're fine, kid. Get back in the game!
In reply to AngryCorvair :
Rub some dirt on it and walk it off, I know 
So today I am driving the Abarth and I come to a Tee. One lane leads right, one left. I am going left and there is an lifted and beaten up pickup going right. The roof of my Fiat did not even reach the level of his hood. Every time I inched forwards to see around him, he pulled forwards to block my view.
In reply to mad_machine :
I frequently find myself annoyed not being able to see around similar vehicles in my Saturn. Maybe we just need periscopes.
When you call me at 11pm Saturday night to come out and repair something your employees broke Friday morning, while trying to repair something you probably should have called me on in the first place.

I fixed it.

My minor rant: I cause my own automotive headaches at least 90% of the time. I know this, but I seem to lack the willpower to avoid doing it. I truly hope that the sport truck is worth it when it is done.
I'm sad that I have to go home now because the challenge is over. Can't we race again tomorrow?
I really can't stand the argument "I paid $X for this car/boat/bike" and if I fix this broken part, it's going to cost almost what I paid for it, so I am not going to fix it, especially when you only paid less than $2000 for the vehicle in the first place.
Spent yesterday afternoon/evening out at the cabin working on stuff, the biggest accomplishment of which was getting the shower re-grouted to fill in all the gaps in the grouting that the guy who did the tile originally left.
The more work we do on finishing up the cabin the more things we find that proves that the guys who did most of the work just plain suck at what they do/did. Which means there's even more work we need to do, which patently sucks. On the up-side, we're also learning that the vast majority of the stuff that these guys do are things that we can do ourselves at least as well (especially given the right tools).
Read an article stating that in order for millennials to retire at 65, we need to save at least 40% of our paycheck.
Looks like I'll never be retiring.
neighbors two houses behind me have a backyard that would give Sanford and Son a run for their money. Last count was three dead Mercedes and a Jeep, plus the usual junk piles, falling down deck, and rotting shed. I think they are from Armenia and she barely speaks english and he is always off working. Somewhere in their backyard is a dying smoke detector and it's incessant beeping is slowly driving me mad.
That is not the worst of it. Two years ago the smoke detector system in my house malfunctioned and went off at 2 am. I could not shut it off except to pull the wires to the brain. It's since been fixed, but the dogs were extremely traumatized. Now whenever they hear that beep, they run and hide. Due to this, I cannot take them out into the backyard to do their thing, as soon as it beeps, they tuck tail and run for the door. I cannot get my point across to the wife, so I may need to do a 3am clandestine mission into their yard to find the beeping thing
In reply to mad_machine :
Binoculars to find the flashing red light and then some well-aimed shots with a BB gun?
10/28/19 10:55 a.m.
FuzzWuzzy said:
In reply to mad_machine :
Binoculars to find the flashing red light and then some well-aimed shots with a BB gun?
Or just a noise complaint to the PD.
mtn said:
FuzzWuzzy said:
In reply to mad_machine :
Binoculars to find the flashing red light and then some well-aimed shots with a BB gun?
Or just a noise complaint to the PD.
Fire. 5 gallons of gas to set the yard on fire is far more satisfying.
10/28/19 11:13 a.m.
Appleseed said:
mtn said:
FuzzWuzzy said:
In reply to mad_machine :
Binoculars to find the flashing red light and then some well-aimed shots with a BB gun?
Or just a noise complaint to the PD.
Fire. 5 gallons of gas to set the yard on fire is far more satisfying.
Well, how can one argue with that? May want to have a sprinkler on hitting your house prior to lighting it though.
Trade in value on my WRX has dropped $2200 in the last two months or so. Guess I’ll be holding onto it for a while longer.
100 miles from home and just lost OD. Hopefully the other 3 stay together because there is no cell service between here and there.
Maybe I better take the long way home.
And now I can't find the MCO on the trailer I'm planning on selling. That'll make it worth less if I can't dig it up, since the state of Ohio needs it in order to register it.
I thought we may finally have the headaches fixed. Only one in the last week. Until now. Im on my way to take the good drugs. There goes my night.
10/28/19 1:57 p.m.
Brand new unopened Google Home Mini sitting on a high shelf in my office somehow became an opened Google Home Mini by itself. None of the kids will admit to being in my office (which is forbidden) or opening the box. I was going to sell it rather than use it since I got it for free, but a used one is worth way less than a new one. I moved my office to the garage just to keep everyone out, and yet...
FuzzWuzzy said:
Read an article stating that in order for millennials to retire at 65, we need to save at least 40% of our paycheck.
Looks like I'll never be retiring.
I just had the pleasure of talking to a retirement guy through work, and while he congratulated me for putting more towards my retirement than most people my age, he commented it wasn't nearly enough. I didn't want to risk a referral to psych or anything, but commented that it seemed rather unlikely that I'd ever get to retire at all considering the mess that folks my parents' age typically have to deal with.
10/28/19 2:19 p.m.
Why do dealer service writers refuse to listen to customers?
I had our ZL1 in to have the intercooler circuit bled today. Prior to making the appointment I asked if they had the correct service fitting to bleed it.
Them: "Sure we do."
Me: "Can you double check? It's a different fitting from the ZO6..."
Them: "Yep, good to go."
I pick up the car today to find out they didn't have the correct fitting, so they had to cobble together something to get it bled, leaving one hose partially pinched.
Them: "We should have the part in a week or two..."