well finally got a job. pay is terrible. hours are terrible. im a shift leader at a mazzios..... not a delivery driver(dont get me started on that one) but hey its a job. i can deal with having a job.
cool... welcome to the tax payers world ... and thank you VERY much for your continued contributions to the Social Security system... 'cause I'm 'bout ready to start living off the public dole
wb ive contribute enough 650000 taxable wages in last 10 years i think i have contributed my fair share.
KATYB wrote: wb ive contribute enough 650000 taxable wages in last 10 years i think i have contributed my fair share.
I thank you very much... as I said I'm gonna start taking 'stead of giving sometime between NOW and the next 2 yrs... my boss just doesn't realize how easy it'll be for me to say byebye....
OT somewhat: Heard a radio program recently and apparently nobody pays "their fair share" of Soc Security taxes anymore. The amount you put in the system ends up being on average ~100k, while the average soc security payout averages about $300k. So it's nowhere near a fair share any longer, costs are way over what we are paying.
That said, congrats on the job. It sucks to be unemployed.
This job is an opportunity. Smile no matter what, network. Show up 10 minutes early, keep your stuff clean and shiney, press your shirt.
This is a stepping stone.
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