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Duke MegaDork
11/9/23 6:33 p.m.

In reply to Peabody :

My opinion still stands, so we can rehash my part of it any time... wink


Peabody MegaDork
11/9/23 6:43 p.m.

Nah, we pretty much agree on everything. I laughed at the Frasier comment, it's almost word for word what I've said to PW in the past. She loves the show, I don't.  And I thought it funny my 35yr old son would say 70's TV is better, but we did watch Barney Miller, not Three's company.

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/9/23 6:46 p.m.
wae said:

In reply to volvoclearinghouse :

My automatic lights and rain-sensing wipers are tied in such that if the wipers are running at a certain frequency -and I'm not sure what that is exactly - the lights come on. 

When I'm semi-benevolent dictator of the world, DRLs will be punishable by death.  And any car that has a gauge cluster and/or instrument lighting that is always on when the car is running will be required to have automatic headlights.  Turn off the auto-headlights and you also lose all dash illumination.

It will also be permissible to drag anyone out of their car and give them three whacks across the face with a wooden yardstick if they pass more than two cars while their brights are on.

Oh, yeah, and I will absolutely implement your 5mph hazard light restriction.  Genius.  It seems like every time I'm in Florida and it rains, half the cars down there are running around with their flashers on.  WTF people?

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/10/23 12:35 a.m.

Speaking of TV Shows, my rant is I didn't like the finale of Loki

Streetwiseguy MegaDork
11/10/23 7:26 a.m.

In reply to Antihero :

I'm about 3 episodes in, and I'm not sure whether I will continue. 

I made it about halfway into episode one of feminist star wars, and was lost and bored.

I found the petty criminal star wars incomprehensible, and quit before the end of episode one.

I don't want to do homework to understand the show.  I want the bad guy dead, and the hero riding off into the sunset.

And I really, really don't want a post credit scene to tell me all the fighting was just a waste of time, Marvel. 

Duke MegaDork
11/10/23 7:57 a.m.
Antihero said:

Speaking of TV Shows, my rant is I didn't like the finale of Loki

Season 1, I guess?  Because Season 2 is a couple episodes in, I think.


Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
11/10/23 8:14 a.m.

In reply to Streetwiseguy :

I (frequently) like my art to present and explore weighty topics.

Good art tends to present a tough situation and ASKS QUESTIONS that make you think and consider the significance of things.

If the media TELLS you ANSWERS that just support a single position, that's propaganda, not art.

It's okay for art to explore the many sides of what it's presenting and ultimately say, "And this is why we think this philosophy is bad and this one is good." But it has to explore those different sides with good faith.

Why was M*A*S*H so good? It was art. It presented messy situations and asked questions. Why was original Star Wars better than the current crop? Luke is fighting Vader and gets justifiably angry at the people he loves being threatened, it fills him with rage that gives him the strength to OVERWHELM THE BAD GUY. He could just kill Vader and save his friends, but he realizes what following that path would ultimately do to him.

There's lots of good media that is art. If you haven't watched 'Arcane' yet, it is one of the best shows I've ever seen. I think the Spiderverse movies are great. I'm planning to rewatch 'Avatar: The Last Airbender" in advance of the live action remake (which I am cautiously optimistic for).

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/10/23 9:33 a.m.

I can almost understand forgetting to turn on your headlights at dusk, what baffles me is the number of cars I encounter on my way to work at 3am with no lights on, often the same cars regularly. It's never daylight out here at that hour. It had to be dark when they set out.  

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
11/10/23 9:39 a.m.

Lately it feels like the Forum is just as bad as Facebook with all the attitudes and bickering and bullE36 M3. I find myself coming less and less and sharing less and less and that makes me sad. it's been my happy place and my social outlet for many years. What really bothers me is I can't figure out how to make it better or what I could do to change things for the positive.

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/10/23 9:41 a.m.

You are 25 years old. You spend most of your time riding around in a truck. What do you mean your body can't take it anymore? 

Does anyone know someone who needs a job? Experience preferred. I'm apparently hiring again. 

RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/10/23 9:47 a.m.

Got the pellet stove to backfire again. I should probably buy a new igniter and thermoswitch sooner rather than later. 

I hate this berkeleying stove, never EVER buy a 5501s even if it is the only thing that will fit in your space without needing a bunch of work or taking up a bunch of floor space. 

Appleseed MegaDork
11/10/23 9:52 a.m.

In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :

Avoid those threads you just know are or soon will become E36 M3 shows. All of the car stuff, a few EV threads aside, are straight up.

Kreb (Forum Supporter)
Kreb (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/10/23 10:05 a.m.

My laptop hasn't run right since the latest windows update. it was perfectly fine previously.  If I sell a faulty product people expect me to go over to their house and fix it. Not so in the digital world. Taking responsibility for your failures is so analog.


mtn MegaDork
11/10/23 10:13 a.m.

My daughter's fifth birthday should have been last Sunday. It hit me way harder than I expected. I had a plan in place. I had been through this 4 times before. This one hit me like a ton of bricks. And I went up on my adderall prescription. Which gave me intense anxiety. I don't know if it was the increased stimulant that caused it, the grief and depression that caused it, work that caused it, or a combination of all three, or if the adderall just amplified whatever anxiety was there. In any case I've been useless at work this week. I'm falling behind. I need to ask certain people for help - that makes me feel like a failure. It shouldn't. I should have asked on Tuesday, if not Monday. Actually I really should have asked the week prior. Why didn't I? 

I've put it in my calendar for next year that I'll probably need help this week.


I am back to the point of, even though I am really good at what I do, I don't enjoy it. Will I enjoy it in a month? I hope so, because otherwise I'm gonna be miserable or be unemployed. And while some people are able to force themselves through it, I just can't find the motivation to do so. Medication helps. It doesn't solve it. I need to find something that will keep me motivated. Maybe its time to enter sales, if any sales roles are available for a math/finance guy. Or start my own business... doing what? 

This is the most uncomfortable feeling. I want to do the work. I can do the work. Why can't I start it? Why am I even posting this? I could have been halfway through the next task on my list. Why won't my brain work like I want it to?

Duke MegaDork
11/10/23 10:36 a.m.

In reply to mtn :

I wish there was something helpful I could say, but there isn't.  I can't imagine being in the first part of your post.

However, I'm living the second part right now, too.  Hence why I'm here instead of doing my task.


Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
11/10/23 10:49 a.m.

In reply to mtn :

Keep going. Keep living. Keep trying. Progress is not linear. Incremental progress is still progress.

You clearly need some help and support. This is a good community where people genuinely care about each other. It's online though, and there's only so much that people here can do.

This sounds like you need some more in-person help. You likely need someone with training and experience in handling these sorts of things.

Get through this week. Then get through this month. Then when you have your feet more solidly underneath you think about what directions will be best for you to move forward in. But give yourself time. You're trying to eat an elephant. Take one bite at a time.

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/10/23 11:04 a.m.
Duke said:
Antihero said:

Speaking of TV Shows, my rant is I didn't like the finale of Loki

Season 1, I guess?  Because Season 2 is a couple episodes in, I think.


Season 2 is only 6 episodes and the last one played last night 


Another rant: I don't like that a lot of new shows have very few episodes a season 

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
11/10/23 11:05 a.m.

To add to today sucking my laptop automatically updated and restarted and lost the entire browser of open tabs for research I was doing on open source tuning at my challenge car. No berkeleying clue how to get back where I was. Today just sucks

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/10/23 11:07 a.m.
Toyman! said:

You are 25 years old. You spend most of your time riding around in a truck. What do you mean your body can't take it anymore? 

Does anyone know someone who needs a job? Experience preferred. I'm apparently hiring again. 

There's a reason why ( according to a random article I read) that the average age of a construction worker now is 62.

Physical jobs seem to have a horrible stigma attached now as if they will break apart after a year or 2. 

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/10/23 11:09 a.m.
Streetwiseguy said:

In reply to Antihero :

I'm about 3 episodes in, and I'm not sure whether I will continue. 

I made it about halfway into episode one of feminist star wars, and was lost and bored.

I found the petty criminal star wars incomprehensible, and quit before the end of episode one.

I don't want to do homework to understand the show.  I want the bad guy dead, and the hero riding off into the sunset.

And I really, really don't want a post credit scene to tell me all the fighting was just a waste of time, Marvel. 

Without giving stuff away it really reminds me of WandaVision. 


" Holy crap! That's a cool premise! Wonder what cool thing they are coming up with to explain it!







....oh......that wasn't as cool as I hoped"

Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
11/10/23 11:25 a.m.

In reply to Antihero :

Lost - TV on Google Play

NermalSnert (Forum Supporter)
NermalSnert (Forum Supporter) HalfDork
11/10/23 11:56 a.m.
Dusterbd13-michael said:

Lately it feels like the Forum is just as bad as Facebook with all the attitudes and bickering and bullE36 M3. I find myself coming less and less and sharing less and less and that makes me sad. it's been my happy place and my social outlet for many years. What really bothers me is I can't figure out how to make it better or what I could do to change things for the positive.

I was "yea, whatever" until I looked at the car tampered with thread. Can'tcha even talk about that without berkin' it up.

mtn MegaDork
11/10/23 12:07 p.m.

In reply to Beer Baron :

Thanks Salanis. I've been in communication with my mental healthcare provider as well as being extremely open with my wife about it. Made those mistakes of not being clear/forthcoming before. 

mtn MegaDork
11/10/23 12:23 p.m.
Dusterbd13-michael said:

To add to today sucking my laptop automatically updated and restarted and lost the entire browser of open tabs for research I was doing on open source tuning at my challenge car. No berkeleying clue how to get back where I was. Today just sucks

Assuming you're using Edge or Chrome, and probably Firefox and Safari as well... Right click on the ribbon next to the tabs. Should be an option for "Restore tabs" or restore last window or something like that.


mtn MegaDork
11/10/23 12:29 p.m.

In reply to Streetwiseguy :

This is one of the biggest issues with gigantic overarching stories. Star Wars started out as a movie. Throwaway lines were then fully fleshed out into fully fledged stories. 

I have become a huge star wars nerd. But watching Ahsoka with my wife, it was clear that you really need to watch at least 5 hours of other material for much of it to make sense. Lucasfilm would do well to make a 30 minute summary of everything needed to understand what is going on, but I don't even know if that is possible. So now you've got a body of work that is amazing, but if you haven't kept up, it is overwhelming and unrealistic to expect people to catch up to understand it. Not to mention that while most of it is good, and some of it is absolutely astounding, there is enough bad/boring/filler in all of it that it just becomes a chore... which is not a good thing for entertainment. 


Although I am pretty surprised about your Andor analysis. My wife found that pretty easy to follow, and we both found it to be among the best TV that we've watched in the last 10 years. 

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