Yesterday I dropped my phone and shattered the screen. First off, I have insurance on it through the carrier. Hopefully it will be covered without too much sodomy from the deductible. If not, I'm likely to just get it fixed. Should I just trust the repair kiosk in the mall? Any estimates on cost? Phone is an iPhone 6 that is 2.5 years old but still in otherwise perfect condition.
Sucks that it's a 6- where taking it apart is a little harder than a 5- as I've dug into my 5 for a few fixes. And after the initial fear of opening it up passes, it's pretty easy.
Maybe check some videos on line to see how it's done.
If you have the insurance, go that route.
The mall can easily and effectively do it but once they do they have voided the phone in a way that may also make the insurance not valid either.
Further advice: Once its fixed outside of the insurance either by the mall or by yourself then drop the insurance.
Get yourself a repair kit.
Simple and very cheap to do yourself. My wife fixed her screen herself recently. It was like $25 for the kit. She is not mechanically adept.
Just keep in mind that Apple doesn't sell spare parts to third parties other than their authorized repair shops so any screen you'll get is either a refurbished one from a duff phone or a usually not very good part of questionable provenance.
BoxheadTim wrote: Just keep in mind that Apple doesn't sell spare parts to third parties other than their authorized repair shops so any screen you'll get is either a refurbished one from a duff phone or a usually not very good part of questionable provenance.
Would it be better than what he has now?
Yeah, I used an Amazon screen kit that was like $20 with the necessary tools on DD#2's iP4. Took about 20 minutes going very carefully, and it worked great for another couple years. If you go that route, get one that comes with the touchscreen already integrated.
That being said, this is exactly why you bought insurance in the first place.
The insurance will probably give me a new refurbished 6 or 6s. I was hoping to see how long this will last me. Presently the screen is covered with packing tape and it is working fine.
Brian wrote: The insurance will probably give me a new refurbished 6 or 6s. I was hoping to see how long this will last me. Presently the screen is covered with packing tape and it is working fine.
That's way smarter than me cutting my finger on my shattered screen for 4 days while waiting for my new screen.
I got a glass screen protector on my 6+ and shut the phone in the trunk hanging over weatherstripping (was using for flashlight) and the glass protector broke but saved my screen. They're $1 at dollar tree.
In reply to patgizz:
However this gets fixed, it is going back in a new speck candy shell with a tempered glass protector afterwards. I'm currently using a tech 21 and it popped out of the case on impact.
One bit of amusement was that it was hard to see what text thread I was in, so I sent a mushy love you text to my friend instead of my wife this morning. He sent back a gif of James Franco making a kissy face.
I've replaced 30+ phone screens. I would go against the advice of doing it yourself.
My last phone I spent 60 on a new screen, and cracked it during install. iPhone 6's are not easy. there's too many things to go wrong, and ruining your phone wouldn't save you any money.
I think if it were me, I'd give it a try and then if it didn't work, get a new phone. That being said I recently took apart a macbook pro that had been getting hotter and hotter and then stopped working. I cleaned out the dust, re-did the thermal paste on the heat sink and put it all back together and it still doesn't boot up. I did however buy a cool set of little tools to take it apart including the silly triangle shaped bit needed to remove the battery. They pack a lot of stuff into a macbook, and the stuff crammed into a smartphone is even crazier.
I also do not have insurance on my phone. If I paid for insurance, I would use it and not mess with it.
It turns out the coverage on my phone was dropped. Everything with the phones and plans is my wife's domain. I may take it in when I get a chance, unless we decide to upgrade.
My tablet has taken over most advanced tasks for now. Still not liking droid, but I'm making due. About the only droid I would consider is a Motorola for the motor mods, primarily the Hassleblad camera. But that would involve changing carriers and an entire mess.
Also, coming from ios, berk droid auto correct. It is a pain to work around or try to force something through.
Right now, I'm using my wife's old iphone because my moto decided to boot loop 2 weeks after purchase. I hate it. I despise the keyboard, i despise how all the icons are on the front screen. Counting down the time before my motorola g5 arrives.
I haven't fixed it yet but I may be getting a cheap used 6 from a friend. It's either a 64 or 128gb with possible battery issues. Time to wait and see how this goes down.
Brian wrote: It turns out the coverage on my phone was dropped. Everything with the phones and plans is my wife's domain. I may take it in when I get a chance, unless we decide to upgrade. My tablet has taken over most advanced tasks for now. Still not liking droid, but I'm making due. About the only droid I would consider is a Motorola for the motor mods, primarily the Hassleblad camera. But that would involve changing carriers and an entire mess.
What carrier are you on? I was under the understanding that the Moto Z and Z2 Play (the one with the mods) were usable on all carriers.
Also, install SwiftKey if you haven't already, makes a world of difference.
Apple charges $129 to replace the screen. I would stick with an Apple replacement. Saving $30 or so isn't worth it to me, and I've seen the replacement screens in use and they're not as nice as the Apple screen. The touch screens are also not as good. (Less accurate, especially around the border of the screen.)
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