I haven't posted anything there in a while but tried last night. It used to be that you put up your text, pictures if applicable and hit continue. The ad is sent to your email address for final edit and publishing.
Last night I did the text, I have to downsize the pictures but put it up anyway. To final the ad it asked for a phone number. OK. My phone is downstairs, I'm upstairs, I didn't get there in time and the comnputer doesn't leave messages.
You can try in again in 5 minutes but only get three tries. You arte also limited to three ads in -.-.-.-.-.--.-.-. time frame, IIRC 24 - 48 hours.
Who knew?
when i tried to sell a car, they ask for your number and call you to confirm you are not spam... Guess our cases are similar
I got all tripped up, missed the 5 minute time, hit the computer and went to bed.
Tomorrow's another day.
How new is this? I have an account so I don't do the whole e-mail to publish bit. I wonder if I still have to do the phone call thing. I suggest setting up an account anyway. I can go back and look at any of my previous adds for cutting/pasting, etc. I can also republish one at any time. Just FYI.
I listed a car yesterday and got the same phone verification deal. Fortunately I could receive a text with my secret code.
I got the impression you only have to do it once to verify your account (assuming you're posting with an account), but I haven't tried again yet.
I think I had to verify my account with a text or something but that's it. I've never seen anything like what you guys are talking about, and I just posted an ad on Tuesday.
You'll need to log in to post.