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Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos)
Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/15/23 11:21 a.m.

I feel fine, but I've got some post nasal drip happening that is abundant enough that it's choking me at times.

I can't blow it out of the front of my nose, I just have to hack, cough, snort, and swallow.

It's gross, and I'm sure I sound like patient zero for some exiting new ailment.

Scotty Con Queso
Scotty Con Queso UltraDork
11/15/23 11:40 a.m.

Apparently "we'll get back to you in a couple of days" means I'm never going to communicate with you ever again. 

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
11/15/23 11:41 a.m.

I decided that the fence contractors bid was a good one and that I would use him. Told him so. Ask him when he could start. He has been in a Communications blackout since. Guess I'm going to have to make the time to rebuild the berkeleying thing myself now.

tuna55 MegaDork
11/15/23 12:16 p.m.

Pants fly zipper broke at work.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/15/23 12:17 p.m.

In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :

I had a horrible time with fence & gutter contractors when I initially tried to set up to get our gate replaced & possibly reinforce a stretch of fence and replace our leaking gutters. Essentially everyone I contacted the first time around either never responded or did initially but then never responded again. The second time around I finally got things set up with them, but for the fence contractor it was like 2 month wait before they had an opening; the gutter company came out within a few days but it took them 3 days to complete a job they said they'd have done in one (because essentially just 1 guy did almost all of the work because nobody else who was supposed to would show up).

CAinCA GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/15/23 1:07 p.m.
Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) said:

I feel fine, but I've got some post nasal drip happening that is abundant enough that it's choking me at times.

I can't blow it out of the front of my nose, I just have to hack, cough, snort, and swallow.

It's gross, and I'm sure I sound like patient zero for some exiting new ailment.

I've got something similar going on right now. I am able to blow my nose but a majority of it wants to drip down my throat. I also have a sinus headache and mild body aches. I'm pretty sure my daughter or her boyfriend brought this home from college.

I have a rack day on Sunday. I hope I'm over this E36 M3 by then.

Appleseed MegaDork
11/15/23 1:20 p.m.

In reply to CAinCA :

Wait til its thick enough to chew. That's were I'm currently at.

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/15/23 1:22 p.m.

If someone has to use a fast food restaurant restroom in NYC there's probably a bit of urgency. Having a seven digit code in tiny print on the bottom of a receipt to get in is almost cruel. 

Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
11/15/23 1:33 p.m.

My dad has decided to switch our family domain off of Google and onto Protonmail. I do not want to use Proton. For many reasons, I'm just creating a new personal gmail address and will deal with the PITA of transferring everything over to a new e-mail address.

Apparently, Protonmail will *not* auto-forward e-mails to another address.

CAinCA GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/15/23 1:44 p.m.

It's amazing to me that someone who is a second generation American, from a ethnic group that was looked down upon, could think and speak so stereotypically about other ethnic groups. 

Duke MegaDork
11/15/23 1:47 p.m.

In reply to CAinCA :

Racism and narrow-mindedness are not the exclusive domain of old white Anglo-Saxon men.


gixxeropa GRM+ Memberand Reader
11/15/23 2:01 p.m.

Recruiters keep messaging me about completely unrelated jobs. "I have a job opening for CNC machining technical trainer and your experience would be a good fit." ??? I'm a engineer working on warehouse automation I've never touched a CNC machine in my life

DarkMonohue GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/15/23 2:19 p.m.
tuna55 said:

Pants fly zipper broke at work.

I cannot recommend highly enough the Altoids tin kit. "Survival kit" is fun to say, but "convenience kit" is a lot more realistic. And you can fit a heck of a lot of safety pins in one.

wae PowerDork
11/15/23 2:30 p.m.

I currently have internet, tv, and home phone service through the local phone company.  No real complaints, and, no, I don't know why I still have the phone, but whatever.  I wanted to know what my bill would look like if I canceled just the tv service.

Log in to my account on their website.  There's nothing that lets me see that.  The closest I can get to that is a message that if I want to remove TV and go to just streaming, I should call or chat.


I click on the chat button and finally get someone.  I ask the question:  "What would my bill be if I removed the TV service and just kept internet and phone?"

"Why do you want to remove the TV service?"

"What would my bill be if I removed the TV service and just kept internet and phone?"

"I can't tell you that until you either send us a picture of yourself holding your government-issued ID or call us from your home phone".

"You can't tell me what your damned prices are?"


So I call them and when I finally get through, they give me the same basic runaround and say that they have to hang up and call me back.  Fine.

Again, I ask my question.  What would it cost?

"Oh, and why are you considering removing your TV service today?"

"I'm not taking questions"

"...uh.  Oh.  Well, let me see what that would cost"


I get that you want to make sure it's really me before changing my service.  That makes sense and I'm glad there's some level of protection against that.  But I don't want to change my service right now - I just want to know what your prices are.  And even if I did want to cancel my service, it's just slimy and dirty that you won't let me do that without trying to subject me to a "what can I do to get you into this car today" routine.  This is a bit hypocritical of me, but experiences like this are really winning me over to the FTC's "click to cancel" proposal.

Rodan UltraDork
11/15/23 4:57 p.m.

In reply to wae :

Seems like it's that way for most everything these days... easy to sign up, almost impossible to cancel without having to waste significant amounts of time jumping through hoops.

P3PPY GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
11/15/23 9:39 p.m.
Crxpilot said:

Underwood's BBQ in Brownwood TX has this legendary aura around it.  I was in town today and got an $8 sliced brisket sandwich for the road.  Sliced brisket is the Texas BBQ staple for a restaurant. 

This.... was not good. 

No smoke flavor.  No smoke smell outside the restaurant really, either.  It was just a bland roast of some tough meat (cut across the grain at least).  Coated in sauce before it was wrapped and shipped with ~ 6 oz. of extra sauce.  Maybe they have great stuff on the rest of the menu but, for BBQ, don't bother stopping there.

And that is EXACTLY how I started my BBQ list that turned into a BBQ blog with a couple friends, too. 
Despite growing up in a BBQ capital I never had any until a friend in college introduced me to it. Within a few years I'd visited maybe 40 places. Then I went to one so highly rated and so poorly executed that I started making a list so I would never EVER accidentally step foot inside Rosedale BBQ in Kansas City, Kansas EVER AGAIN. 
The list eventually got up to about 70 places before I moved. I'm back in town for a funeral today and will be returning to my rusty so-called-life with a couple frozen pounds of [Oklahoma] Joe's KC burnt ends. 

Oh and yes, I went to Nasty Rosedale's just one more time because the other guys who did the blog with me didn't believe my anti-hype that it was crock pot flavored. And yes, they became believers after that. 

Further rant:

Everyone will tell you to go to Jack Stack BBQ in KC but do not bother. It's a nice upscale ambiance BUT they apparently burn wood just for potpourri. The flavor is not in the meat whatsoever. You cannot tell if it will be good by going by the outside smell. Kansas City has many places that are misleading like that. Gates and Joe's are the two big names that are good, and Gates' meat quality is inconsistent. Most of the others are okay at best, many are terrible. Arthur Bryant's is also very well known (presidents, blah blah) but flavorless. Another case of the emporer's new clothes there.

I am realizing now that I should dig up that list. 

Also, don't waste your money in Lansing, MI on any restaurant that calls itself "BBQ." Go buy a spaghetti basket somewhere instead. For serious, Arby's smokehouse sandwich is legit, just order it without sauces. Same for Firehouse Sub's brisket. Disassemble those suckers and enjoy the meat by itself. THAT is the flavor I'm talking about!

NOTE: What I'm talking about is Texas style dry rub BBQ where the meat is flavored with a rub/brine before cooking but then takes in a smoke flavor through and through when slowly cooked over a smokey heat. With this method sauce is undesirable because it hides the beautiful smoke flavor. For Carolina BBQ, such as slathering the outside of bland chicken legs with a sweet sauce and burning it over a grill, I have no suggestions for you. Masterpiece did that inferior method okay but they're gone now. 

slefain UltimaDork
11/16/23 9:31 a.m.

In reply to P3PPY :

I live in Atlanta. Fox Bros. BBQ is not good. Yeah, I said it. Drive to Pig-n-Chik instead.

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
11/16/23 10:46 a.m.
Rodan said:

In reply to wae :

Seems like it's that way for most everything these days... easy to sign up, almost impossible to cancel without having to waste significant amounts of time jumping through hoops.

Yeah, we recently decided to cancel our YMCA membership, because the Y is 30 minutes away and we've found closer alternatives that are more convenient.  The lady on the phone told me I had to come in, in person to cancel the membership, to which I replied, 'I just told you the reason I'm cancelling is that we don't use it very often, because it's too far away."  There's was a brief silence, then a "let me talk to my supervisor."

5 minutes later she says I can just send them an email confirming cancelation.  *thumbs up*

tuna55 MegaDork
11/16/23 2:40 p.m.

When I was a kid and got a cut, invariably someone would hold me down and pour hydrogen peroxide on it. It hurt like crap, and it they did it every few days or whatever, so I stopped telling them when I got cuts when I was like seven.


Hydrogen peroxide doesn't actually help with cuts at all. I apologize to Tunakid #1 who got a few splashes when he was very young because I thought it was a real thing.


Super glue. Super glue has never failed, it has healed every cut ever. I've never had stitches. I had glued myself shut numerous times, and have no scars to show for it because super glue is incredible. One time I slipped with a sharpened putty knife and probably hit a bone in my hand. Super glue. I can't even find the spot where it happened anymore. It's painless, near instant, and it keeps out dirt.


This is almost as revolutionary as my insistence that sandpaper is the best hand moisturizer.



Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/16/23 3:29 p.m.

In reply to P3PPY :

Just a FYI, Carolina BBQ sauce is usually vinegar-based and seldom sweet. Frequently it's as spicy hot as liquid hell and should be used sparingly. At least in the countryside. Sometimes you will come across a mustard-based sauce. While you will see tomato-based sauces, it's almost always some bottled crap and usually reserved for the kids and people who don't really like BBQ. Not sure what was going on with your chicken but it wasn't Carolina BBQ. We almost always use pigs for BBQ, not chickens. smiley

Finding great BBQ in a city is difficult at best. There isn't a good BBQ place in the greater Charleston area. There are some that get rave reviews but are not good at all. I've looked, and eaten at most of them. They are all trendy restaurants pretending to be BBQ joints. While the food may not be terrible, it's not good BBQ. Columbia may have one but I'd be surprised. You almost have to go to the small towns out in the sticks to find someone who still knows how to do it right. Somewhere the sauces are never bought by the bucket but rather made on site. Somewhere the smoke comes from burning wood and not a bottle. If all they have is tomato-based sauces, you are in the wrong place. If the meat is pre-sauced you are in the wrong place. The meat should be, melt in the mouth awesome, all by itself. The sauce should be nothing more than a flavor enhancer. "Flavor's in the meat, sauce is on the side." 

I can recommend Shealeys BBQ in Batesburg-Leesville SC and Browns BBQ in Kingstree, SC. I can also recommend my backyard and a couple of my friends.

Damn! Now I'm going to have to put a couple of butts on the smoker this weekend. 

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/16/23 3:29 p.m.
tuna55 said:

Super glue. Super glue has never failed, it has healed every cut ever. I've never had stitches. I had glued myself shut numerous times, and have no scars to show for it because super glue is incredible. One time I slipped with a sharpened putty knife and probably hit a bone in my hand. Super glue. I can't even find the spot where it happened anymore. It's painless, near instant, and it keeps out dirt.

Yep works great, there is even medical-grade super glue, which is like ordinary super glue but guaranteed to be sterile. I'm not sure what kind of pathogens might live in super glue though.

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
11/16/23 3:42 p.m.
GameboyRMH said:
tuna55 said:

Super glue. Super glue has never failed, it has healed every cut ever. I've never had stitches. I had glued myself shut numerous times, and have no scars to show for it because super glue is incredible. One time I slipped with a sharpened putty knife and probably hit a bone in my hand. Super glue. I can't even find the spot where it happened anymore. It's painless, near instant, and it keeps out dirt.

Yep works great, there is even medical-grade super glue, which is like ordinary super glue but guaranteed to be sterile. I'm not sure what kind of pathogens might live in super glue though.

I've been super-glued three times IN THE ER. 

Las time though they refused to use it. Said they don't glue wounds above the hair line. Had to use staples. It was a bad time. 

tuna55 MegaDork
11/16/23 3:59 p.m.
GameboyRMH said:
tuna55 said:

Super glue. Super glue has never failed, it has healed every cut ever. I've never had stitches. I had glued myself shut numerous times, and have no scars to show for it because super glue is incredible. One time I slipped with a sharpened putty knife and probably hit a bone in my hand. Super glue. I can't even find the spot where it happened anymore. It's painless, near instant, and it keeps out dirt.

Yep works great, there is even medical-grade super glue, which is like ordinary super glue but guaranteed to be sterile. I'm not sure what kind of pathogens might live in super glue though.

I even had a doctor-friend at church glue up Tunakid #3 after he fell and cut his lip. No damage, no scar, no pain.

tuna55 MegaDork
11/16/23 4:00 p.m.
barefootcyborg5000 said:
GameboyRMH said:
tuna55 said:

Super glue. Super glue has never failed, it has healed every cut ever. I've never had stitches. I had glued myself shut numerous times, and have no scars to show for it because super glue is incredible. One time I slipped with a sharpened putty knife and probably hit a bone in my hand. Super glue. I can't even find the spot where it happened anymore. It's painless, near instant, and it keeps out dirt.

Yep works great, there is even medical-grade super glue, which is like ordinary super glue but guaranteed to be sterile. I'm not sure what kind of pathogens might live in super glue though.

I've been super-glued three times IN THE ER. 

Las time though they refused to use it. Said they don't glue wounds above the hair line. Had to use staples. It was a bad time. 

Yup! It costs a lot more there, though. I can just pinch it shut and glue it at home.

CAinCA GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/16/23 5:24 p.m.

I just had some work done on my Cayman. One of the things they did was rebuilt a half shaft. This morning I started swapping the track brakes and tires onto the car for a HPDE day this weekend. I noticed some grease and found the inner CV bolts on that axle were all about to fall out. Needless to say I won't be taking the car back there again.

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