Petition the White House
Any petition w/ greater than 25k votes is guaranteed a reply. Very interesting that the most popular (not in that order though) include:
- Abolish the TSA
- Legalize pot
- Forgive student loans
I wonder if anyone is really paying attention to them. I also notice you have to register and identify yourself to vote - which differs from just scribbling on a piece of paper some cute chick shoved under your nose at the mall. I wonder what sort of list one might end up on...
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
- Forgive student loans
I am sure the people who have paid off their loans would LOVE that!
aircooled wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
- Forgive student loans
I am sure the people who have paid off their loans would LOVE that!
Unless I get a big, fat check to reimburse me for all the loans I had to work my ass off to pay back, there better not be a snowball's chance in hell of that happening. I'd organize a riot that would make the Civil War look like a Peace Corps sit-in.
These are just petitions not bills or anything... I jut thought it was interesting that it was direct and online.
Ooo, ooo, can you do my mortgage?
I'm glad abolishing the TSA is important to other people as well.
I've been sharing NFA petitions with various places and I got the whole "you'll just end up on a gubmint list!" more times than I care to count.
4cylndrfury wrote:
- Limit number of terms for congressmen and senators to 1
I don't think that's as good of an idea as people think it is. It comes up now because current politicians only work for one goal: re-election. But I don't think it's a good idea to stop someone who's doing a good job from continuing to do so.
So what I'd like to see is conditional term limits. For example, all representatives lose re-electability should they ever fail to pass the annual budget by the time it's due. Any individual representative loses re-electability should their "present" votes every exceed their combined yays and nays. Things like that.
Now what I'd love to see is the abolition of rider clauses. Draft a bill, pass or fail it as written. And toss out line-item veto while you're in there.
ReverendDexter wrote:
But I don't think it's a good idea to stop someone who's doing a good job from continuing to do so.
There are 300 million people in the USofA. I think you'll be ok in finding "good" people to do the job. There is no reason to not have term limits.
At the very least, you guys NEED/MUST HAVE election campaign time limits as well as limit who can make contributions. We do one month up here, since you have a larger population, I'd say 2 months max.
Voting is term limits. Don't like 'em vote em out. BTW, Why is the President term limited and not Congress? Oh yeah, Congress came up with that one.
vwcorvette wrote:
Voting is term limits. Don't like 'em vote em out. BTW, Why is the President term limited and not Congress? Oh yeah, Congress came up with that one.
If that were a true statement, we will have a nearly complete congressional overhaul next election because of the 13% approval rating. How much you want to bet 80 - 90% stick around?
A party will not touch an incumbent and as we all know, a Dem will never vote for an R and a Rep will never vote for a D. So what do we have left over? The same d-bags that continually screw everything up
10/21/11 6:19 p.m.
As much as I'm for the forgiveness of student loans, the pandora's box it would open would be pretty scary.
I don't smoke pot (never have) but legalizing it and taxing the phish out of it would be insanely beneficial to the economy IMHO.
In reply to gamby:
I thought the forgiving student loans was way out of the question initially. But after finding that previous generations had thier tuitions heavily subsidized by the gov't, why shouldn't current students get the same break?
Of course that previous generation is the loudest voice critizing the occupy protestors. The old "we already got it, too bad for you" mantality...
10/21/11 6:41 p.m.
Cone_Junky wrote:
In reply to gamby:
I thought the forgiving student loans was way out of the question initially. But after finding that previous generations had thier tuitions heavily subsidized by the gov't, why shouldn't current students get the same break?
Of course that previous generation is the loudest voice critizing the occupy protestors. The old "we already got it, too bad for you" mantality...
My wife is 40 with $100k of student loans that will literally never get paid off. They were deferred for awhile while she wasn't making enough money but I think she's been paying in for 12 or so years.
Take all the outstanding student loans and total them up.
Review how much money was given to the big banks for bail outs.
Determine the percentage of the total bailout that each bank got.
Assign them to pay off the same percentage of outstanding student loans.
Problem solved.
the only people i blame for the burdensome student loans are the people that signed on the line to get them. when did every kid start to think that they deserved to go to the best schools halfway across the country when a local community college or the closest branch of the state college would serve them as well or better for a fraction of the cost? hell, there is no shame in not going to college at all and joining the work force and becoming a productive member of society without piling up a couple of nice houses and a decent new car's worth of student debt right out of school..
I feel no pain for student loans, did they not know what they were getting into? Evidently somebody brainwashed the young to believe college is the only way to succeed. For some reason trade schools are still overlooked. 
I understand the student loans. I am 41 and still have another 20,000 to go. It does not help that every couple of years I get the rug yanked out from under me and get laid off.
To be exact, I am mostly laid off again.. and was looking forwards to my best year yet.
And no, I did not go to some super duper college across the country. I went to a local college (not community, but one step up) to get a degree I have not used in 15 years
Novaderrik, I went Oklahoma State, my state school. With parents helping, I still racked up $20k in student loans.
But I'm paying mine and will be for awhile, it was a good investment, and I don't think any loans should be forgiven.
Sorry other kids weren't smart enough to think their degree in Latin or Leisure studies wasn't going to make them a millionaire.
Petition to stop using homeland security funds to seize imported vehicles, and change DOT EPA exemption to 15 years.
11/12/11 11:51 a.m.
Hmmm... apparently there are a lot of people who were smart enough to get a college degree who can't figure out what a stupid idea forgiveness of student loans would be. Nice.
I paid mine. And my wife's.
vwcorvette wrote:
Voting is term limits. Don't like 'em vote em out. BTW, Why is the President term limited and not Congress? Oh yeah, Congress came up with that one.
Yeah, term limits are not such a hot idea. And if people really wanted them out, they'd vote them out. It's just one of those things that people who lost want so people who won can't vote the way they want to.
11/12/11 5:28 p.m.
Forgiving students loans makes me shake my head. It seems that people think that the money lost will just turn to dust. The reality is the debt will be turned over to the tax payers who didn't incur the debt. Wow that sound totally fair. Maybe if I was baked it would make more sense.
Maybe people should be more concerned with the colleges milking students and their parents.
lizard wrote:
ReverendDexter wrote:
But I don't think it's a good idea to stop someone who's doing a good job from continuing to do so.
Can you name one doing a good job?
Dunno, but when we vote out the old ones and get a crew of new ones they sure seem to get worse instead of better.
My Congressman was elected in '94 running on term limits of six years. He's currently gearing up for his 9th re-election campaign. WTF???