boondock saints, expendables, the longest yard (either version), the waterboy, grown ups, Full metal jacket (not a kids choice), two lane blacktop, heartbreak ridge, just about anything comedy or action works for me unless its outright terrible.
Because it is of my era, I can always watch the comedies of the late 70s-early 80s.
Especially anything Mel Brooks and all of the Aykroyd/Belushi/Ivan Reitman films.
Except 1941. That was horrible.
EvanR wrote: ....Except 1941. That was horrible.
I do find it interesting how that is considered such a bad movie, it's definitely one of my favorites. Perhaps it's because I have a bit more of a historical perspective on it. Besides, what other movie has a scene with Squiggy in it?! ("Hey, what are you shooting at", "I don't know, whatever he's shooting at")
Speaking of movies others may hate but a kid might really enjoy... give Rocket Man a shot, very juvenile humor for some reason I just love it.... "Wasn't Me!"
Blues Brothers
Maximum Overdrive
Total Recall
Kelly's Heroes
I've been Shawshanked more than I care to admit.
Heat Silver Streak Stir Crazy Outlaw Josey Wales The Natural Cool Hand Luke
Kid friendly fare The Karate Kid Any Pixar Film The Love Bug Star Wars Episode 4,5,6 The Last Starfighter The Goonies
You guys are awesome. Most of mine have been listed. Here's a few more though.
Young Einstein. Harold and Kumar. Footrot flats. The haunted world of el superbeasto. The mask. Euro trip. The slammin salmon.
Funny timing with this thread: we just celebrated Katie turning 21 with a family-night screening of The Big Lebowski--while drinking White Russians, of course.
And I will add Glengarry Glen Ross to the list.
In reply to Marjorie Suddard:
Glengarry was not a blockbuster but the sales meeting scene with Alex Baldwin is classic. One time we had a sales meeting at work and watched the 10 minute Baldwin clip - my boss was trying to stress how good our sales guys had it compared to this movie. What kind of car do you drive?
In reply to Datsun310Guy:
"First prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired."
Oh, yeah.
We watch all of the Harry Potter movies maybe twice a year. Otherwise most of my go tos have been said already. O Brother Where Art Though can always hold my attention.
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