and she walked away. hit some ice, slid into oncoming lane with truck coming, yanked it back, hit ditch, went over 1.5 times.
they went to get their personal crap out of it today. my dad started it right up and it goes into gear fine. still has a full tank of gas. it will be bought back from the insurance company for parts as my wife drives the same thing, and my dad wants to look for another.
glad she's ok... and having a spare of the same type of car is great :)... the first time someone needs an alternator or some other tidbit it'll have paid for itself :)
wow. that coulda been UGLY. happy your mom made it through it ok. she go for a check up or anything?
damn, glad to hear she walked away. How is the soreness the day after?
My mom as the same buick, good to see they hold up well
Holy schikeys, glad she was able to walk away from that! I've never cared for the looks of those (or its ugly cousin the Aztek) but you can't argue with the safety of them after seeing that.
I rolled a car before and walked away that night feeling fine but the pain came later. I'm sure you'll be keeping a close eye on her. It's only sheetmetal, glad she's OK now.
I smashed and rolled one the other year, was up running around right afterwards. Got home, got in the shower... thank dog that my moms shower is on the 1st floor and has seats. Embarassingly I had to have assistance getting out of the shower, dressed and into the car to go to the ER. Bruised the crap out of my knees and really bruised up my shoulder, thankfully nothing broken. I was laid up for a few weeks from that.
Point is, watch for those aches that come on several hours later when the adrenaline wears off.
Really glad to hear shes doing well Pat. Rollovers always suck.
A good time to think about investing in winter tires, especially ones with studs. (IIRC they allow them where you are)
yeah she is pretty sore today but got a clean pass by the paramedics then her doctor several hours later.
it had iced nasty overnight here. i drove to the home depot with my avalanche and trailer and was glad to have the locker in the rear. she was on her way over to our house and never showed up. i ended up getting to the scene about 15 minutes before the tow truck, while she was still answering questions about the incident.
she got a ticket for failure to control, the cop told her they are begging the state to straighten out that curve as some guys got killed there last year, so they are writing tickets there for any incident to try and make their case.
and now we know why A-pillars look so friggin' huge from the inside. because they have to be, to protect occupants in situations like this. looks like the passenger compartment held up nicely. glad moms is OK.
Glad she's ok, but what is up with your area farmers? They're obviously slacking if the corn is still in the field.
yamaha wrote: Glad she's ok, but what is up with your area farmers? They're obviously slacking if the corn is still in the field.
those guys leave it up and cut it as they sell the stalks to yuppies to decorate their houses with for halloween and thanksgiving.
patgizz wrote:yamaha wrote: Glad she's ok, but what is up with your area farmers? They're obviously slacking if the corn is still in the field.those guys leave it up and cut it as they sell the stalks to yuppies to decorate their houses with for halloween and thanksgiving. After killing a sufficient quantity of the deer attracted to it like bugs to a light bulb.
In reply to patgizz:
Clearly, she was wearing a seatbelt. Good for her on that count. The car can be replaced.
Winter: the season of SUVs on their roofs in the median.
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