To Catch A Thief
To Have and Have Not
Jackie Brown
Rear Window
The Great Escape
Some Like it Hot
The Apartment
Dollars Trilogy
I agree with many here, I'd add.
Tremors (the original)
And even though I am not all that into pot head type movies I think Grandma's Boy is hilarious.
Young Frankenstein, The Incredibles, And yah Red October... Joss Whedon's version of Much ado about nothing is so freakin awesome, it's never getting old.
This Is Spinal Tap is probally the one movie I've watched the most times, but that is because I watched it 4-5 times a week for an entire summer back in 1988.
Now, the only movies I watch over and over again on purpose are Christmas Vacation and Christmas Story which we watch at least once every year.
Things I don't turn off even though I have seen them too many times are
Support your local sheriff and or gunfighter
The Firefly series
An MG is born
Can't think of much else
What About Bob
The Neverending Story
The Matrix series
Nightmare Before Christmas (most any Tim Burton really)
After a quick scan of whats been posted (or: Im too lazy to go back and look completely, so, apologies if any are repeats)
The Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy
V for Vendetta
Super Troopers
Hard to come up with ones that haven't been listed yet, but I'll add two:
The Other Guys - it's just funny. Cracks me up thinking about it.
Senna - may be too new to know, but I can't see myself ever getting tired of this movie.
Almost anything with Clint Eastwood or John Wayne is awesome forever. Recently retrieved Flatliners out of the bargain bin. Also still awesome.
Dazed and Confused
American Psycho
The Raid (Awesome foreign flick)
That Thing You Do
Top Gun
Dead Poets Society
Road House
Smokey and the Bandit
Die Hard
I think we've finally found a thread where everyone can get along.
I'll second most things in the thread so far, and throw out some additional love for these that have already been mentioned:
Caddy shack
Step Brothers
Any of the Mad Max movies (yes, even Thunderdome)
Jackie Brown (hands down my fave tarantino movie)
and I'll add...
North by Northwest. There'd be no John McClane if there hadn't first been a Roger Thornhill.
The Maltese Falcon. Saw it on the big screen a few months ago and finally GOT it after all these years. Until you seat that big you simply have no idea of what a massive physical presence Bogart is. On tv he always comes off as a wiry Bruce Willis type. But the reality is he's almost a more bulky and imposing Liam Neeson type. Changes the whole flavor of the movie when you notice he's frequently imposing his size on people to subtly get his way.
Any Kevin Costner Sports movie. Costner in a uniform on on a golf course=good. Costner trying to be Mad Max=bad.
Miami Vice (Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx version). Man that movie holds up well and slipped nicely into the time when it was made. I also love that it treated the audience with some respect. The movie was about an op in an already existing world. It wasn't an origin story, or a callous plot device to produce a sequel. It was just a good, hard-edged cop movie.
Also also watch movies with the parrots a lot. There's two that live in the shop, anyway, and the other three visit most nights when I'm down there working. They all have a particular fondness for two movies (well, one movie and one franchise). Put on Hunt for Red October or any Jurassic park movie and they are 100% invested. I can only assume it has something to do with sound design, because each movie elicits a steady stream of specific vocalizations. The October ones are more curious sounding. Almost as though they are saying their version of "oooh" and "ahhhhh" and "hmmmmm". But the Jurassic park ones are just straight up dinosaur noises. Sometimes it gets hard to tell what's them and what's the movie. Fun, but a little scary at the same time. And, of course they're familiar enough with both movies they know what's coming up and when their favorite parts are and get ready for them.
Just once, though, I'd like to hear one of them belt out "You've killed US you arrogant ass!"
I almost never watch a movie more than once, but I saw The Martian a 2nd time this weekend. I expected it to be a dud because I knew what was coming. Absolutely not- I was totally wrong. It really stood up- I think I could watch that one 10 times.
I just wish my TV screen was about 50 times bigger!
fireball123 wrote: Why does everybody keep saying princess bride its really not that good of a movie
"As you wish."
Here are the movies I find myself watching repeatedly:
Shawshank Redemption
The Great Race
Pulp Fiction
Die Hard
Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry
Smokey & The Bandit
Paper Moon (truly one of my all time favs)
Bourne Identity
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Office Space ("I'll tell you what I'd do with a million dollars, man")
Young Frankenstein
The Hitcher (the original)
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