I said I got burned recently but didn't really. I was giving away some furniture and someone really wanted it so I turned everybody else away. Of course they never showed up.
I don't normally have problems buying or selling, and that was really a minor annoyance. I got what I wanted and it was the final sale of parts from a bike I bought, never really rode, hated and sold in non running condition for basically what I had in it. In the end it was a win, but all that nonsense in one day after three months of nothing for what was really a fairly obscure part was pretty funny.
Peabody said:
NY Nick said:
Sometimes they are closer in age and sudden and it is just shocking and hits so close to home, like that could have been me.
Twice now I've been at the track, ridden with, and hung out with fellow riders and riding friends. Then the next day they raced while I was working, crashed hard and died. The last one, late last season, we'd recently had some excellent rides pushing the other hard, and both looked forward to riding with each other.
That one bothered me a lot
I can understand that for sure. I think that is what has me a bit twisted about this one. We had a couple of pretty serious conversations in the days preceding his death and one was left open, like "and I'll tell you the rest later" kind of ending.
I have an unspoken work rant I won't go into detail about. Sigh.
In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
Why not? This place is a good safe space.
NY Nick said:
Thanks Duke and Rodan. I am not even sure how I feel about everything yet, it is fresh and unexpected. I am solidly in middle age now and yes, death is more frequent. Sometimes they are older friends or parents of friends and it seems to go down a little easier (although still sad). Sometimes they are closer in age and sudden and it is just shocking and hits so close to home, like that could have been me.
It is hard to loose friends/peers that are close to your age. I lost two friends in HS. Both were preventable. Such a waste.
About 15 years ago I lost a manager that I really liked to pancreatic cancer. He worked up until about 10 days before he passed. He didn't say anything to anyone at work. He just went home and didn't come back. He was only a couple years older than I am now.
Very minor rant.
So there you are, driving on the interstate, going a handful over the limit. Pass people, of course-some barely doing the poster limit.
You come to a construction zone, and for the safety of those working slow down. Then one of those people you pass come screaming by. Wait, what? Zone clears, you speed up, and repast that same driver. I get going not much over the limit nominally- we all have our comfort zone. But to speed that much in a construction zone??? Why? It's so short, it doesn't save time AND it's actually dangerous to the people working right next to the cones. I just don't get it.
In reply to alfadriver :
I don't think they even see them. They are oblivious to the world around them.
I assume Toyota knows more about building hybrids than me, but why is the 2024 Land Cruiser slated to have (of all things) NiMH hybrid batteries?
In reply to Mike (Forum Supporter) :
This is the same company that held on to pushrod engines until the late 90s, sold carbureted cars in the US until 1990 or so, and generally shunned new tech.
Heck, the Land Cruiser used a development of a copy of an old Chevy engine until 1993. Toyota loves hanging on to old stuff that is known to work.
8/2/23 9:58 a.m.
Mike (Forum Supporter) said:
I assume Toyota knows more about building hybrids than me, but why is the 2024 Land Cruiser slated to have (of all things) NiMH hybrid batteries?
They are easier to replace in a war zone.
Mike (Forum Supporter) said:
I assume Toyota knows more about building hybrids than me, but why is the 2024 Land Cruiser slated to have (of all things) NiMH hybrid batteries?
AWD vehicles get NiMH, non-AWD get lithium-based. AWD vehicles are more likely to see areas of significant cold. NiMH can handle significant cold and the current lithium-based batteries cannot. You can see this breakdown in the AWD vs FWD batteries in the Prius, if I have been reading correctly.
NY Nick said:
I got a call this morning that one of my co-workers had a heart attack and died this weekend. I was sitting in the office with this guy on Thursday having a great conversation. He had to go to another meeting and I remember walking out and saying ok, let's finish this conversation next week. I am sad for his family, scared for my own mortality and just completely shocked. berkeley this part of life is difficult.
I am sorry Nick, hold on, it will get better. It is just an unfortunate aspect of getting older. I have lost a few friends and a couple of co-workers too, I think we all have.
In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
Why not? This place is a good safe space.
"Safe"- but also publicly accessible and indexed by search engines. There are definitely things that I hold back from ranting about because I know that people can stumble across them or (if they know you, and that you frequent here) actively look for and find things posted here. I'm cautious about certain things after someone saw something I'd posted elsewhere (back when LiveJournal was still a thing) in an open post that was completely misinterpreted and required a lot of damage control.
Suffering "True Enlightenment" so knowing The Glass really is half-empty and not going to be refilled.
What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men, you just can't reach.
So you get what we had here last week -- which is the way he wants it.
Well, he gets it.
And I don't like it anymore than you men.
Not so much a rant as much as a genuine “maybe now I have seen it all?” moment on the way home tonight: The gentleman in the white Volvo behind me in heavy traffic on I 90 was holding his phone and the top of the steering wheel with one hand while looking into the phone and doing what looked like American Sign Language with his other hand.
Related minor rant; the 2 plus mile traffic jam was caused by Mass DOT deciding that having a rolling lane restriction to allow a tractor to reach over the guardrail with a mower attachment at 5:00 in the afternoon was a good idea. Thanks fellas.
"Hello this is tom we would like to buy your motorcycle give me a call (760) 851-XXXX give me a call at once we work cash ready"
Nothing sketchy about this FB ad response.
In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
Why not? This place is a good safe space.
Because Randy finds out and wants to fist fight you on your driveway
8/3/23 10:35 a.m.
In reply to 11GTCS :
There is one - one - way across the north side of my town, a street with a single lane in each direction, with a couple of blocks full of pretty dense off-campus student housing.
Town garbage collection is via those 60-gallon wheelie bins. Each unit gets their own bin, so there are a lot of them along this stretch.
Which the town, in its infinite wisdom, picks up during morning rush hour, two days a week. The truck covers maybe 30 feet per minute for several blocks.
8/3/23 10:44 a.m.
My minor rant: How do people expect you to help them when they give you zero information?
From my car club email today: "Entrys please call me". That was the sum total of the message. Only other thing I know is the email address it came from.
From an FB group relating to my town and its history: "Wat was the name of the dirt road and the story behind it". Again, the totality of the message. No clues about which of dozens of roads it might have been in an area of probably a hundred square miles. No hints of approximate time period or location. No guesses or suggestions about what the road might have been called or even any landmarks to help identify it.
I know I can be verbose and over-detailed, but seriously, how hard is it to give people even the smallest something to go on?
In reply to Duke :
I feel like I am a victim of both extremes. Either little to no information or emails that can qualify as a technical report. If I see 8 paragraphs of text in an email, I'm not reading it.
Scotty Con Queso said:
In reply to Duke :
I feel like I am a victim of both extremes. Either little to no information or emails that can qualify as a technical report. If I see 8 paragraphs of text in an email, I'm not reading it.
Ironically when writing actual technical reports I frequently get told that I need to include less text and use more figures, tables, etc...
Yellow Freight went bust.
What had been $150.00 average shipment is now $420.00 from the alternatives.
Glad I just disposed of 90% of what I had laying around!
This will destroy the market for used or NOS parts that cannot go USPS flat-rate, unless the buyer is so wealthy they do not care.
In reply to RichardSIA :
I agree this sucks. I have been trying to get things on pallets ready to sell. I am not sure what to do, now.