It also hasn't been what you'd call 100% effective against murder, rape, bank robbery, cocaine, crack, etc., etc. so therefore you are saying we ought to not have laws against anything, right?
Your argument is the equivalent of 2 kids arguing and when one can't think of anything to say so he says "Oh yea!"
Tobacco products kill people. They also have impact upon the people around "the addict" who do not choose to use them.
MA$$hole wrote: Years ago while working at an Autozone I watched a customer leave a can next to his car & than come in the store. I subtly mentioned to him to not forget the item that fell as he got out of his car (even though he placed it there) as he was leaving. He clearly did not understand English because once back in his car he placed a McDonald's bag & other junk on the ground next to the car. I walked over to him just as he was backing up & knocked on the window while holding the trash & said "excuse me but I believe you dropped this getting into your vehicle". He didn't look amused as he took the trash from me. His girlfriend however thought it was rather funny.
Before we moved office, we shared a parking lot with In N Out Burger - people would go through the drive through, park right in front of my office, eat, then open the door, set the trash on the ground, and drive away. There were trash cans everywhere but it didnt stop it. Some people are real slobs.
pinchvalve wrote: How do you justify throwing a lit piece of garbage out of your window at me? The fact that you are holding your arm WAY out the window indicates that you don't want the butt hitting your car, but it's OK to hit the person behind you, light the side of the road on fire, and become ugly trash? By in large, smokers are the most inconsiderate A-Holes imaginable. The next one who trows trash at me will get a response in kind, except the only trash I have are glass iced tea bottles. Oh well, they will have to do. And I can't wait to see another person dump their ashtray in the parking lot because it is going back in their car, with the hope that it will catch fire. /rant
Didn't we have a big "Oh yeah, well...." blowout on this topic on the old board? I've quit smoking since then. Filthy smoker heathens.
carguy123 wrote: They also have impact upon the people around "the addict" who do not choose to use them.
So does driving a pre-catalytic car.
aircooled wrote: Given the right circumstance, car and driver, I will eventually pick one of those butts back up and throw it back into their car saying "hey, you dropped this" Obviously the circumstances have to be right. Leaning over and picking something up while on a bike on the street can be difficult.
A buddy of mine used to do this, often. He would pick up the cigarette, preferably lit, and flick it back into their lap or onto the passenger floor board. He said a judge would never convict him for "just giving back something someone had dropped". He was also a certified nut who had a bad back, was addicted to pain pills and eventually went diving in the keys and was eventually identified through DNA testing. Hanging out with Capt. Dave was ALWAYS interesting...
carguy123 wrote: It also hasn't been what you'd call 100% effective against murder, rape, bank robbery, cocaine, crack, etc., etc. so therefore you are saying we ought to not have laws against anything, right? Your argument is the equivalent of 2 kids arguing and when one can't think of anything to say so he says "Oh yea!" Tobacco products kill people. They also have impact upon the people around "the addict" who do not choose to use them.
How many places actually allow smoking anymore? In Huntsville I can think of two restaurants and the bars. And secondly I know second hand smoke is bad but how exactly is chewing tobacco impacting others. Maybe if it is spit on the ground but it certainly isn't as bad as stepping in chewing gum IMHO. There are lots of potential harmful things that people do all the time that are legal. Racing is dangerous and drivers and spectators die sometimes. Let's just make everyone live in little bubbles so they can never hurt themselves.
Also I don't smoke or dip and never have.
I'll just leave this here
NSFW and most of it has nothing to do with this. (skip to around :40 seconds to see why I posted it)
carguy123 wrote: Tobacco products kill people. They also have impact upon the people around "the addict" who do not choose to use them.
So do cars, clearly they should be illegal. You have an ability to avoid places where there will be smoke inside, and walking through a cloud of smoke outside isn't any different than standing near a cars exhaust.
Nobody is forcing you to smoke, so why should you be allowed to force people not to?
As far as spit goes, it's no different than the various fluids dribbled everywhere by random E36 M3box cars.
EastCoastMojo wrote: We don't need more laws, we need fewer shiny happy people.
One of the positives of smoking is that it can, over time, reduce the shiny happy person population if enough of them are encouraged to start.
The thing I get even less than flicking a butt out the window is when someone is standing somewhere smoking (usually outside a business), finishes the cigarette, drops it on the ground, grinds it a little with their foot and then walks away. It never ceases to amaze me. What the berkeley? It's okay to drop E36 M3 on the ground and just walk away? Do they think the butt is going to magically disappear?
Smokers are kind sharing people, letting the smoke out everywhere and spreading the ashes, and tossing butt to whomever wants it.
I watched a lady toss one out in a county park parking lot, I picked it up for her and put it on her passenger seat. I've had people toss them into my car and have them land in my lap. I pulled up next to that nice girl and thanked her for it.
My wonderful commute I go through some nice areas. All kinds of trash gets tossed. If I can I catch up and say "Thanks for keeping DC the E36 M3hole that it is"
People just don't give a E36 M3 about anything anymore. Nobody is considerate, they think nobody else is in the same situation as they are, and the world revolves around them. A favorite example of that was a guy who ran out a lane, drove through a median, to cut everyone off (very common on 295 crossing PA ave in DC) and said "Hey I gotta pick my kids up" I looked over at him and replied "Where the berkeley do you think I'm going?"
uh, Griz, those random fluids from cars might eventually cause cancer in significant quantities-but spit can carry all kinds of fun transmittable diseases and bacteria. I'd rather a car spit some oil on me than some tabbaccy juice from some random person.
I am not advocating making smoking or tobacco products illegal, but when the bar next door to the bike shop has an outdoor area for smoking, that is RIGHT NEXT TO our front door, it means that all of our (generally health conscious) customers have to wade through the plume of thick second hand smoke to get in our store. Then, when they open the door, a fair amount of the smoke gets pulled into the store, making the whole place smell like ass. The bike shop has been there since 1983, where as the bar/restaurant has been there about three years.
It sucks. And it has hurt our business. Then, to top it off, I regularly get to pick the beer glasses off our windowsill and sweep the butts back over to their side in the morning so they don't get tracked into the store as well. Makes me want to second hand wring some necks.
I field strip mine and drop them in the door pocket in my van.
As far as outlawing them, that's just what we need, more laws. They can outlaw alcohol while they are at it. I'm thinking DUI offenders kill you quicker, not to mention all the beer cans on the side of the road. Cause you know that worked out so well during prohibition. Oh and don't forget the guns, cause you know they kill people all the time. Not to mention that poisonous metal they spray all over the place. Need to outlaw them too.
Just love that crusader, holier than thou, attitude.
Here's a novel idea. How about we just enforce the laws we already have, like not littering.
Toyman01 wrote: I field strip mine and drop them in the door pocket in my van. As far as outlawing them, that's just what we need, more laws. They can outlaw alcohol while they are at it. I'm thinking DUI offenders kill you quicker, not to mention all the beer cans on the side of the road. Cause you know that worked out so well during prohibition. Oh and don't forget the guns, cause you know they kill people all the time. Not to mention that poisonous metal they spray all over the place. Need to outlaw them too.Just love that crusader, holier than thou, attitude.
Here's a novel idea. How about we just enforce the laws we already have, like not littering.
Don't bring logic into this argument.
Well here's my little story:
while stationed at a itty bitty Naval Air Station in the middle of nowheres, Texas, we had a co-worker who threw a lit / used cigarette butt out of his driver's window fly back into his car. And of course, he failed to notice that until he was able to smell the rear seat and carpets smoking. You can imagine, when a car is speeding down the road, it isn't easy to smell smoke in the back seat area.
I've also thought of returning a used butt to it's owner, an if need be, grounding it into the offenders door. But I lack the necessary ....well, you know.
To be honest, I don't find used butts littering the landscape nearly as nasty as folks who don't clean up when they take their dog for a walk. 99.9% of the population seems to think that as long as this "gift" is not left right in the middle of the sidewalk, then all is right with the world. I used to walk dogs for the Humane Society, and at least once a week I'd get a poor dog that had eaten something it didn't agree with...but ALL dogs we walked HAD to be cleaned up after. Folks get all bent out of shape if a strange WALKS on their lawn, but let their dogs crap anywhere? What's the big deal?
In reply to familytruckster:
If someone spits on you you knock out their teeth. I was talking more in line with the people complaining about folks spitting tobacco juice on zee ground.
You would have loved the face on the guy who was about to say something smart to me for returning his butt he dropped on the ground, especially when he noticed my uniform blues.
One of my favorite thing to pull on unwary litterbug smokers.
Not actually advocating banning smoking but I hate those who defend their right to smoke, what about my right to breath, and it doesn't affect your smoking either.
aussiesmg wrote: ...I hate those who defend their right to smoke...
I hate those that defend their "right" to smoke near ME. I really don't give a E36 M3 if they want to go lock themselves in a car somewhere and puff away until they are blue. I really don't care if they want to huff MEK as long as I don't have to. I am all about minding my own business until I have to "enjoy" it too.
EastCoastMojo wrote: I am not advocating making smoking or tobacco products illegal, but when the bar next door to the bike shop has an outdoor area for smoking, that is RIGHT NEXT TO our front door, it means that all of our (generally health conscious) customers have to wade through the plume of thick second hand smoke to get in our store. Then, when they open the door, a fair amount of the smoke gets pulled into the store, making the whole place smell like ass. The bike shop has been there since 1983, where as the bar/restaurant has been there about three years. It sucks. And it has hurt our business. Then, to top it off, I regularly get to pick the beer glasses off our windowsill and sweep the butts back over to their side in the morning so they don't get tracked into the store as well. Makes me want to second hand wring some necks.
I have found dirty diapers in the planters outside a service drive. Some people are real slimy turds.
MA$$hole wrote: Years ago while working at an Autozone I watched a customer leave a can next to his car & than come in the store. I subtly mentioned to him to not forget the item that fell as he got out of his car (even though he placed it there) as he was leaving. He clearly did not understand English because once back in his car he placed a McDonald's bag & other junk on the ground next to the car. I walked over to him just as he was backing up & knocked on the window while holding the trash & said "excuse me but I believe you dropped this getting into your vehicle". He didn't look amused as he took the trash from me. His girlfriend however thought it was rather funny.
I saw something similar a couple months ago. Car pulls up, driver gets out and flicks a cigarette and it lands in the nicely manicured bark mulch up against the building. A few minutes of smoldering and a small fire breaks out. One of the managers that worked there grabbed a bucket of water to put the fire out and gave the customer a good earfull afterwards.
The 'butt bucket' was about 5 feet away from where this guy parked.
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