In reply to bigeyedfish :
You make sense from your perspective, however my route starts at 5:30am about when garbage trucks and delivery trucks first get moving.its also dark usually especially in the winter. I’m mostly on residential roads. Some very narrow and I swear laid out by a drunken snake. I’ve got places where I have to go around blind curves followed by blind curves.
My speed is carefully controlled and with the security systems on modern school buses tracked by the school, my company, the district, occasionally the parents. And myself.
My time schedule requires me to be at this stop by 6:24 and the next by 6:25. The tax payers want me as fast as possible The parents often are waiting and will call in if I’m a minute down ( they can’t leave for work until the child gets on my bus.)
I have a given time to drop my kids off at school or I’m late which will cost my company.
Long stop lights, slow traffic, kids late to the bus stop, none of it is counted for. In short I’m hustling so I need to get past you because you are holding me up.
Its not unusual to pass garbage trucks etc and we take up the whole road on residential streets when we meet or pass each other
Ride in the lane!? I’ve got to stop at whatever speed I’m going (25-30-40 mph) ? Those kids don’t wear seat belts ( they are safer without them ) and I have a second to decide to do a head on collision with a garbage truck or you?
Like I said, I’ll always give a rider a break if I can. I’ll slow down and wait until it’s clear. Swing into the other lane to give you room.
But up to 77 kids and me or you riding in the lane?
If you have to ride in the lane to be safe, maybe you should reconsider your choice of vehicle?
Not only that but I mentioned my tail swing 13 feet capable of swatting you right off your bike and I can’t see behind me very well.
Worse the bus is 40 feet long. No, it doesn’t bend in the middle like a Semi truck. It takes up lanes going around a corner or tight curves. The inside back tire will jump over the curb and run way up on the grass if forced to stay in one lane. People have knocked down streetlights and telephone poles with buses.
You may think your safe because you’re a foot away from the bus only to be run over by the rear duals.